As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut about things, as I am not rich enough to be sucking them gold plated nipples all your silver spoon richtards have still not been weaned off of.
You might recall how mealy and washed out horse dung them Delicious Apples used to be a few year ago. You know how cardboard they were and without taste. Well since them designer apples like Honeycrisp came on the scene, no one likes them Delicious Apples at all in them richtard mouths especially.
See no one can sell them damn things, and there is the rub in this, in all of them fancy apples are ending up in bags for 5 bucks and they are not half bad. Now these ain't Christmas apples mind you handed out in them Lutheran Churches, but they sure are not the worst thing since Mexicans started shitting on the lettuce leaves as they ain't buyin' no Charmin.
So that is the thing, those Delicious Apples are worth feeding on as cheap feed now, compared to them 4 buck a pound Honeycrisps.
Now that you got that information, you now know something that will probably make them scarce again, and have me gnawing on.....well pictures of apples as they ain't bad with a little salt.
Thing is as we were gnawing on that apple, this last one, there were two sprouted seeds in that apple, so TL wanted them planted, and it is like before, you just stick the little root in the ground, leave the seed hull out on top, and the sun with a wet soil, will have them turning into apples in a day.
So now we got a dilema of not only better apples than paper pictures, but got our own Delicious Apples auditioning for the front lawn or some place else conspicious. Not that I got much faith in all of these Iowa fruity trees, as them Delicious ain't been bred up like them Minnesota apples, but all the same, there ain't no such thing as a bad apple tree, as I said before.
If it is sour, it makes good pie. If it is tanic, it makes good cider. If it makes no fruit, you just graft some apples onto it, like Jesus did you in making you bear fruit. If it is a good apple, well you got more than paper pictures with salt to be gnawing on.
Blessed fruity fruit, if you don't sprout anything, you at least got yourself an apple to gnaw on rescued from some golden nipple sucking richtard with silver spoon lip syndrome for a face.
Got to jet now as.......well that horse ain't gonna ride itself.
Sure this don't seem like much to you all knowing philosophers, but come the day you are eating your turds for fruit, and you will be remembering them Lame Cherry apple stories.