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The Soy Milk Race: THE EMOTARD


My American children, the cartel has castrated your males and created testicles for ovaries in your females in this generational rape of the American nutrition structure which had feminist females feeding gallons of soy milk to babies, that has with Tavistock mind conditioning created this western race which flocks to being queer.
Soy milk does this and when engendered with mind conditioning one gets volumes of these screwed up EMOTARDS.

That is what is behind this = sign showing up and these warped children drawn to it in unity like some breath of air. These American and western children are now a race of freaks of nature.
It used to be in World War II that Englanders said the problem with Americans was, "They were over sexed and over here", and this once normal bridled normal sexual attraction has been corrupted to this unbridled queer states of the EMOTARD, which is all emotion and genetically retarded now.

This is all before your faces if just observed. You have literally men, real men, like Vladamir Putin, Mamoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong Un, mixing it up physically, liking women and shooting firearms, and this Obama led EMOTARD horde goes berserk in wanting to murder them in the largest nuclear way possible of the most bloody of uprisings.

Examine what is leading the west in Obama, the fag basketball and golf shot queer. America has no manly heroes who hunt, fish, trap, explore like  Teddy Roosevelt. When one steps up like Theodore Ted Nugent, he like these Asians is the  target for smears and death threats.

Ronald Reagan loved horses. Lyndon Johnson loved his ranch like George W. Bush. John Kennedy and George H. W Bush loved power boats. Richard Nixon loved fast cars.

What do you get with Obama, but faggotry as he is a soy boy child like all these EMOTARDS in the EQUALITY SIGNS.

Kim Jong Un, has no intention at this point of doing anything nuclear. This is how he plays and America now by the screeching pansies like George Noury and Mike Gallagher smearing Dynanstic Kim as out of control or making fun of his Asian appearance which is pure racism, as we all know that only Lebanese "white" and Irish "white" folks should be able to ......well shoot bin Laden's corpse, start murderous revolutions all across the Middle East, fire off missiles and fly B 52's over Korea as Designer Negroes doing it for the white folks makes it all sane, as white folks doing exactly what Kim does are always right.

How dare these Asians stand up and be strong men and women. Only Asian Obama as a Designed Negro American is afforded this totalitarian right in doing far worse to Americans than Kim ever has done to his own people.

Let us review this for the ignorant in who was it who blew up the Gulf Gusher and sabotaged it to shut down US oil drilling in the Gulf and polluted all those GOP States?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

How about who was it that shifted weather patterns so immense snows fell in the Rockies to flood out the Missouri and Mississippi River systems to GOP states ruin?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

Who has been terrorizing Americans with Homeland Security, creating Hookers and Jokers to murder Americans in gun control schemes, while walking weapons into Mexico to mass murder Mexicans?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Husssein Obama?

Get a clue Americans, that Kim Jong Un is being set up just like Col. Khadaffi, Hugo Chavez and Hosni Mubarack, because these MEN, whether you like Marxism or not, are MEN who are not of the Obama feudal order.

Kim Jong Un is a man and a leader. Birther Hussein Obama is a fag and teleprompter reader. That is why North Koreans who eat American foods have a leader who rides horses and shoots guns and Americans have an occupant foreign agent who gets rode by sodomites and shoots golf.
Obama appeals to the EMOTARD as the majority of Americans are EMOTARDS and EMOTARDS are afraid of normal Kim Jong Un males and react in juvenile sissy ways in verbal assassination and hope Obama will make some stage theater, so this independent leader will be murdered and Mark Levin can slobber all over his Russian Ashkenaz mic with the shroud of Reagan being besmirched ruining the American moral code.

The problem is the Amerikan EMOTARD and their fag 1600 Penn occupant from Asian lines in Birther Hussein Obama Chin as this pet Chinoid reflects their immoral, false messiah, sociopathic misbehavior they all want legal.

The problem is you America in the majority EMOTARD condition. That is why you have this insane lust to murder, and you can never find enough people to murder. If it was not Kim Jong Un, you would be dripping with the blood of some other national leader more manly than you fag Obama.

The American EMOTARD majority is a rapist nation and a murderous class all led by their Designer Negro, Birther Hussein Obama.

Lame Cherry

This not Ronald Reagan or Richard Nixon right wing America. This is not John Kennedy or Ed Koch left wing America. This is now a genetic majority fed soy milk and mind warped on Tavistock and Stanford brainwashing techniques creating an animal class of freaks.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

agtG 320YY

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