Whatever happened to Theresia Heinz Kerry? She was a good looking Afrikaaner really. Took Conservative John Heinz's money when he was assassinated and gave it to John Kerry who hound dogged around her until she gave in from her widow's grief.
I would appreciate if THK would donate a few million dollars to this blog from John Heinz's estate. I would even say good things about Theresia, as she once said her John Kerry really knew guns in machine gunning Vietnamese or something like that.
Theresia Heinz Kerry should be saved from the doldrums of John Kerry and this blog would for a donation save her from fading away and remind her of her beautiful African dawns of what she once awoke to, but now Africa only awakens to B. Hussein Obama and John Kerry's terrorism.
After the stumble of Susan Rice over ANALGATE in her willingly taking the Obama talking points to blame Christians for Chris Stevens murder to distract people that Obama sent Stevens in to be kidnapped so he would not have to resort to stealing the 2016 elections, as Obama really wanted a real election to prove that people loved him..and rescuing Stevens on a pile of dead SEALS was just what his storybook ending had in mind........the Republicrats of patricians led by John McCain immediately began floating what a great guy John Kerry would be for Secretary of State.
John Kerry is an old horndog who conned the lovely mourning widow Theresia Heinz into matrimony. The rest of the world females breathed a sigh of relief as John was no longer stalking them.
It is just that John Kerry is that same Switboat liar who self inflicted rice blast wounds up his ass to get three Purple Hearts. John Kerry is that same communist sympathizer in Vietnam protestor. The same fraud who "threw his medals away" in protest and never did such a thing.
John Kerry is the same NOT HONORABLY DISCHARGED VIETNAM VETERAN, who kept his military records closed hiding that fact, and was exclusively broken by Lame Cherry back in the day.
Read that one again as a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive in John Kerry was never honorably discharged from the US Navy.
This is the fraud that the John McCains and Lindsey Grahams want to replace Obamite Susan Rice with. It is the old boys network submarining a perfectly good feudal communist for an imperfect colonialist in John Kerry.
Let us not forget that John Kerry for Barack Hussein Obama was the negotiator over Darfour in the Sudan. You know the "treaty" that kept the Hitler of Islam in power in mass genocide of Christians in Southern Sudan, all for the bribes of the oil of Sudan......and immediately after Kerry signed the pact for Obama, the Hitler of Sudan started up a new Muslim genocidal war on Christians.
John Kerry is the worst of all things Obama, and his manly persona gives meandering machination in this, that Obama successfully did something.....something Obama was so ashamed of, he never even took credit for what he sent Kerry to Sudan to do.
Does America really want Teddy Kennedy light as Secretary of State, a man who is Jewish dealing with Muslim hordes, and a man who oversaw the carte blanche mass murder of black Chrisitans in Africa for the price of Sudanese crude oil?
That is John Kerry and frankly he should be under investigation, whereby the lovely Theresia Heinz Kerry could be free from her widow chaser and divorce him.......probably find some puffy lips Karl Rove patrician to marry and they both can shop lingerie as they get their pedicures toes painted light pink, as some Asian girls blow on their tootsies.......and yes, as the lovely Theresia Heinz Kerry donates a few million dollars to this blog.
I would offer up a promise I would intend to keep, that this blog would invest some of that donation for an African game safari, where Michael Savage and I would go shoot a few tuskers, whose meat would be used to feed the poor blacks, and the license money would be used to provide hospital and education care for these Negroids over on the continent.
It would make a man of Michael Savage instead of hiring terrorists to murder poachers who only poach ivory because they have no resources as Obama and his Berliner boys have stolen all the resources in Africa.
It is a reality check, and impala livers with eggs for breakfast, a nice noon luncheon of gazelle tongue on toast with quantities of sundowners to get Savage drunk so he passes out in shutting up, so one could listen to the cough of the leopard as it feeds on zebra, the roar of lion as they eat wildebeast and the laugh of the hyena as they eat some Africans face off drunk on millet beer......yes that is Africa of Robert Ruark and one which all little girls like Queen Liz wanted to get sporting over and shoot things with an H & H.
Theresia if she likes could come along and do woman things like pluck sand grouse or blast a lion as women do those sorts of things over there.
I have an Ithaca 10 gauge 3 1/2 inch magnum shotgun, I so want to shoot a tom leopard with up a tree as TL and I await in a hide at twilight. No one has ever done that, that I know of....use pretty copper plated double ought buckshot and we would have a rug to lay on before the fires and read stories to the babies.
This of course is all in jeopardy if John Kerry becomes Secretary of State over the Obama quantified Susan Rice. This blog needs Theresia or Teresia Heinz Kerry to donate a few million of John Heinz's widows benefits and then all will be happy in Michael Savage will be no longer hunting people, John Kerry will be fading into dullness. THK will awaken to her African heritage which is quite exciting and yes.....we will be feeding starving Africans with tusker meat, and providing them money for schools and hospitals.
They braid elephante tails into nice bracelets, but I would like some ivory for a pearl handle grip on the 45 Colt I have dreams of, just like the one John Wayne had.
Mrs. Heinz Kerry could be liberated if she emancipated Africans and Michael Savage.....we could go gun shopping, ammunition shopping, safari clothes shopping.....be great fun for us girls.
Yes it is decided that John McCain can not ruin this by making John Kerry as Secretary of State......he has killed enough Africans and it is time they are fed some elephante steaks.
No more rewards for terrorists. Let the Africans eat steak for a change.