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Beam Me Up


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thanks LC for taking so much of your precious time to write about the Committees of Conscious. So, America is done? That makes me very sad. Are there ways we can protect as many of His children in the times to come? Jesus bless you and yours, and keep you safe.


When I wrote a number of years ago that America is dead, and that Birther Hussein was installed into 1600 Penn Ave to murder the American Virgin, I meant just that. That is a hard thing for even me as I love America and no one wants to face the reality that the illusion of the country they love is dead, but I would ask you to think about something for awhile, that if you did one thing which the Founders did, which Theodore Roosevelt did do you think you would be heralded or would you be imprisoned or shot dead?

That is what I mean in America is done. There is no political candidate in either party major or minor who espouses anything American as the Founders knew it and even as Ronald Reagan professed it. It is a crime now to be an American and the cartel used American laws against Americans along with Mockingbird media to condition you to hesitate at being American.

There is enough in the archives cataloging the litany of how America died and the Republic is no more, to even the George W Bush social democracy is now dead and all that remains is Obama feudalism, and there is nothing that is going to turn that back, because the conglomerates are all plugged in to the US electronic currency generator, and this is a criminal act and they are not about to be prosecuted, and, this group will ruin or murder any Andrew Breitbart who gets in the way.

For that reason, the song by Mike and the Mechanics in Silent Running is the anthem of this age, and why I call myself a Continentalist, as I am between governments and surrounded by regimes. The things you are going to have to do are not that difficult as 1 billion Chinese and 320 million eastern Europeans fooled their regimes for generations.
You simply swear allegiance to anything they offer. When the police state appears, you simply obey. You pay your taxes, you do not make any waves at all. You do not ever show up on the radar, because once you ping that system you are in it forever and they will remember you and come for you first.

You become a sheep with hidden fangs. The relevant part is that you educate yourselves while you can, and that means you learn medical, chemistry, military tactics, and, you gain yourself hands-on experience with everything from electrical, metal, woodworking, plumbing, and whatever else you are going to need to survive. You become Benjamin Franklin in knowing everything, but not rocking the boat. It would probably behoove you to learn a smattering of foreign languages like Spanish and Russian, but it works just as fine to have a little sign printed up saying you are deaf and dumb as a post.

Always remember what my grandpa and my beloved uncle said, "Always act like a stupid farmer because they expect it." In that, authorities always believe they are more intelligent than you, so give that to them and just act stupid, grinning like an ape picking shit off his ass.

Hidden in your education is going to be your tools for survival and fighting back, when the mob does arise to be slaughtered. Always remember the mob is your protection, they eat the bullets, they take the mosquito drone chemical weapons, and you move astutely through like a shadow going unnoticed.

All of this of course sounds nothing American like John Wayne riding up the hill, but we are in completely different times now in an entirely new machine has been created by the state to monitor and kill you.

I am not saying to not be political. But know fully well that the BATF bragged after Hutatree that they had every group in America infiltrated and they do. They also have every media and every conglomerate minding you with assets who are extremely loyal to the regime. That is why they are there. You certainly can form your Committees of Conscience among your American patriots but know just like Hutatree you are going to attract attention and some BATF asset is going to be planting things or recording things at your meeting and making you appear like Terry Nichols.
There is an entire protocol on how to smear people, and all of you have been categorized already along with everything you have done to fit into a profile picture which your own mother would not even recognize and agree that SWAT should have shot you.

That is not to say this is all encompassing as there are always holes in everything. It is just your purpose to slip through the holes and not look like a lunatic.

Honestly, if there was any place in this world to go, I would go. There just simply is not a New World to hide in. Yes, there is the Russian hinterland, remote parts of Canada, the border areas in South America, and some cowpie areas of America, and that is the place you are gonna have to hide, some of you are going to be rats hiding in plain sight in major cities. The thing is the apparatus is in place that they could wipe out entire population areas and call it a plague if it was necessary. That is why in exclusive I warned here about the insect drones, those tools are developed to suppress huge segments of populations, as in Bill Ayers Cuban protocols of wiping out 7 to 21 million Americans who are "uneducatable". They will use these like a sniper rifle when the time comes and there will be no defense for them, no more than the heroin robot dog in Fahrenheit 451.

I do not want to make this all sound doom and gloom, but you Americans are going to become more like those English creatures on a leash who all look like fags. Your rugged individual days are done and if you try to be rugged, they are going to kill you.

It is why I look for Jesus return and am not upset about the end of America as I will live under Jesus rule when He returns. That philosophy will keep most of you in hope so you do not start reacting and get into trouble in some panic at discovering you are a caged animal.

I was reading parts of Starman Jones to TL a few weeks ago and in those passages, Sam was telling Jones about a free planet without regulations, and Jones could not comprehend a place where people were Americans once again in being at such liberty, that there were not regulations to build a house, get an employment check, drive a car, or own a gun.........you do get that in 1776 there were no regulatinos or fines to live. That is why America is dead and none of you seem to realize it fully.
That is what the cartel does. It imprisons you and leaves the illusion that you are free so you do not bolt in panic to a revolution.
  • You cannot leave America without a passport. That is a national prison.
  • You cannot own property without paying a fine on it every year as in real estate tax.
  • You cannot make money without an IRS fine for being productive.
  • You cannot own a gun without the regime's permission.
  • You cannot start a business without a license.
Does that sound like freedom to you? That is what you exist in and it is nothing in common with 1776 America, 1876 America, but it all started ending around 1900 AD in the year of our Lord.

So that is the reality. You simply hide in plain sight and wait for events to transpire. You do not make yourself a target and you leave a signature that you are one of those half brains, no brains, or Obama brains in allowing Limbaugh, Hillary, or a potato chip bag to voice your protest.

My advice is get right with Jesus and go enjoy your life He gave you. The system is not worth supporting so be right Spiritually and do what pleases you. Jesus said let the dead bury the dead. There are going to be a lot of dead who are not going to be buried. It is in you from your blood in Assyrian exile as Samarian Israelites, as barbarian Scyths, and the peoples they filtered through in Europe, to your Americanism to survive all of this and to thrive in it. I know you like the fight. Americans are the best squat assassins a breed ever produced, but that is for when invasions come or the mob revolts. Now is the time of low profile signatures and acting like you are one of the herd. Just be prepared and go live your lives in peace. None of this is worth getting worked up over. If I had the big donation, I would touch on the important parts, but I would go fishing, trapping, hunting, gardening, and doing projects while I ignored all of this as none of it matters.
You matter though, especially to God. So just be aware, bend with the storm around you, and don't break. It will all be fine, and you probably will find out you enjoy it all as your ancestors did and as many Europeans and Asians did.

That is about it.

Nuff said


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