My children, this is to the person who did not appreciate the reality of what was posted today, after repeated warnings of the donations not being sent by the rich. Of course, there are the ignorant who pontificate on the subject in lecturing at me by saying they do not lecture in not having a clue what is being worked out here, but this is to the person who was quite furious as he was reading about the reality of curses in what took place in his family.
This is a teaching lesson for all, and the furious man who I read today when his presence spiked into my Spiritual world.
This person is a dad. Has in the monetary range of 100 plus million dollars. Married, 28 and turning 29, and has a 10 year old daughter.
....and no I did not do a intelligence check on this person. I inquire and I know.
When this blog started making the point of donations in what was stolen here, and the reality that the rich should stop expecting the poor to pay for their saving knowledge found here, this rich man, shrugged it off in arrogance as all people do who are powerful and wealthy, as they think they can get away with things like mocking me, but God hears it all.
This man is in the blame process of blaming me for his actions he was warned of. I could be here and not divulge any of this, but that would solve nor serve nothing, as this is about teaching in cause and effect, as every person is responsible, and the responsibility is upon them for what takes place, and not the messenger here.
People are always looking to blame or hate someone else, as psychologically people will not take the responsibility that it is their actions which caused what took place.
When the donation situation was rejected, that opened the door to the curse. Either one is blessing me and being blessed or one is cursing me and being cursed. That Promise was placed on Abraham and it holds for all of the God's own.
I reside in Christ's Light. I do not wish, as wishing is a spell that requires consumptive payment in nature or compounded debt in the demonic. There is not darkness in the work the Lord performs through me. Much is being worked out and 100 million dollar dads are like all in the process of learning there is cause and effect.
Once the curse was activated, satan entered in to the process. satan is a destroyer and satan also operates on the perameters afforded to it by the human speaking.
I have written of people should not be wishing. St. James warned every Christian to get control of their tongue as with it, it speaks good and evil. When a dad sees a child eating candy and informs them, "That will make you sick", that is vocalization of an event put into the process by the command of speech.
satan takes speech like that as the destroyer and in this case that candy did inflame the pancrease and initiated diabetes in the daughter. Hence the fury of the dad, and of course incorrectly blaming me, when I am not the one who dishonored me by cursing me and I am not the one who informed the child with a curse that candy would make them sick, and satan was given avenue to operate in, all due to arrogance and thinking that being young, rich and powerful, protects you in a world where the principalites are making war in the spiritual.
This same blame is the thing God has heaped upon Him constantly by people demanding free will which God gives to them, and they are busy cursing themselves and opening doors for satan to destroy them and the families God gave to be protected by them.
People create their own problems by not keeping their mouths shut before blurting things out, and when their commands come to be, they are then furious in finding others to blame as they are frightened.
I have taught of this and I have warned of this. The ignorant will seize upon the "poor child" and demand healing as the ignorant would be furious in blaming others for their own actions.
John Wayne in a movie had a line he spoke to prisoners in his custody as he lay with a cocked shotgun pointed at them sleeping, "If you do not like punishment, do not commit the crime".
In the case of the 10 year old, it is the reality of what was warned here in, people who have intiated the cause and effect should not expect at death's door for me to ride in and undo all they have done. There are forces at work in things in motion staying in motion. Sometimes the best that can be accomplished is a lessened blow. More times than not it is David having an innocent child dead for his conduct and learning to take responsibility for his adultery and murder, so the next child would live.
What does a rich man learn when a child is sick or dying? Jesus faced this reality and when healing a child, it is nowhere recorded the rich man tracked Jesus down and offered up a fortune. No Jesus was left to rot on the cross by all He helped. It was a rich man though in Joseph who did step up, but then he was a moral man among the many immoral.
I have warned that I can intervene if rules are met. Telling me to starve and for Tiger Lily to starve with me in being content is a sentence of murder. Some how it is all to be forgotten the attacks upon me in cracked bones, ripped linings, dead livestock, destroyed crops, sick animals, that all of the curses heaped at me over these years, as I'm just supposed to take it.
No, the rules are the rules. You can not buy me, but you can appease me, and for that I would intercede with God, and as with David, it is up to God to be Merciful or to keep revisiting in the Consuming Flame until you are no more.
I warned you people and told you people to go away, but in your arrogance you pissed on me in smugness. You entered my world, a Spiritual domain where I have a God Who is Jealous of me for I am a conduit of His Workings as God has things going on beyond what the mind of people can fathom.
I though now have other duties to perform as someone's evil words have caused more problems here which are now my priority.
Oh and for all your holier than thou types, you have your chosen demons you nurture in thinking you can handle them, but I am afflicted as is TL by all your damned natures in these demons are a minefield of destruction that trip in my life constantly like Claymore concussions and I have to deal with it all silently and not send the lot of you to hell.
Magnify your chosen maladies by a hundred thousand in a constant barrage. That is my existence and then have the always experts telling me to be content with what I have.
You try my existence on for a moment and see if it does not crush you in that moment. You can not even manage your own demons and you dare to blame me for it or offer advice. Go back to Limbaugh and all of that as they will tell you the lies of how bright you are and how wonderful you are in generosity as you in bliss await your end with all your kind.
I gave you God's Rules. I warned you of God's Consequences and you still mocked me and thought this had no rules. I have told you how to lessen the blow and attempt a resolution.
Your responsibility as I have surpassed mine in service here to the ungrateful claymations thinking you are all gods.
It will not be nuff said as you will never learn and I will have to repeat it as you think you are above reading the directions.
Humble yourselves the way you have humiliated me. Start with that.
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