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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

Like most people in this world I fell a willing victim to the perpetual forces who from the Civil War sought to destroy the Boy General of Michigan in George Armstrong Custer. Cinema and book, have done nothing but smear this noble American in just working out psychopathy and a latter version of Mockingbird still trying to cover up the mass assassination of the Custer Command by the Grant Administration and the Indian Ring of profiteering industrialists making the Indian the willing patsy unlike Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963.

In the Custer saga there was an especially malicious like spread that he had fathered a bastard with the daughter of a southern Cheyenne chief in his care after the Battle of the Washita, which was Gen. Custer's first Little Big Horn in which his command was almost wiped out by the combined winter tribes taking up residence there from plains Apache to the Cheyenne.
This girl was named Monasetah in the tongue. She was featured in Gen. Custer's memoirs of My Life on the Plains which was a great serial success and preceded Col. Dodge's great work of 33 Years Among the Wild Indians.

Monasetah did birth a son, a breed, who did in fact have blondish hair, and while this blog has speculated on the realities of this in there were many whites in the military and west at the time who could have fathered that child, no one until now explains any of this until now.

The father of this child was a trooper in the 7th Cavalry, who was in Tom Custer's command. He was a Sergeant and he perished later at the Little Big Horn. He was murdered by the Sioux there.
He was an American and not an immigrant, and neither George Armstrong nor Tom Custer knew the identity of the father of that baby, who was conceived while the 7th was on march and not at an Army camp.

For those who have illusions of the Indian Princess, some realities need to be explained from Col. Dodge's experiences. The Colonel often with other military would visit Indian camps, and the Indians always had games they played in the stifling smoke filled lodges.
One game was a kissing game in which the winner or in the white estimation the loser had to kiss an Indian maiden.

The Indian did not brush their teeth nor deal with hygienics. Colonel Dodge stated that he and others involved created a substitute of giving a penny to a squaw rather than having to kiss such a septic mouth in all of that nauseating splendor.

Colonel Dodge fell under a Comanche Princess while on his first western patrol, and as he related, one day he watched her wrap the intestines of a buffalo around her arm in a coil, and then proceed to drain them into her mouth and eat the intestinal wall.
That as the Colonel noted was the end of his Indian romance.
While that does sound gag reflex, the Indian took nourishment from the intestines of the animals they killed, and intestines were favored, like the delicacy of running a buffalo until they almost died, which made the liver crumble onto which the Indians would sprinkle fresh gall as a great delicacy to be eaten.

For white people of civilization witnessing all of that, these savages, as that is what Indians were in their idea of "bad" was being caught to be punished for raping someone, and not the rape, was what an Indian savagery was and that included no latrines and no oral hygiene.

In knowing that reality, someone in command as General Custer, whose immediate superior, Gen. Phil Sheridan who stated the infamous line, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian", when a plains Indian stated he was a good Indian, when the west swarmed with Indians who were robbing, raping, kidnapping, enslaving and murdering numerous white people and terrorizing the settlements of Kansas, was a peer pressure which kept Officers from dallying with the Indian women, as while a curiosity, the Indian was beneath the gentry.

George Custer never cheated on his wife, Elizabeth ever. He even informed his wife, while he was in New York, of a rather star struck stalker who followed him around, waiting for him to invite her in. The General never did with a willing white woman and he certainly never did it with a savage who had no cleanliness nor Godliness.
In fact, the General informed his wife of a horrid situation while in New York of an adulteress wife, becoming pregnant and an abortionist coming and ending the child's life in that butchery, as the woman "recovered" for days afterwards.
George and Elizabeth Custer just did not engage in such things as they were  faithful to each other.

In being curious of the reason the Custers did not have children, as early marital letters expressed excitement about children, and then a forlorn outlook of resignation that children would not be part of their marital structure, I inquired as to the condition of Autie and Libby and discovered this.

George Custer was indeed fertile as was Elizabeth. Elizabeth though had a common condition which was a "tipped uterus". She was perfectly whole in every way, but when a woman suffers from a tipped uterus, the sperm is not allowed to inseminate, unless the female after sex remains stationary on her back, with her hips raised on pillows to allow the sperm to gain access into the tipped womb.

My apologies to the Custers in revealing personal information, but a complete landscape will be provided here always, as Libby along with the ghosts of the Little Big Horn are still moved to the need for reckoning, and my work in this transcends time, as Ronald Reagan was a particular fan of the General, and my being an expert and advocate on both, as well as appreciating both along with their wives, I serve the living and the dead in creating a factual historical record, as the bones of Truth keep penetrating the surface of lies trying to cover up the sins of those who murdered them.

That though brings a finality on this portion of the story of the histories.

nuff said


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