As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was viewing.......the 3rd Iron Man movie for the second time, and I got to thinking about the drama of it all in the "evolution of people".......the story basically is that the comic book creator had people evolve to become regenerative in the extreme, and if it went wrong they blew up literally.
I am not that interested in fiction, but started pondering a GENOME BOMB, which would fit the scenario of people exploding, sort of like spontaneous combustion of legend.
I have a thing for atomic bombery. The sun being a basic building block in atomic reaction. What I delve into here though beyond that fool Stephen Hawking, is a reality of how to blow a human up. For that matter, anything.
Think of the basics of this. Ella Fitzgerald wailing on Memorex or is it live, and resonating at a frequency that a glass would shatter. Jesus in His raising from the dead, left the Shroud of Turin imprint. People under stress have been known to lift cars off of loved there is a "more than meets the eye of reality of what a human is capable of", but a human flesh and bones, is not capable of turning into a fire object of the comics as the two properties do not exist in the same frying pan.
I give the example of the title in where this is going. The human genome is an antenna. Everything vibrates at a frequency after their own kind. In that, I progress this out, that all I would need to do, would be to create a frequency in which I could excite the genome antenna, and that charge would then release into a bomb.
This is not as beyond the realm as it seems, as a microwave excites molecules and cooks them, creating heat. What would be required though is a transformational frequency, creating a wave so distabilized that the release of the breakdown of that molecular form of energy would make one interesting photon bomb.
People project their thoughts all the time to good or evil. That is a proven reality, so people are conduits of energy and other objects receive that energy. One would simply just need to send out the correct frequency, which would be picked up by the genome, and the charge could either be redirected like the Holy Ghost energy through the Faithful to heal people......or the charge could be built up for a sudden release of energy.
When considering this, we are not dealing with atomic energy specifically. Meaning that a standard 170 pound adult if "nuclearized" would produce a big bang. In conversions, a human would create a bomb about 6 times larger than Hiroshima.
Let us project this out to non atomic structures. A futuristic photon torpedo implents 1.5 pounds of anti matter.
A human would produce 15 times that amount of energy on that frequency.
I apologize this is taking a bit long, but you would not know that in reading it, but Google search just is spinning in place as I make conversions.
Anyway, in reverse, we examine the hydrogen bomb, which is an isotope of hydrogen in tritium or deuterium, once the 33 pounds of atomic structure was realized, then the remaining 140 pounds could be utilized..........complicated in the twice dimensional soup, so that answered we return to the base structure of the Genome, receiving a signal which excites the base structure and therefore causes a rapid release of energy.
We are speaking of a light bomb, something which would require the cancellation by violent force of the two energies attempting to occupy the same space. In other words, amplify the frequency of the genome, so the energy conflicts with the matter present. Meaning create an anti matter frequency inside the atomic matter structure of the human, and the result would be a big bang.
Once again we return to the 3 pound photon torpedo. A 170 pound human would quasi generate 57 photon torpedoes in energy in the genome bomb. The release of one human genome bomb would be 245,100 atomic bombs of Hiroshima size.
That certainly is more energy than CIA Director James Woolsey's statistics on the few liters of crude oil which can be manufactured out of a dead body.
I am not going to expand into greater details as for some reason Homeland is most interested in Lame Cherry's new toy being discussed in a private conversation. This type energy release I would not see any value in retransmission from one human to another, as it would crater a large area and rip out a large portion of atmosphere in burn.
I leave this at that.........not interested in working in a secret laboratory. Just was pondering a Tesla moment.........