In the heart of a human, there beats the sacred form of the entire universe and that is the image of God.
I get perturbed at human hating uninspired asses who post stories for cash mocking the masters who have seen things and mocking the wisdom of the ages in the human is a Temple of God and His universe.
What can on expect from self deluded Mockingbird twat named NBC Natalie, but the reality is a simplicity of form that as every atom is assembled by God in that God Light glue, there is a manifestation of this in a repetition in electric currents repeat as the human nervous system, the clouds form skeletal structures, skins and weep the blood of the skies in rain.
All common forms repeat from base, so of course, all forms are going to mirror, whether they are a grain of sand, a lick of frost on a window, an electric storm, a human, a planet or a galaxy........that form repeats, and the universe is nothing more than a pentagram pattern soccer ball forming a sphere.
In human form, the body is a Temple. It fits Euclid's 47th perfectly as that which is pleasing to the eye in focal and vanishing points also produces the structure that resonates perfectly in this dimension.
The human form is a divining rod of frequency. As Jeff Rense noted, DNA is an antannae. All things are connected in this chemical electrical atomic form of consumption and growth, of assembling and disassembling and it does it all on circle, square, rectangle, triangle and whatever poly's fit in the angles when the femine acts with the male structure.
You can not have a complete sphere made of angles without there being fractions of 22/ 7ths. It is PI which creates the infinity of filling in the spaces to form perfection. PI is the eternal form transitioning from the mortal angles.
The divine circle of Heaven in man as the image of God is within the square the earth. This earth is the womb to transform the material soul into the Spiritual child of God. Rotating this Sacred Geometry by frequency transfigures life to eternal, it as this blog has exclusively only revealed turns the angular into circumference. The straight line on points literally becomes the circle.
The ancients possessed the more complete knowledge, but the practioners led by the cultic Ashkenaz and the aristocrats have hidden the mystery so the masses will not enable it, as they initiate it.
All of the Sacred Symbols are in the human form in motion. The X, the most necessary component comprising the male star of David and the female pentagram are contained there. The open ended X is the chain that allows flour to become gravy and oil to become grease and spirit to become God or satan..
That is about all I have to say about this to the ants at the picnic.
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