Ho Ho Whore Humbug, it is not any more a matter if the Winter Solstice being converted into a Christ Mass by the Universal religion of Rome, but now the deniers of Christ are the ones removing Him His Namesake.
I do not care nor does it matter that Jesus was not born in December. What matters is this satanic onslaught led by blasphemers from the Obama White House to Jews in their Temple rededicaton days, Negroid Kwanza or the host of deniers who dish out presents under the blood of Americans who fought for Christmas and are now nothing but the money whores turning a Christian celebration into lucre.
Christmas had absolutely no character until the German Israelites of the Tribe of Joseph began the melding of the bringing in of the Assyrian groves and decorating them for life which became Christmas trees. It was the Anglo Germans who had the base for all which America and the world holds dear in taking the Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward men, and based it in charity, celebration, manifestations of objects like Christmas trees and those wonderful German and Anglo Christmas songs noting that God sent His Son to the world to die and take up His Life again so all who professed Christ as their personal Savior would join with God in that Life.
If the Jew wants Hannakah, which Jesus did indeed observe and will be the last High Day that Jesus fulfills, then let them rebuild the Temple, instead of being sinful, divorced from God blasphemers who are the reason that B. Hussein Obama was installed in the White House.
The same goes for the nonsense of Kwanz, happy turban day or whatever is satanist.
The apostates who say, "I have no problem with other observances" had better read that Bible and know that God does have a massive problem with all that denial of Christ. That denial brings about the death of nations as history proves.
As stated, I know that the Christ mass is based upon paganism, and is an abomination to God, but for the reality of this in false messiahs and Jinns in the White House, and now all this Happy Holidays blasphemy, it is not Christ's Name under attack and that is something which matters to a real Christian.
I will not say WISH you a Merry Christmas and I will not say Happy Holidays as that is blasphemy in noting all the other false religions of satan. This is about Christ and it is Christmas. It no longer matters about any of the paganism, but it matters about Jesus being denied, and that is a major national sin which America and the western peoples are going to be repaid for.
I repeat in this in God repaying, as in all these idols, blasphemy, not removing false religions, putting in false messiahs and removing Christ is going to be repaid by God.
The last time God repaid the children of Israel, it was the brutal removal of two kingdoms in Israel and Judah, and it was people skinned alive, babies ripped from wombs, mass rape, mass enslavement and mass exile.
It was the miniature version of the Great Tribulation and the reckoning is coming for every enabling apostate not standing up for Christ against the Happy Holiday brood and it is national reckoning for every blasphemer in all those whore religions God obliterated under the boots of Assyrians and Babylonians.
"For unto us a child is born............" does not mean unto us a turban is worn, unto us an Afroid is given nor unto us a Hannakah is observed. Hannakah is a celebration of the reality of a people so cast off from God for being sinners that they had to fight to just worship God, and once they made league with the Greeks, you can figure out what happened when Jesus did arrive and this same group slaughtered Christ as it was expedient that Jesus should die so the nation would not.
Big news, as in 70 AD, Jerusalem was pulverized along with Herod's Temple by Rome as Jesus was vanquished and Christianity spread about the globe for the salvation of mankind.
That is what Christmas is about, Salvation and the denial of salvation by the apostate and the blasphemer. It matters because this is about taking Christ away which is the great sin.
A Christmas Carol was not about sexing 70 virgins after blowing up people. Joy to the World is not about lard potato balls and Christmas is not Kwanza.
I am telling these peoples to repent as God will visit this blasphemy and apostatism upon the entire western peoples. It is thee most disgusting thing to have perverted the greatest outpouring of Love from God, in the greatest artistic creations in celebration of Jesus birth and the greatest national movements to remembering dead Temples, a pagan Africanism and a turban and burkah clan which denies Christ and worships a moon diety of doom.
I pray for the return of Christ to establish His Kingdom on earth and to repay all of these satanic pustules festering the Peace on earth with the sore of their plagued souls.
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (harpsichord, audio only) - YouTube
Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by Martine Mussies
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (harpsichord, audio only) ... J.S. Bach Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord...