The following is a warning about a subject that needs some light shed on it due to the propaganda the devil has been broadcasting about Angels and demons.
I will discuss Angels first. There are 4 classes of Angels. They are Archangels, Cherubim’s, Seraphim and Angels.
The Archangels are spoken of in the Bible as masterfully powerful spirit beings named as Michael and Gabriel. Satan used to be one before he rebelled and his name was then Lucifer or Light Bearing.
Archangels are of the Cherubim class of Angels, but could best be described as the Generals of a mighty group of Angels.
Seraphims are a worshipping guardian class of Angels whose main purpose is ministering to the throne of God. Their wings actually cover the throne. You can read about them in Ezekiel 1. They are strange looking creatures with 4 wings and four faces and are joined together.
These Angels are like a royal guard and proceed with the Shekeniah (visible presence of God) They are awesome….but what else would God have.
The last class of Angels …..and the term Angel means Messenger are the Angels most of us are most familiar with. These are the Angels which look after us who are Christians…..and make no mistake in that not everyone has Angels, because in Psalm 91 it is written, “The person who dwells in the secret place (God’s Way of Life) of the Almighty……God will give His Angels charge over thee.”
See there are rules to having Angels look after You…..and those rules are obeying God’s Commandments. Now people will be saved by Angels who are sinners if they cry out to God and He sends them….but it is a lot easier for a Christian who does not need to be rescued because the Angels were already steering the trouble out of our paths….and we away from trouble.
The Watchers are Angels as much as the Avenging Angels.
An important fact to remember. Angels are never to worshiped EVER. They understand that God is the only who should ever be honored. Period!
There is no place in the Bible which states we have one Guardian Angel….or 2 ……or anything like that. The numbers come from people gifted in the Spirit who have actually seen them around people…..and make no mistake Angels around Christians 24 hours a day and they never tire.
Angels can be Angels of Death……Avenging Angels……in fact in one place in the Bible dealing with Ahab King of Israel an Angel is described by one Prophet actually going out and deceiving 400 false prophets to bring a wicked king to his end in war.
There are House Angels……Angels like Michael who guard the Children of Israel…the House of Abraham…..there are also House Angels who look after certain persons……and even families because of their special purpose in God’s plan.
These types of Angels have faces like burnished brass… that is whiter than snow…..are 30 feet tall….have gleaming swords…..and voices of thunder.
If You have ever “felt” the absolute power in a tornado thunder storm……You will have an idea of the energy which these Angels have.
Angels are messengers and their one purpose is to glorify God…..and what that means for a Christian is that they are assigned to help us always and move mountains of problems, because helping God in His plan for us is to glorify God.
This brings us to the group of former angelic beings whose purpose is bent on destroying God’s plan of creating a Family of God with us humans. That is the reason we are the target.
This group is called demons and the chief one is the devil or satan……his name is also adversary or abbaddon….the destroyer.
This group of cast out angels wanted something which they could not have…..that was the throne of God and a war was fought over it and they lost.
They are in control of earth right now because Adam bowed his knee of authority to the devil when he sinned…….but each Christian here under Christ’s Authority is taking bits and pieces back everyday….and that is infuriating to the devil… is eroding his base. It is also the reason the devil is so bent on wiping Christians out in anyway he can.
Demons do possess people…..they can only do so from a willing person who has left the door open to them….such as Ouija boards, channeling, speed writing or some other non sense….even by inviting them in.
Demons can and do afflict people, but that does not mean these poor people are possessed. Many examples in the Bible show crippled or diseased people are simply being attacked by demons, because the people have not taken authority over the devil and told him to GET!!!!!!
Demons also are not just some screaming terrifying black fuzzy object….they will appear as “good” things….they will come to You in “pleasant” feelings which are all designed to make You sin.
To the point, an Incubus is a demon which comes to people and promotes wonderful sexual feelings…..and people who are not in the Spirit will say…..gee this feels great ….how can this be bad so they let the demon in…..and next thing they find out is ……that wonderful sexual feeling which they gave into needs to be fed…..and that Incubus then invites in other depraved demons to feed that sexual arousal. I have counseled people who were hounded by incubus……and all sorts of things start showing up such as child molestations……rapes……perverted sex…….and these happenings had been going on for generations in families……which brings us to the point…..there are also house demons… demons who attach themselves to families in order to destroy them.
And there are plenty of “incubus” feel good demons…..they will use drugs, alcohol, hobbies…..anything to get a hold in Your soul…..even so far as puffing a person up so they start thinking themselves as God.
If You stay with God long enough, You will also come to a day when You realize that the demons if You are not paralyzing them daily that they will mimic even the Holy Spirit in directing You in trying to get at You.
You will also find that as a Christian everytime You are grown by God to making headway the devil is there sending people he is working through to destroy You and bring You back under the influence of the sin You just came out from.
I watch this all the time in people I care about… be careful. I have to be careful too, because the devil can no longer get at me presently because of God growing in me…..but the devil works through others to attack me. As it is written in the Bible…..It is war, so put on the whole armor of God.
I hope this answers the questions people have on Angels who are our fellow workers here for the Kingdom of God….and demons who are our enemies.
God watch over and keep You all.