As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading with interest on a Trapper site, of the conditions in Texas, in one numbnuts stated he was praying for a hurricane to get some rain, and others piped in with, "You should see the lakes around there as they were dry last year and are already full this year."
God makes things the way they are, satan compounds them at times to burden us, but Christ carries us through. I write this as we are sitting in the library waiting for our baby chickens which we will be eating this next year, as they arrive at noon, and it is now just before 11.
In stating that, it provides the time for the story of the Good You Do is the Good You Are.
Even if we can't help everyone, we try to make a little difference and we'll have to settle for that. Richard read to me the Bible story of the poor widow who gave the church a penny when a rich man gave lots more, but Christ said that her donation was much greater. It makes things a little better to see it in that light, but still, seeing all the suffering, sometimes one feels powerless in the face of evil.
Richard and Stephanie both wrote us a note, and for some reason, these two Christian Spirits sometimes do not comprehend how very special they are and being quite rare, like the few good people who drop us messages sometimes.
In some ways, goodness, can best be understood by the reality of a sadistic scientific study of animal behavior I read of, in scientists had a warm milk bottle attached to a chicken wire monkey, while the other had a soft cloth skin put on it. The baby monkeys chose starving for the warm soft cloth monkey over food.
It is a point that all of us need money. But it is the greater point when something goes wrong, would you appreciate someone talking to you for a few moments with a hug, or would a bag of money tossed in your lap be comforting when a pet dies, when you are worried about someone you love or you are just having a blue day?
That is the value of those who check on us like Richard and Stephanie and others. I do not mention all who drop notes, or those who volunteer to just not say anything, because they know we get busy at times. We know people care by actions. It is the heart which gives not the pocket book. That is the reality, and I am pleased I am not God, as I see humbleness at times that just puzzles me as people from Nevada, Minnesota, Washington, California etc... write and say things questioning about how good they are and concerned they are not doing more. The very fact that they are doing anything is rare in this world and the reality they are examining themselves means they have that Luther's heart, in examination in policing themselves to not be stagnant or what they fear they do not want to be.
There is a kindness in people like Richard and Stephanie, Karen, Jane, Diane, David, Bryan the Viking, Jeff, and I apologize for not naming everyone over the years or recently have mentioned things to us, as you are all important, but I am trying to get this posted so to at least have something here for you to read.
Each of you have enough tearing you down, and you need to be uplifted in Christ, and if Christ through me wills today, you will be told you are a good person because you are.
Someone mentioned about a Windows update and that was kind of them. I appreciate all the thoughts on these things of your goodness, but I try very hard to keep distance in not having contact with people, as some of you start having problems with your communications from just visiting this site. What that is, is just a protocol that runs backdoor to disrupt services people have to frustrate them, in steering them from a page like this, as it is not worth the trouble. It is intimidation and cheaper than having the KGB sit out in front of your house in a black sedan and speed away as you go let the dog out.
I like goodness and while I mention all the bad and evil far to often, I have noticed something odd here, in the bunnies, birds and gophers seem more tame than ever. That is fascinating to me, as we have blackbirds sitting on our feeders and a gopher that came up to chirp at us while on a walk. The worst I have gotten is a scolding from a hen Oriole, because I was in the area of her sugar feeder which Mom put up for her.
Sometimes I have to help people to be good. Like we were on a walk, and walked by a trash pile on an abandoned property, of a rich man who died last autumn. On the pile was a collapsed Sears ladder, collapsed because the dolt put shingles on it probably......ladder was rated for like 800 pounds and still bent it.
I bent it back and will continue fixing on it, but I have been looking for an all aluminum ladder for two years, and this one was not going to stay on a junk pile.....even if it clattered rather loudly in protest as I dragged it along as a crop sprayer looked on.
Thing is about outlawing on things not really outlawing is the THREE G's. "GET GOING, GIVE HER HELL and GET OUT OF THERE". I do not recommend this as a vocation, but you might be surprised just what you can snoop around doing if you move instead of hesitate, move fast and do not take a nap on the location.
Goodness is what most of you are who are asking questions about yourselves. Most people are going to hell, and that is a good thing. God has no place for them in Heaven and God's program is absolute in you prove what you are here by actions, and that is your evidence in trusting in Jesus for Salvation......meaning Jesus pays the way, but by your good actions, you prove you are the one believing in Jesus on the train to Heaven and not hell.
The Tiger Lily desires to thank all of you as I do for your goodness, which is compassion. You are kind and kindess is what makes you a proven Christian.
I think that is about it for this lesson. It might be more Bible lessons coming as that 1871 concordance is an interesting perspective void now in this planet.
God bless the Good..............I used to write that as my signature, and a huge political operative ranted at me over it as he threatened me..........took until the Obama regime, but that person was struck down by God and is now in hell.
God does bless the Good, God bless each in your Goodness and reward you even more for your Goodness to us in Jesus Name Amen and Amen