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NSA has an Obamstate Bad Hands Problem


This blog could not be more in disagreement with those in Congress now attempting to pacify the American people that the NSA has a problem in spying on people, and I'm one of the few people completely qualified to speak on this issue in having been gang raped by the Obama regime for the past 5 years, starting in June 2008, in the criminal assaults inflicted upon TL, myself and those associated with this blog.

 NSA spying under fire: 'You've got a problem'
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a heated confrontation over domestic spying, members of Congress said Wednesday they never intended to allow the National Security Agency to build a database of every phone call...

Let me state the reality in this, in the NSA is not the problem. During the 8 years of the George W.  Bush Administration, I never once had a problem with anything I was conducting or accomplishing. I will quantify that in I had no problems after September 11th, 2001, when the spy network at the Twin Towers was pulled, and the Bush Administration turned all the Clinton era spying on terrorists, instead of Americans.

I had problems during the Clinton era in "company", but it was nothing compared to the criminal harassment of the Obama regime, as Bill and Hillary Clinton never turned radar waves on me to explode TL's and my eye veins to make the whites pretty red in blood color.

These United States had a history of spying on it's own people. It was illegal for years, and even under Ronald Reagan, it was done by the Canadian and British in a reciprocal agreement in which American then spied on those subjects.

As in all forms of Government, as the white Founding Fathers warned the Citizen, this Republican form of Government would only survive if moral people were vigilant and the vigilante was not installed in mass into governmental functions.

When an immoral people take amoral leaders, any Government is doomed and a feudal regime will rule.

Lame Cherry

Look, review reality in history. John and Bobby Kennedy, tried to make being an American Conservative a mind disease and threw a military leader into the psycho ward for not following Kennedy rule. The Courts turned the Veteran free.

There are always cases of the creeping usurpation of government by those who like Lyndon Johnson resorted to Gulf of Tonkin events or John Kennedy who made assassination foreign policy the foundation of what he ruled from.

Richard Nixon is blamed a great deal for his political sins, but it was instead agents in intelligence coming up with ideas that brought down Nixon in he was not aware of what was taking place. In those checks and balances or coups, the system protected the communist from the machinations of a US Government.

There are cases though when as in Jimmy Carter appealing to the Soviet enemy to defeat Ronald Reagan in the 1980 election, that Mr. Carter was not driven from office, except by an electoral process, with some help by intelligence officer, Bill Casey. That was not the case in the wholesale vote flipping of the Birther Hussein Obama regime in 2008 and 2012 in their criminal cause.

See the NSA is not the problem. In no place in American history, has the NSA, CIA or any other group made literal warfare on hundreds of millions of people from deliberately sabotaging energy in spiking prices to the wholesale looting of the US Treasury debt as B. Hussein Obama illegally carried out.
The NSA is not the problem historically. The problem lies with these liars in the Obama regime, now the Fang Jinn Oval O, who have installed Eric Holder with conduits like Patrick Fitzgerald to ruin people like Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards as leftist competitors, and then turned the entire weaponry on people like George Zimmerman and Sarah Palin to expand to every American on the left or right to either murder them like Andrew Breitbart or to Boston Blow Job them as the Eric Holder cell at NSA involved with the Obama Committee to Re Elect the Prez, as OCREEP is now involved in the 2014 elections in voter intimidation and theft again.

The NSA serves America when it has leadership like a George W. Bush or even a Bill Clinton. When though a despot, a foreign Birther like Barack Hussein Obama uses brown recluses in the executive to turn this machinery on Americans, that is when the problem takes place.
Skittles are perfectly harmless until Trayvon Martin tries murdering George Zimmerman with them. The problem is the not Skittles or the NSA, but  with the agents behind the assault on Americans.

I know I focus a great deal here on the criminal enterprise of the Obama regime, and their conduits in intelligence assaulting TL and I physically.....I believe their sweeps did kill my puppy in harming her metabolism. I know they have censored my Yahoo emails as they did others in 2008. I know they have spied on me illegally for being a loyal and innocent American. I know the operations which were run stealth on the NSA systems, and I know the NSA knows, and has been informed to ignore all the criminality taking place by the Obama regime.

I will repeat, that none of this took place during George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. If one reviews the record, Cindy Sheehan never had a problem, and the only people who had problems in that era were Scooter Libby and gun dealers, and that came from Karl Rove attacking Conservatives and destroying them like George Allen. Liberals never had a problem with George W. Bush.
This all started renewed in 2008 with Barack Hussein Obama in the cartel which installed him.

Yes the NSA does have a problem in I will agree with that, in the problem is Barack Hussein Obama and now Fang Jinn. The problem is political minders subverting a system, but then Obama subverted with his cronies the entire United States Treasury in stealing trillions from it.

The list continues in this to grow with a headline today of another person murdered by the Obama regime now run by Joe Biden for the Fang Jinn.

 Outspoken Assad supporter assassinated in Lebanon

This is an innocent person who was murdered by the Obama regime, just like Col. Khadaffi was murdered by the regime and as that actor impersonating Osama bin Laden was murdered in Pakistan.

 All has been standard operational procedure for this Murder Incorporated. It does not make any difference if it is an Andrew Breitbart Jewish American or let us not overlook this Obama regime burying the mass murder of thee entire Polish Patriot Government in 2009 as Obama was being flexible with Vladamir Putin in returning all of eastern Europe to the Soviet sphere for Obama "nuclear legacy" planning in a second stolen term.

It is not just Americans being spied on by this despotic overthrow of American intelligence. It has has been Americans murdered and entire legitimate governments being murdered with Robert Mueller of FBI not raising one investigation, no more than Donald Young's murder or the assaults upon Lawrence Sinclair ever were investigated to stop all of this.

The blame for this is the mic heads like Mark Levin who would not impeach Obama and Rush Limbaugh allowing Lt. Col. Terry Lakin be destroyed by this regime with their bad hands on the American intelligence community.

Edward Snowden is a hunted American in Russia, because his crime was exposing parts of this on his mission. I repeat in there were assassination conversations by the regime intelligensia on Mr. Snowden without any Constitutional rights.

This Obama regime is the BAD HANDS PEOPLE fondling the nipple of the breast of American Intelligence perverting it all with murderous results.

The NSA does not belong before Congress as Congress has not been overseeing the Obama regime from Birther Day One. What is required is Military Tribunals, and I can think of none better than Special Judges named Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Edward Snowden and Julian Stange as Tribunals hauling this Fang Jinn, Joe Biden, Eric Holder and the OCREEP members from Muchelle Obama to Valdasherie Jarrett before the American people so Justice will be done.

Until  the criminal enterprise which is the Obama regime is indicted and in chains, the NSA nor any function in the US will be anything but a criminal organized crime.

nuff said


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