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Nuffer Said


Note to first mate John B. Wells of the Obama flagship Coast to Coast AM in Obama award winner George Noury as captain.

Odd show on Saturday evening in Wells had this ficking cop  crank who said he was a viewer, as in seeing things, but had not a damn thing to say about Phillip Marshall, Sandy Hook or whatever else.
It was beyond boring and ludicrous as he kept saying "I have tapes on things I have done and got it all right".

The cop to medium, also had this thing going on that he could not do things unless on scene or contacting the families.......went onto some skew about he could not teach his sister to do this.

Remote Viewing is something anyone can do, and develop. All of this is not necessary for contact, as one just reaches out and touches the people and places and reads the energy.

Burn notice followed as Jethro had on olde communion himself, in Whitley Streiber. I never heard Whit ever sound off on things, even if he is an anal retentive intellectual about all that demonic stuff of UFO visitations.

Whit though did bitch slap Jethro B. Wells and it stunned me, as John B., said something along the lines of "Well what do you think on that"...........Whit shot back, "Well I do not think like that".
Was bizarre for the bitch slap as it called Wells a complete fumb ducker, and all Wells was doing was asking a question about alien implants.

I guess the deep voice of Wells did not make Whit swoon or there was something else going on in this that Wells offended olde communion of Dreamland.

Tough doing a show and sounding all tough like John B. Wells does and old man Whit comes in and not only pisses on Jethro, but makes him open his mouth for an Obama happy ending too boot, or to tongue as Wells has to take it as he can't fill in 4 hours with nothing as he was already into 1 hour of not a damn thing on it which really sucked.

That whole Obama coast crowd is all the same though in prima dona. Hell you can listen to Art Bell in Somewhere in Time, and there is George Noury chirping about things are bad in the regime, but if we just hang in there America, we can make it all  right.

Fricking eh man charlie chan man, this is from a damned Obama Award Winner!!!!!!!!! What the hell is that but pure Mockingbird conditioning by Noury to keep the revolution cap on the fringe by telling them to wait around to get the holocaust treatment.

Would just like John B. Wells to go on air and make things like that known to prove Noury is a fraud from within as it taints Jethro in what he says he is trying to do.

Maybe Whit just doesn't like to be a whore for Coast to Coast AM in all these jock heads doing the deep suck for Obama.

I don't know about it all, but just make it known on the forensic psychology as it was more interesting than the show.

Maybe I should call John B. Wells, Mr. Spock as he has melded into a Vulcan look of an old geezer Nimoy.

I guess when you go the paycheck going or the Mockingbird skew, you just never ask on air about Obama awards, Noury backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Obama's al Qaeda revolutions and why.........like this, "Hey you old sod Streiber, what the hell are you pissing on me for man? Do that in person and I'll whip mine out and golden shower you old boy. Man up or sod off as I'm not taking that sh*t from you alien sexer".

That would make real Lame Cherry Coast to Coast radio worth listening.

Hey Spock Wells.......how about asking Noury why the heck he has Tom Horn on after Horn has been exposed like Steve Quayle in being a liar and moron.

That olde Vulcan bomber from the Brits was the shit was it not eh?

Ass kissing George Noury after he bends for Obama.......damn that is one nasty place to have your head there John B. and having to get bitch slapped by Whit really sucks the turd too.

 Fricking Wells in shades looks like that spook who use to hire Bangkok chics to blow ping pong balls out of their whats its running out of the Golden Tri back in the day.

Better than a bike that was eh......

What do you think Whitley?

I don't think that way John B. as I have an intellectual mind evolved in the ages and you are still the offspring of monkeys unevolved.

Man burn notice baby....burn notice scorcher!!!!

Nuffer said


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