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My Knife


This is so trivial, but so compelling: Which Trapper is it that you have, as I have one of those Swedish F1s, which are too nice, and you can't put in your pocket, and those single blade Old Timers sure look nifty. They are also less than 3 1/2 inches, so non-confiscatable.

A fan of yours...

As I was telling my Mom yesterday,  my Old Timer Trapper is something I'm very attached to.

TL and I have a nice pink camo knife which is quite empowering for defense and opening presents. Our Beartooth Trapper, which is my "good occasion knife" appeared at Christmas to open gifts in being passed around the Tiger Lily family. BT is very good company.

Here am I a knife snob. Schrade Cutlery of Chicago, were American made, and I purchased two of the cheap, but very well made Trappers from Smokey Mountain Knife Works, to replace the small Stockman my Mom got me as I lost another one which I received from her as a youth. They were more smooth on the faux bone handle, than the next run of the BT in a collectors addition from China manufacture.

All have good steal, hold edge and are very durable, with taking a new edge.

As Montana ranchers would rather give up their wives than their favorite milk cow, I'm quite attached to my Trapper knife also and carry it with me constantly. It wears nice white prints into my blue jeans and frays them on the pocket.
Sort of an emblem to people looking at my crotch that a big knife is there and frequently appears.
The Trapper is nice in being made for skinning, so it fits the hand perfectly and has beautiful Euclidian appeal.

I'm a knife snob in like cheap, well made and steal not too hard like Buck, but not too soft like Clyde Hickory.
Case are much too expensive for the knife, and that has always left the Schrade, as the other cheap variations which have a steal of no quality.

No I do not own stock nor receive any compensation for such product reviews, although I would that I did. Just passionate about knives and firearms in the meld of metal and wood and synthetics now.

This is an implement I will never part with in my  Trapper.

Oh, by the way, Mom has a Trapper I purchased for her for Christmas several years ago, which she carries in her purse.

A knife is as important of possession as responsible liberty, a firearm, a good horse, a good hunting dog, a weather proof poncho, a quart tin cup, matches and a friend one can always count on.
The only possession which surpasses all is God and His Speaking to you in a Bible.

There is no such thing as trivial when it comes to an American and their knife.


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