As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Do you remember a day when Lame Cherry told all of you that Chuck Schumer was more Conservative than the Republicans in Congress? Of course none of you believed me, but who is now running rampant in stopping the Obama Pacific Treaty, but Charles Schumer of New York, Democrat.
Schumer, Reid aiming to
make Obama a lame duck
New York Post, by EditorialOriginal Article Posted By:StormCnter, 5/9/2015 5:00:08 AM President Obama has steadfastly refused to accept the notion he’s a lame duck — despite last year’s repudiation at the polls, which gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. Well, part of Congress seems fired up to make him a lame duck — by working to torpedo his hoped-for 12-nation trade deal. It’s not the Republicans. Nope: It’s Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid lame-ducking the president — with New York’s own Chuck Schumer enthusiastically helping out. On Tuesday, Reid declared he’s prepared to gum up the works to block debate on granting Obama “fast track” authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The senator had
What caught my attention most in this though was the followers of Lucianne Goldberg in their posts, like all of you not getting this, in what this is really all about.
Set the stage. All of you right wingers hate the left, meaning Democrats, but who is now stopping the image Obama, but Democrats. Who is standing up for you, but Democrats. Who is stabbing you in the back, but the GOP.
So when 2016 rolls around who in your confusion are you going to be voting for..........Republicans or would you think that maybe Democrats might be something which will be looking out for you, as the rolls have reversed. You have Homo Hannity promoting fags on his FOX constantly like a Barbie Doll with her string pulled. You have the GOP not doing a thing for you, but doing everything for Obama.
This is about margins in election theft. Harry Reid is retiring, and Chuck Schumer is going to lead the Senate. Hillary's message is about returning the middle class......all of this bolsters a chance for President Hillary Clinton with Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer setting the political stage, as Boehner picks up their tampons.
Why Republicans' Senate majority could be very short-lived ... 7, 2014 - The map looks much better for Democrats in 2016. ... C.) is up for reelection in 2016, and even if he doesn't retire -- he raised very little money ...The Washington PostThe 10 states that could decide the Senate - POLITICO 12, 2014 - The Senate map for 2016 might not be as bad for Republicans as it ... Hagan tops the Democrats' list, whether for an open seat or against Burr.PoliticoCan Democrats Retake the Senate in 2016? - Larry J ... 2, 2015 - But under the right conditions—i.e., strong Democratic Senate candidates combined with a solid national lead for the Democratic presidential ...Politico
See all of this has been known for years in the political play of this for years. Consider how absolutely weak of a candidate Jeb Bush is. That is the reality. 2016 AD in the year of our Lord is one of Hillary Clinton running the boards in Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, and with the Democrat strongholds of New York and the West Coast, she wins.
Now couple that with the fringe states in Conservatives not coming out again, and the Senate flips to leader Chuck Schumer, and John Boehner gets his waterwings deflated.
This is what is building, and the one candidate which stands a chance of inflating this is Governor Scott Walker and yes if vines it for Taco Cruz or Carly Fiorina, then we have the Romney counter king maker holding Congressional margins on their coat tails.
I am not going to deal with Taco Cruz's failings. I am at this juncture warning you for something shattering to your fragile hopes in what 2016 is building to for Hillary Clinton. Her crimes do not matter and never will. We must deal with the fiction of these puppet characters stage act. This is about what is being plotted and implemented........and the most Conservative guy in Washington DC is Chuck Schumer.