With the assisted passing of Birther Hussein Obama Chin this past June and the corpse's subsequent storage in a Chicken Entree box by Val-erie Jarrett, there should be another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in explaining the situation now with the Fang Jinn, the image of Birther Hussein occupying the White House.
A demon is the negative or opposite emotion of God. Meaning, that where God is Love, a demon is hate. Where God is Peace, a demon is chaos.
The Obama circle now is finding a cavern there around this Fang Jinn, as it's resonant frequency is something which has appeal to this regime's workers. The Jinn sounds like they do in their off key souls, so it has a form of validating them and there is an odd form of comfort for the humans there. There is no energizing from the Jinn, but there is a spiritual sado masochism, so to speak, in the darkness this thing projects is the darkness and soul rip these humans are attracted to and understand.
If you can fathom this, as I know that most people have seared themselves to not feeling the spiritual tear which America now is in the hundreds of millions of people, alive and dead, who are in agony and anguish in this Obamaland, voided now of Christ at 1600 Penn Avenue. If you "feel" America for a moment, this distress of the millions of traumatized tears causes the normal human to recoil from it, as a scream in pain is nothing attractive to a normal person, but what you are feeling is exactly how all of these Obama regime appointees feel inside. This American Hell is what is going on inside these dead souls, and it is what is projecting out and America has become.
This is the heart of them, and they now have a national primal scream to match the one coming from inside them, and they understand this, and think this abnormal is the way things should be. For the first time, America is finally feeling exactly like they feel in a sound of raped hearts bleeding poisonous agony.
All of this horror which is America, class warfare, racial hatred, fears of all sorts, the looking for death, is what the Obama regime inhabitants not only feel familiar with, but they find great comfort in this jagged edge tear. America at peace, prosperous and free, is what this group has been protesting over for a generation as that light of liberty made them uncomfortable as it was not them inside. This self exterminating, poverty stricken and enslaved people is what this group of degenerates are not only comforted by, but aroused by as it makes them euphoric, is finally the America they feel at home in.
In the projection of this, is the demonic rulers, which relish the morbid condition of America. It is not death they seek, but the perpetual edge of death for an entire nation, as that is where the true misery of company creates a power surge which pleasures the demonic.
Americans, being enhanced Spiritually as children of Israel with the Holy Ghost in the midst, are a reservoir
which thoroughly fills an unsatiable cauldron. This is the misfit of America, and where anxiety, depression and suffering are the diagnosis of an unhappy person or an ailing society, it is exactly the rationed death which this regime and their demonic order have nurtured from Day One.
When Mr. Obama Chin, deepened the 2008 crash to a perpetual Obama Super Depression, it was not just for the overthrow of America, but this slow torture is exactly what Barack Obama was aroused by. Sadistic humans, looking for revenge for being born and not aborted, inflict upon others in thee most heinous of ways. Birther Obama has a myriad of direct terrorist actions in plundering American for a Super Depression, polluting GOP Gulf States with oil, flooding GOP Missouri River states, causing droughts and floods by weather modification are but a few examples of how Birther Obama fed with relish his soul on the misery index of others.
There was never need to visit people in agony from storms or mishap, because Obama wanted those peoples to suffer as much as they could. When it was a national gash, as at Sandy Hook, then Mr. Chin would be immediately in the midst of the tear as that is what he relished in knowing that others were in worse agony than he was.
At the present, the reality is the Fang Jinn relishes all which is taking place. There is no need to degrade in more draconian policies, as this is about that edge of managed horror where millions of people tormented constantly become a national hell. There is an appeal to this, as God's Promised Land of America, has now been by the people being too trusting and the people espousing a form of morality when they are absolute sinners in condoning abominations, has been changed to a hell on earth......while thee worst tormenters in the Mockingbird minders hold out hope that all will be made right in the next election or if the effort is made for the next 50 years.
Sodom, Nineveh, Canaan, Babylon and Rome prove one thing. There is no recovery for such debauched peoples as they are spiritually seared. God's remedy is to destroy the masses and pull out the remnant few, and that is the Prophetic message of the Bible.
I close now this exclusive in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter and to the non donor rich, this is all heaping coals upon your heads.