As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Natural philosophers stone is Tellurinium.
A brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulphur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold.
Tellurium is the only metal which has hitherto been found in nature in actual chemical combination with gold. It also occurs in a native state, and, combined with other metals, forming tellurides.
Cox, S. Herbert (Samuel Herbert). Prospecting for minerals
You could invest a billion hours or a billion dollars and not receive what the above is in explaining the alchemists secrets.
Gold is a by product of certain metamorphic and igneous events of earth function, just as crude oil is a by product of mixing carbon heat and pressure, sometimes you get coal. sometimes oil, sometimes gemstones. When one mixes elements in conjuction with silica, sulphure or pyrites, one has a by product of gold. If one incorporates the key elements to make gold, then one has nuggets and veins of gold.
Tellurinium is a nutural 'glue' or Philosopher's Stone in association with gold, but it will not maintain gold in stable form as this type of "gold" degrades.
Once again, this is the only source in this in the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter. By Inspiration I am telling you how this God cookbook works in the crafting of God light in the physical reflection into materials.
There is a recipe for gold, and gold is a common by product of the three known recipes.
The greatest mind to make Newton look primate and no one gets the gemstone of the Lame Cherry in all she reveals for the advancement of humanity in the hidden knowledge.
At least most of the idiots have stopped questioning me as it only exposes them as complete idiots.
Yes it is possible to make gold in volume by these recipes.