Mary Matilin of Bush 41 & James Carville of Clinton 42
so juicy you just get one peak today in my bra cap*
Alright sweet meats, tis the threshold of another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I presume if I informed you in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter that the forces behind the publication of Rush Limbaugh's award cheating book, were Mockingbird's wing of leftist CBS Inc., as a very own Right wing minder publishing arm of Simon & Schuster, which was set up under THRESHOLD PUBLISHING, that you would be stunned of this information, and that the person behind this "Katherine told me to write a kid's book", is none other that New World Order's George H. W. Bush's most pretty skirt in Mary Matalin.
You remember Mary caught at the Republican Convention yawning on camera, that all things Bush was boring, and how she is married to chief attack dog of the Clinton Administration, James Carville. The same Carville who is heading up Hillary Clinton's 2016 media platform.
This only builds to more interesting realities when one knows the major broadcast networks were all turned over to the big conglomerates to indoctrinate each person with a better cash flow management of the old Mockingbird CIA propaganda machine in league with MK ULTRA.
For starters, the Limbaugh award is...........
The Children's Book Council is nothing but INDUSTRY publishers of Mockingbird. This is nothing about children, but like Disney which is one of the sodomite retailers worldwide, pimping children, and putting an award on it to make it respectable, like Obama's Nobel Prize, so he could run Murder Incorporated around the globe.
Carolyn Reidy CEO for CBS of Simon & Schuster
Threshold according to Wikipedia was set up in response to gain "right wing market control" as Penguin Books and Random House, had started their own market ventures.
What we have here is not a failure to communicate, but a dam of communication where the minders are only allowing those books to be published by a select group to tool a message to manipulate the public in both diversion and conditioning of message.
You will note from Jerome Corsi's books which are cut and paste like the Mark Levin books, that this is the trademark of this "information" which reads like a Google search engine.
This is the cast of "conservative imprint" as you are termed at S & S.
Abie Zidle is a romance pulper, Mitchell Ivers does Kennedy books and Kathy Sagan's authors include General Richard Myers of the Bush 41 group who was in bed with CBS's Dan Rather in keeping Abu Gharib off the front press for a number of months.
Threshold Editions is an imprint of Simon & Schuster— the publishing division of CBS Corporation— specializing in conservativenon-fiction.[1]Louise Burke is the publisher, Anthony Ziccardi is the deputy publisher, and the imprint's senior editors include Mitchell Ivers, Kathy Sagan, and Abby Zidle.[1]Mary Matalin is its editor-in-chief.[2]
Threshold was launched in 2005 after Penguin Group and Random House started their own conservative imprints, Sentinel HC and Crown Forum.[2]Authors
The imprint's authors include Glenn Beck, Christopher Buckley, Reid Buckley, Lynne Cheney, Mary Cheney, Jerome Corsi, Catherine Crier, S.E. Cupp, Jerry Doyle, Burton W. Folsom, Jr., Sean Hannity, Brian Jennings, David Kupelian, Arthur B. Laffer, Mark R. Levin and his father Jack Levin, George Melloan, Stephen Moore, Karl Rove, Herman Cain,[1] and Dick Cheney.[1][3]
I originally started this venture attempting to track down just who it was who ghost wrote Rush Revere, as Limbaugh admitted it after it was posted here that his book was Bill Ayers ghost writing for Obama. There is the realty that there were illustrators for this book, and as was noted here at the CBC awards, that no one in the industry in writers or illustrators were thanked by Limbaugh or Threshold.
In doing a search, other illustrators are thanked, but the conspiracy behind the Limbaugh book is a pen curtain of pulp silence.
Just who was employed in this, and what is the operation in this, in this Al Sharpton type minder group for those on the right as Mr. Sharpton herds the black population for the image of Obama.
Many 2008 Conservative Obama Backers, or ObamaCons... 4, 2012 - Back in 2008, Barack Obama boasted the support of more than 40 ... son of conservative patron saint William F. Buckley, Christopher Buckley, ...The Daily BeastSorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama - The Daily Beast 10, 2008 - As for Senator Obama: He has exhibited throughout a “first-class temperament ... Read about Chris Buckley's parting of ways with The National ...The Daily Beast
If you bother to look at the "authors" above, you have a list of Mormons wanting to split the GOP, attacking Nevada ranchers, Buckley Obama voters, pro Cheney sodomite advocates and the psychological orchestrators like Jerome Corsi by training and vocation, with a few salted in like Sean Hannity to have you believe FOX is not pro Obama balanced all of the time.
Sacre de merde, Rush Limbaugh, baiserlechien dansla fenêtreetexposerMockingbirdsur un livredelavage de cerveau.
Je suiscertain que lecontrôleappréciecela.
Now you know part of what has been hidden away.
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