As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In research and inquiry, I have been assembling the unwritten history of those behind the violation of American Constitutional Law set down by George Washington, to reveal how America was transformed from a Republic estranged from foreign entanglements to a feudal assassination state of the 21st century, now bent on the genocide of Americans.
It all evolves around that 1897 period in which the Gentleman's Agreement was signed by interests in Great Britain, France and America for the Genocide of Christian Germans to remove them as a competitor to the world order.
None of these hideous people ever put their names to things, and worked through conduits, but you see manifestations of their workings the King of England outwardly ordering the encirclement of Germany to destroy her by seige before a war was even declared. The German Kaiser was the King of England's literal family and that is what was being engaged in was fratricide, and America was to supply the knives and army for this heinous mass crime.
I have been following three key figures in this on the American side.
1. William Jennings Bryan
2. Henry Ford
3. William Randolph Hearst
These three are most interesting as Bryan was the Democratic nominee for three election cycles which led up to the heinous Woodrow Wilson being installed to the White House, who actually carried out the beginning of the German genocide.
Ford was the American industrialist who from day one, came out against the extermination of Germans. He composed the factual political assessment in this called the International Jew, which was an expose' of Marxist Ashkenaz embarked on a global scheme of world domination in a cartel, which you know today as the New World Order.
It is amusing to still read the vehement smears against Henry Ford, the American Patriot in his outing this conspiracy, in the last propaganda now has him "suffering from mental disorders" to try and explain all of this reality of World Communism away.
Hearst was the newspaper mogul, who invented Yellow Journalism. He was the source of the instigation in propaganda for starting the Spanish American War in 1898. This is telling in the fact that the Gentleman's Agreement was signed in 1897, and immediately America went to war on the propaganda that the USS Maine was sunk at Cuba which was a Spanish possession.
Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were the bribe to Americans to get them involved in the German Genocide.
William Randolph Hearst's political candidate in these elections was William Jennings Bryan.
With all of these smoking guns in Theodore Roosevelt and his son Ted, literally name Hearst, Bryan and Ford as their antagonists, something strange takes place in all of this after the Spanish American War booty is gathered.
President William McKinley and his successors, Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft, do not move to assist in starting the German Genocide, while Britain, Russia, and France are constantly trying to erupt war with Germany in ruses and intrigue.
Roosevelt though by 1917 is denouncing Henry Ford, William Hearst and Willam Bryan, because they are completely against American involvement in a foreign war as George Washington Doctrine forbid the American Government from.
This becomes even more interesting as the Sec. of State for the "internationalist" Woodrow Wilson was William Jennings Bryan, and he literally resigned over America going to war in Europe, as he was that completely against it.
Mr. Hearst as this progressed past the beginning of German Genocide in World War I, supported communist sympathizer Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930's to be President, but just as soon withdrew from supporting FDR when Roosevelt was once again manipulating America to a second war for German Genocide.
Mr. Hearst in his later years, having apparently learned his lesson, became the staunchest anti communists in leading the movement against that 5th column in America, much like Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon rose to, along with Senator Joseph McCarthy who was assassinated over his crusade against communist infiltration in America, and as President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union informed the press, "Joe McCarthy set us back decades in what we were doing".
Theodore Roosevelt makes it plain though he is for Americanism, and against these Internationalists as Woodrow Wilson was fomenting for the global order. While Teddy Roosevelt was involved in the Jekyl Island banking scheme for the Federal Reserve, he appears not aware of it's meaning, but only focused upon the use of that monetary fund to raise America to superpower status.
This seems to be the manipulated push which thrust Teddy Roosevelt into antagonism against Hearst, Bryan and Ford, in Roosevelt desired an Anglo American led world, which has now been obliterated by internationalist Barack Hussein Obama Chin's world order.
In addition to this ignorance of Theodore Roosevelt in being a tool of the German Genocide in thinking it was a war to save the "American way of life", when Germany had abolutely no power to invade America or England, there is the reality that socialist traitor Woodrow Wilson, according to Roosevelt had to be prodded to do more than send lip service to the Great European War.
There was absolutely no preparation for the military or funding. Wilson was a rather Obama deluded occupant of the White House who enjoyed political theory of world orders in conversation, but no direct contact for American profit.
It would require the staged event of the reflagging of the British ship, Lusitania, to an American flag, with more propaganda headlines to sway Americans into a war, which none of them desired, to move Wilson to begin his treacherous process of lying to Americans and then lying to Germans to destory that nation in peace talks.
William Randolph Hearst suffered a great deal in the backlash of this, in cities refused to carry his papers which were simply restating the George Washington mandate of no foreign entanglements for American forces.
Mr. Hearst would have an ally in World War II, in American Hero Charles Lindbergh of Minnesota in his Spirit of St. Louis fame, being against that war. Franklin Roosevelt would neutralize Mr. Lindbergh in not even allowing him to join the military after the war started.
Those were the types of intrapolitical drama distracting America from what she was being maneuvered into, and by actions, private letters, there appears no one from Presidents, moguls to Heroes who had any idea this Gentleman's Agreement was what was behind all of this.
Henry Ford, William Jennings Bryan and Willam Randolph Hearst were all involved in this, and were castigated for trying to stop it.
Theodore Roosevelt and the Henry Cabot Lodge set were all involved in this, and driving the war forward from a jingoist passion, but appear to not have the slightest clue the Gentleman's Agreement was behind it all.
Theodore Roosevelt's son, Major Ted Roosevelt was part of this war from first to last, but except for some self deluded statements in trying to make the Germans into beasts to remove the guilt for killing them, he expresses nothing of German Genocide, but is focused on getting home and creating a standing Army for a complete Americanization of Americans to lock step dictate to the world.
His hints of fraternity with French socialists and the British, reveal he had been indoctrinated in this three group rule, but his focus was on American domination first and last.
The evidence of above is that Hearst, Ford, Bryan and Roosevelt had no inkling of the agreed to German Genocide and Amerian involvement. Woodrow Wilson seemed to grow into the role of heinous brute in treachery against American and Germany, this was evolved into a more macbre demon seed in Franklin Delano Roosevelt who deepened the Great Depression as an attack on America, and force the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, so he could willinging finish the German Genocide.
The shadows of the masters of all of this remain hidden as today, as one notes the puppets by actions moving about the stage, but how it harkens back to Jekyl Island in the Federal Reserve when American finance was taken over by European finance.
The front men are the names you recognize in Rockefeller and Morgan on the American side, and Rothschild in the European group, who all answer to that faceless aristocracy practicing a satanism upon the paddock of their world in the stock of humans.
Henry Ford was sane and absolutely correct in exposing the internationalists, as these Marxist Ashkenaz elite were bragged over by Mother Rothschild in no war started, except her sons were making profit on both sides.
William Jennings Bryan was one of the few American political heroes in actually resigned as Sec. of State rather than violate the Washington Doctrines, as much as William Randolph Hearst refused to allow America to be dragged into a heinous war of German Genocide.
These three men were all punished for this, and are still being smeared for it. It is though part of the more complete history which the Lame Cherry ascribes to in bringing the real history to you, instead of the fiction you are being brainwashed by.
"Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and she has nothing to do but to trade with them."
- Thomas Paine 1774-1779
That American Mandate has been violated, since 1914 at the great destructive cost to America for a century.
"America is Yankee Traders and not goddamned police state assassins!"
- Lame Cherry