As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
Everyone is getting this wrong about the Holder Obama trial of that bin Laden driver or son or whatever that terrorist was and is, because they are missing the points in the ledger which Obama has been following.
Obama could care less about stinking turban heads and has shown as much as when they are no Islamocommunists he tortures them and brutally murders them like Col. Khadaffi.
Life is a trade of with Obama. He buys bin Laden's corpse to save his Birther ass, and then to appease the dope lords in Afghanistan he provides information on helo routes of SEALS coming in to "pay off" the Islamocommunists in murdering the Obama SEALS in that stage theater.
Obama is one of the best camel traders in the world. He got a corpse from China for a Stealth Helo he had the SEALS blow up there and he got a 2012 election stolen on pile of dead SEALS to appease his dope lords Muslims.
Obama is very successful at trading life.
What the terror trials and importing Muslims into America is about, is not about justice. You will remember Obama bitching about making the terror war a trial instead as Bush was wrong.
Obama has made more war and slaughtered more people, than Bush ever did. The fact is that Obama is as this blog has stated murdering Muslims who will not follow Obama's narco Islamarxist lead and he rewards those Islamocommunists with nations, dope dealerships and life.
That is why Obama early on tried to import terrorists to Illinois. They were HOSTAGES. You have to get this, as there is a tier structure in all of this. That structure has two branches. The first is one takes hostages in the vicinity of Chicago so large dirty weapons of mass desturction in bio weapons or nuclear weapons are not deployed by competitor Muslims to punish Obama, the way Dr. Germ unleashed the 2012 New Obama West Nile Plague that only this blog covered.
That West Nile was mutated in labs on Saddam's West Nile he released in America to use daytime mosquitos, instead of night mosquitos in the Tiger genus. Huge story broken here and no one bothered to hound the hell out of Mockingbird Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin or Ingraham to make them cover it.
There was a Bush Texas based bio attack and an Illinois Obama based bio attack in 2012, and it was successful.
See if one has Muslim hostages from both the Sunni and Shia branches, then those Muslims are not going to be blowing up or putting the pandemic into those large New York and Chicago cities. It is old operating procedure in putting the enemies elite into areas of your strongholds to protect those strongholds from attack.
That is what the show trials of Holder and Obama are primarily about. Do not though be sucked into one dimensional thought in this, as there are other protocols staged in this.
Iran for example could care less if some Sunni bin Laden Islamofascist is in New York. They would just as soon blow him up as they tried to get the Jews to blow up Assad in Syria to the greater good of destroying the Israeli state in making Assad a scapegoat several years ago.
That is where the supplemental actions in this take place, which Obama has factored in for him.
See an Iranian Islamocommunist will be allowed in time to vaporize or reduce to rubble New York City in a super 9 11 event, when Obama needs a game changer to implement the "war scenario" to cover up all his crimes for the cartel and those trillions he has looted.
World War IV is not just about the primary control of the central Europeans of the global feudal state put into ashes, but it is the covering up in balancing the debt books of the world. See the debt will not be able to be paid, but in like manner when the financial trials are gone as in the destruction of the Twin Towers, than those who stole the money never have any records of that theft and get to keep the money which gives them absolute control of the financial and political structures.
Into this nuking of New York in a future tense.........I will report here that as of a week ago there were not any major terror events which Obama was going to utilize to further his agenda. The agenda is being furthered on schedule with no more major events being necesary.
The nuke tense of New York, I continue.........
There are though draw station terror events, which that trial is designed to induce. These will not be major WMD attacks, but the spray and pray types of events if it is deemed necessary they should take place, for the trials also serve as a "fuck you" to the opposition in stating that Obama can try his competitors, in his courts, just like he can murder his competitors in their lands at his choice. The key in this is, the message of, Obama can try Islamofascists, because he as an Islamocommunist is in control of al Qaeda from 1600 Penn Avenue.
It is a bitch slap to Muslims of the Nazi order, a rubbing in their faces of the control Obama now has and will continue to implement.
It is the cementing of power. If Obama was interested in justice, he would have trials on all the Gitmo fascists there, but they are Obama hostages, just like Obama is running hostage camps around the globe to maintain leverage on his comrades. If Obama put those people on trial, it would give them venue and faces, but by keeping them in seclusion, it is a matter where he can lose them to the Brotherhood who will skin them alive after raping them with a broom handle like Chris Stevens.
Do not neglect this my children, just because no one told you this, but Obama did use ANALGATE, even if it was a political disaster in his terrorists murdered the hostage Obama was supposed to rescue. Obama sent a definite message to all the terror families or the Muslim tribes that what his people did to Chris Stevens is exactly what his terrorists would do to all of the Islamists who bucked him.
Assad stating to John Kerry a big "Fuck You" in his not vacating Syria to be assassinated later, reveals the Kremlin is backing him also means that several Exocet types missiles out of Libya are in hand in Syria and on timetable they will be used to blow Assad out of his warship he was living on.
This is about control, and Obama is tying up the last groups of independent Muslims, to turn over to his Brohood community organized control of the Caliph.
The Jewish state is being surrounded by one constrictor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran is it's head, for the purpose of disarming the Jews of nuclear weapons.
This is all playing out, and New York terror trials are in a future point meant to generate a WMD attack to holocaust the major threat to the Ashkenaz in control over the Israeli state in rich, independent Jews in New York.
That attack will then provide carte blanche to Obama to wipe out whatever he has designs on for the 9 11 par dux or the false peace treaty order.
I do not know if Obama is going to be around for this, but that is what the ledger speaks of that Obama is implementing for the cartel.
That terror trail and it is TRAIL not trial, is designed to turn New York City into New Cinder City.
No longer Sin City, but Cinder City in Obama Sharia Law.
Enough of this.
Nuff said
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PS: As a note to the Obama trolls who have been sniping at this blog in lying about it in smearing it as racist, this is what this blog has been warning all in when the WMD attacks come, they are designed to wipe out liberal voting enclaves by the millions, because despots always prey on their own competitors first.
I have been trying to save you ignorant bastards from Obama and Obama from hisself. When the day comes though in which the Obama fraud voting liberal enclaves are exterminated by Obama's terror wing, I will smile in the justice done in your getting exactly what you deserved in smearing this blog.
Good riddance to the collective sewage of humanity that was flushed from the wild lands and collected in the sewer of the large liberal cities.
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