The Obama Hell
With the assisted passing of Birther Hussein Obama Chin this past June and the corpse's subsequent storage in a Chicken Entree box by Val-erie Jarrett, there should be another Lame Cherry exclusive in...
View ArticleBlasphemers and Apostates
Ho Ho Whore Humbug, it is not any more a matter if the Winter Solstice being converted into a Christ Mass by the Universal religion of Rome, but now the deniers of Christ are the ones removing Him His...
View ArticleA More Perfect Gulag
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......Political manipulation of the stupid masses who all believe they are enlightened is nothing new in the American politic.The entire...
View ArticleA Nation of Game Players
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.The study at this moment is the teaching of a reality, in a warning to America from President Theodore Roosevelt to his son, Ted, which honestly...
View ArticleHiro
Odd is it not that a black President was in Heroes.........Odd that Dell was a sponsor for Heroes and suddenly disappeared like all of Dell about the Obama time and suddenly it was all...
View ArticleThe Cockchafer
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.In the Japanese Civil War which removed the Tycoon or Shogun from power, an interesting chain of events took place which has been neglected in...
View ArticleA President at Play
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Theodore Roosevelt after his long career set about to assemble a series of letters to his children which he had composed constantly over the...
View ArticleChristmas Pudding
For someone who consumed candy as a food group, I always had a problem as a child in frosting and fudge being too sweet in literally gagging me. I do enjoy fudge, but it puzzles me my early reaction to...
View ArticleThe Execution
In the diplomatic works of the British there is an eye witness account of the ceremonial suicide known as Harikari for criminals against the State in Japan. I will post below the account as it is most...
View ArticleA White House Christmas
From the personal letters of President Theodore Roosevelt is one to the grandson of James A. Garfield, who was a child, but had sent President Roosevelt a present, to which the President replied.I...
View ArticleBenedict Arnold
One of the most interesting of characters in American history is Benedict Arnold. On one hand he was the hero of battles performing bravely beyond brave, and on the other he was nothing but a base...
View ArticleSide Saddle Politics
I ponder at times the English in the riding of caste which permeated into the American east coast, and then was beaten into them by European riding instructors again in the most satanic awful way of...
View ArticleThe Heart of the Orient
Below is posted a Patriotic Poem from Japan in the 19th century, upon the execution of Japanese troops who had fired upon French troops in killing them.I wonder as the Spartan faded to the mysts of...
View ArticleWisdom of Teddy
Common Sense is a virtue which overrides all forms of education, and in it, I always am fond of reading the assessments of others who have attained by God's Grace great stations in life due to...
View ArticleSandy Hooked
I am tired of putting together pieces as no one can and no one ever will.Adam Lanza is in new propaganda a person of interest who does not match the profile of a serial executioner.His process was one...
View ArticleOnly one crank in the Shaft
President Theodore Roosevelt survived being shot by an assassin, but in his personal letters to his children there is an interesting story which took place at his Uncle's funeral.In typical Teddy...
View ArticleLand of the Rising Sun
Back in the day, the Japanese royals kept their own entertainment of actors. A meal with the Prince might be saki, always warm, for if it was cold, it was a sign that not much was to be consumed and...
View ArticleIt is what it is
Lanza said humans were "glorified animals" with a "flawed faculty of judgment."Adam Lanza That amazing world of Adam Lanza was one which the experts all got it wrong with Dr. Phil moneymaker disoders...
View ArticleFriends not Forgotten
I wonder of friends.I place a short note of Theodore Roosevelt before you, for an interesting proof of who the man was. No matter his station in the White House, there before him with lunch was his old...
View ArticleThe Geisha
Ernest Mason Satow as a child dreamed of the orient and especially Japan. By God's Grace, he embarked after answering a civil service advertisement for interpreters to Japan, upon the career which he...
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