I place this before you my children with 90 million people out of work, needing a job, 90 million on food stamps, why is it that the honored guest in Germany for Global Business is President Vladamir Putin while Birther Hussein Obama runs around threatening Americans with guns and threatening to blow up North Korea.
America used to be about business and making deals to profit and employ Americans. I keep on showing to you that the people in this world like Vladamir Putin and Kim Jong Un have more of the manly American qualities of John Wayne and Yankee Traders than this Chinoid usurper at 1600 Penn Avenue.
When the Germans reach out about business they contact President Putin, When Europe looks for trillion dollar handouts they think of Birther Hussein Obama.
Do you not get what is wrong in this or how many times do you need to be slapped across your faces to jolt you out from being EMOTARDS!!!!!!
Americans need jobs, need food, need homes, need energy and all they get from Obama is rationed death, rationed welfare, and abundant wars and overflowing debt.
Guest of Honour, Vladamir Putin of Russia at a business trade show. Obama was not thought of nor invited as Obama cares nothing about employment for Americans nor for trading American products.
President Putin will be in Germany two days invested in business. Obama won't spend two minutes on business, but will spend 2 trillion dollars creating ZERO jobs for Americans.
nuff said
President Vladimir Putin visits Hannover Messe as guest of honour
On Sunday, 7th of April 2013, President Vladimir Putin joins the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at the opening ceremony of the industrial exhibition "Hannover Messe" in the Federal Republic of Germany. More than 160 companies have been invited to exhibit their latest industrial productions, including 11 specialized exhibitions. The Russian Federation is taking part for the second time.More than 100 Russian companies are participating with overall exhibition space of 3.000 square metres. The Russian motto is "Global Industry", according to the Russian Federation's investment and modernization programme. Because 2013 is the year of cultural and economic exchanges between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany, President Vladimir Putin has been invited as guest of honour. He will attend the Hannover Messe for two days.(re-written by Olivia Kroth; source: Voice of Russia)
America used to be about business and making deals to profit and employ Americans. I keep on showing to you that the people in this world like Vladamir Putin and Kim Jong Un have more of the manly American qualities of John Wayne and Yankee Traders than this Chinoid usurper at 1600 Penn Avenue.
When the Germans reach out about business they contact President Putin, When Europe looks for trillion dollar handouts they think of Birther Hussein Obama.
Do you not get what is wrong in this or how many times do you need to be slapped across your faces to jolt you out from being EMOTARDS!!!!!!
Americans need jobs, need food, need homes, need energy and all they get from Obama is rationed death, rationed welfare, and abundant wars and overflowing debt.
Guest of Honour, Vladamir Putin of Russia at a business trade show. Obama was not thought of nor invited as Obama cares nothing about employment for Americans nor for trading American products.
President Putin will be in Germany two days invested in business. Obama won't spend two minutes on business, but will spend 2 trillion dollars creating ZERO jobs for Americans.
nuff said