My children I compose this to help others and to give insight into the melodrama which is talk radio, concerning pets.
This is brought about by Mike Gallagher this morning by his fag sounding gay producer who says he is married......HELLO.............who was castigting Mike Gallagher about a huge photo framed on his wall behind him of his dog. A photo higher than a photo of his daughter held by her great grandfather.
Mike sleeps with this dog blah, blah, blah which the fag sounding married producer....HELLO........just happens to call disgusting. The fag sounding married producer...HELLO......also said Gallagher needed therapy as he was lonely after his wife died of cancer.
I will not go that far, but you will notice the razor mouthed Mark Levin has his dogs in the realm of gods and mourns over them .........all because Levin has a psychopathy of fearing he will be hurt by humans, so he screams at them to ward them off, and to injure them before they injure him so he is in control in a power structure.
The gay sounding Eric has HELLO.........three daughters and dislikes pets. That only means that Eric is fulfilled in a family and Eric does not need the association God provided in pets. Dogs reflect human emotion, and Eric does not exist in a structure where he wants to have his emotions reflected back at him.
Pets do not talk back, criticize, make fun...............yeah that is Mike Gallagher's entire psychopathy. Mike is hurt from his wife suffering and dying off cancer. Mike is hurt in being beat up in media by liberals non stop, so Mike retreats into the Pookie World of pets to deal with his emotional injuries.
Limbaugh has his cats and whatever with his daughter. Same thing, but Limbaugh is unable to make an emotional connection with an animal, or a human for that matter either.
I'm not picking on the right Mockingbird folks, but it is I just do not care about those on the left having sex with pets or using them like the Obama's as a symbol they are "normal" for photo ops.
This is stated though in Christian concern for Mike Gallagher, the fraud of the right, and it is a fact that Gallagher does not need therapy, but when that dog does die, Mike is going to have to deal with all those suppressed emotions of his wife suffering, wife dying, his feeling betrayed, his entire emotional structure which he has burdened that dog with as his surrogate wife........that he has intimacy with in rubbing the puppy's stomach for his form of connection.
All of this will probably mean hot coals on Gallagher's head and it is not intended in Biblical terms, but is a fact this man needs to deal with this transference or it will bite him in the soul. satan has a tendency to hurt pets to inflict upon people close to them to really rip them to shreds.Gallagher needs to heal beyond his pet, and to deal with this before he is more vulnerable in his little high price rich expensive Manhattan apartment as he tells people to give 1000 bucks each to Missouri Congressmen, in not figuring out that the rest of Obamerika does not shit money nor does it have the hundreds of dollars extra a year for which the pet racket is now gouging Americans.
So now Mike Gallagher has the world knowing more about his soul sickness than he cared to and his gay sounding producer with three girls.......HELLO.......who does not want his emotions turned back into him nor wants icky pets around him has the world knowing a bit too much about his soul sickness.
It really is better if these manipulators on media would shut up about their personal things, as they are paid the big revenue, but they have no idea the forensic psychology which comes flowing out.
Mike Gallagher is a sadist who likes being hurt to give meaning to his hurts, all on the "happy conservative warrior" stuff of his seeing himself as a soldier happy protesting too much in his inner sadness.
Well enough of this as we got Lawrence O'Donnell calling Rand Paul flawed and according to Gallagher wants to fist fight Mormon Romney's little boy............yeah, the same midnight rider mounting black women to feel superior and has to carry the water for "designer negro" Obama who white guy O'Donnell knows as a "black" is not up to the task as all Nig's are incapable according to liberals.
Do you get it that Mockingbird hires nothing but psychological misfits to mind your minds?
Now you do.
As a caveat, I have not dealt with the death of my puppy Ruby nor TL's puppy Vashti, for the reason called poverty. See grief is a luxury which can be nursed by the rich. Normal people who need to pay bill and beg God for things, are never afforded the time to sitting around transferring emotions or taking months in the process, as there are duties to perform.
Dogs have assisted me, in transferring the trauma of the welcome death of my father and the traumatic death of my Beloved Uncle from brain cancer.
These people like Gallagher need to deal with things in God as they have the money to sit around in that luxury of grief and stop putting it off and placing it on a dog who would literally for a dog treat go home with me, and one week of being pampered could not care if Mike Gallagher was rotting in the street.
I know the situation I deal with as God and TL are the priorities. It is called being responsible and I'm not afforded the luxury of life as things are being murdered by satan on me constantly as that is the only way it can inflict on me to try and destroy me.
Maybe not coals is what I'm in the mood for.
nuff said.
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