Forgive this lesson being late this week, but there was a greater purpose being worked out for God’s teaching both in my life and people I have never met.
I had become upset and said that I didn’t think I would be doing lessons like this anymore, because it seemed no one listened anyway. I blurted that out without even mentioning it to God…..and given this opening on Monday I was attacked with the mother of all flu’s by the devil so I felt like giving up the ghost most of the week
I will tie this all together with the answer which people are searching for in the reason the terrorists acted the way they did on September 11th and how they seemed to be allowed to murder innocent people with God doing nothing.
“September 11th” You might be interested to know had it’s genesis in the Garden of Eden. For those now rolling their eyes, just keep doing it because the real enemy wants You doubting and thinking “that old story book has no place in a modern America.”
When God created people, He gave them some very special gifts. The two we will deal with are “speaking” and “dominion” over all things on this earth.
Dominion means to dominate….to be in authority over….to possess… own… bend to the human will.
Speaking means to bring things to conform to our thought and will. God, Himself does nothing without speaking first..from creating the world to raising Jesus from death…..and we being formed in the likeness of God..also means the things we speak come into being for good or evil depending on whether it is God and His Angels or the devil and demons being activated in the spiritual realm we can not see by our words.
See, in the Garden of Eden, it was not eating some apple that people laugh about…it was the truth the devil does not want out that people rejected God’s Way of Living in rebellion (that is what sin means)……and people gave their gift of DOMINION in this world from God to the devil….and the devil has been the “prince of this world” ever since. That means he has authority here which people gave him to work all manner of evil.
The events on September 11th are a manifestation of that as all evil is.
God is Almighty and in charge always…..but people do need to LEARN that we are not some passive sideline watchers in this life and death struggle we are in. This is open warfare on humanity from a twisted group of fallen beings bent on our destruction.
This brings us to the point in the lesson of why such horrid acts were allowed to happen to innocent people.
Please understand the devil is a murderer. Jesus gave this insight on this demon and the devil got that title by murdering people.
The devil though just can not got out on his own and start murdering people, because of God’s will in limiting the devil. God tries His best to protect us from ourselves in our free will.
The devil needs doors to be opened…..and each of us has a huge door under his nose which speaks all kinds of activating phrases against us each day.
See if these “prayers” sound at all familiar to You.
In Jesus name the Lord bind those words now. Amen.
Each time a person speaks sickness, death or sexual sins on themselves or someone else, it opens an operating venue for the devil to work through.
Ever wonder why evil happens? It is each of us saying harmful things that the devil jumps on. That third phrase on sex is the reason so many people are being attacked with homosexual behavior…..there are millions of spoken words of authority like that in our lives going up every day against us.
The same is true with September 11th. The devil had all those people saying all their lives that work, jobs, sports events even in jest was killing them… he just murdered the innocent on the authority of their own words…and on the words of others who willed Americans to die.
This week with me being healed in Jesus was not just an authority opening I had let slip for a moment. I would like to relate this also to show the devil is listening and waiting even on me to pounce for any spoken door.
Last week, it got cool here and I do not like winter. So, I told my Mom, “You know I would gladly accept the chiggers biting me cause it means hot weather.”
I got about 5 chigger bites all summer…..but since giving the devil the opening to torment me with that stupid phrase…..I have now around 10 in a few days.
In Jesus name, the door has been closed. Amen
James in the 3rd chapter starting with verse 5 speaks of the tongue (spoken words) being able with one little word, like a match, starting a blazing inferno which leads to hell.
Each of us has to learn that we are responsible for what we say….and that what we say for good or evil comes into being.
The devil does not want this out though. He wants people to shift blame to God who gave us free will and keep us subject to lies that we are just humans and things we do and say do not matter.
Well they do matter in this war of our life or death.
Just as our government is now forming plans of battle, each of us has a battle plan we can utilize to win this attack on us.
In Psalm 91, each human is given the simple commission. “He that dwells (lives, abides) in the secret place (mystery, laws, life) of the Almighty, dwells in the shadow (complete covering, absolute protection) of the Lord (absolute Authority)
The first step is living according to God’s Law.
The second step is accepting Jesus as the Lord of Your Life for it states plainly in Hebrews 2:14 that once we are His that Jesus has destroyed him (the devil) who had the power of death.
And with Jesus authority in Mark 1:27, He commands demons and they must obey Him and we being His….they must obey us.
The important thing is each of MUST bless ourselves and each other..even people who are mean to us.
We must speak good words daily to nurture ourselves in, “I am healed in Jesus name. I am safe by God’s Angels protecting me. No powers seen or unseen can harm me for I am God’s”…..instead of the ignorant things James pointed out of being sick, hurt, tired or other nonsense like accepting chigger bites for warm weather.
Parents need especially to nurture their children considering all the harmful phrases thrown at them daily.
Each of us has to remember we have an unseen enemy whose purpose is to destroy us with our own words……Each of also must remember we have authority back now which we gave away through Jesus who is all Authority.
We must remember though to speak good things and not harm to us or others.
I hope this has helped.
All glory to God for His mercy in giving me this lesson again. I have repented. Amen
God bless the Good. Amen