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Limbaugh Leaven


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I utilize Rush Hudson Limbaugh III as a prototype of the modern Pharisee, but while those of the left cheer that I feature Limbaugh, it could be a Jew like Mark Levin, a Vatican boy like Sean Hannity, a sodomite like Shep Smith, an image like Birther Hussein Obama, a skirt like Hillary Clinton or whatever else you are putting your trust in, as the Holy Ghost warns, "Put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men."

Jesus in Luke 12 verse 1 says something which is far too often overlooked in the translation, which is revealed in the Amplified version.
Jesus warns of being on your guard against the leaven of the Pharisees who are hypocrites, because they produce unrest and violent agitation.

I repeat that in unrest and violent agitation.

There is difference between standing against evil. Evil is defined as anything which is destructive to people if they are engaged in it to their demise. The 10 Commandments are the base of all Societal Law which is meant to protect the person from selfish ideals with higher God ideals, protecting that connection to God, and protecting the family and community from thefts as sex outside of man woman marriage to murder.

The entire cartel is based upon hyping up the masses through self destructive misbehavior, which is designed to keep people from revolution, which would burn down the ivory towers and liberate the peoples of the world, and to keep the sexed up, doped up and hyped up, so they all self murder themselves and each other. It is a distraction, and that is what the Pharisee was. They were like Limbaugh in presenting themselves before the world as more loved by God than you are, as the Pharisee was rich, well dressed, lived in mansions, had honor and everyone listened to them, as they directed what the law should be interpreted as.

The Pharisee was a person who degraded to taking baths as that is what saved them, instead of Christ. Limbaugh will tell you that success is proof you are wonderful. Obama will tell you that taking what the regime steals from others is what validates you. See all sides have this false doctrine, which is nothing Christian and it certainly is nothing American idealism like Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan never complained about people eating and never twisted John Smith's remedy for the Pilgrim slovenity by starving modern Americans who do not have jobs. Yet that is what Rush Limbaugh constantly lies to the world about in trying to smear Conservatives and ruin Ronald Reagan.

Image Obama does the same thing in suiting up in Ronald Reagan's form in 2008, then swinging over to the Kennedy's for his bonafides, as for years the image runs ruthless throughout the world in the reality of Joe Stalin.
The modern black has sold their soul for an Obamaphone, the same way their African relatives were lured into traps for a handful of wheat.

All of this is by design by the cartel. The world is now one which legalizes self destructive misbehavior in women murdering children in the womb, sodomites defining themselves by sex acts like that is a race of people and this worship of Birther Hussein Obama's image, replacing Jesus the Christ from the American Throne.

Americans are more in debt, more miserable, more degenerate, more sad, than they ever were under Ronald Reagan. It does not matter if it is the person in France,  the person in Sweden, the person in China, the person in India, the person in Argentina. It has been half a generation since Ronald Reagan, and all of these cartel appointed leaders across the globe have done nothing but divest you of real life and made you slaves to debt.

Gasoline is a gift from God, meant to keep people from working themselves to death. Now the price fixing has people worrying to death as Obama promises of regime loans to fix things in houses bought to education, make people debtors for life in trying to work that debt off.

The world is a rich feudal few and a massive mob of impoverished. God never intended that for any person. God's ideals were to reward you for your work in having you keep what you work for, and having your own home you earned, and not to be penalized for living in taxes or regulations every step of the way.

All of this leaven ferments like a sour spoiling of apples in a barrel or grapes in a vat. What comes out intoxicates the masses to sickness and feeds nothing of their souls.

Your first, middle and last source should not be any of these tongues lashing you to a frenzy daily hour by hour. It should not be this blog either. You should be starting your day with a Bible reading, a prayer, time for some Bible study, and then a Bible reading with a prayer to turn things over to God, so you can rest, and be renewed.
This is the only remedy which is going to "create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me".

You have got to face inward, as all of your facing outward has done nothing but pollute you and destroy you. You have to take in the pure Word of God and be cleansed of the contamination.

Put it this way. I use Limbaugh as an example. Sure Rush Limbaugh says about 60% things which are honest enough, but it is that other 40% which is skewed for Big Koch. The Obama image says in the range of 60% lies, 40% Reagan type facts, and all the while is 100% Marxist cartel off the liberal reservation. Numbers mean little, but think if you sat down with a bag of Snickers in 6 of them were candy bars and 4 of them were rat poison bars.
If you can recoil at being bright enough to figure out that 6 honest Snickers are not going to stop the poisoning of 4 rat poison bars, then you can figure out that 4 out of 10 lies are poisoning your minds in a Pharisee pasted God's Name on all they did, but it was all the lies of satan in what they were saying.

I am not asking you to be a Lame Cherry follower as being a Limbaugh or Obama follower has done nothing but ruin your lives to an existence. Be a follower of Jesus the Christ. Jesus has been proven to reward good lives to people, providing those people are not allowing a Pope or something else like an Obama messiah to decide things for you.

You belong to Jesus, so adhere to how He has decided Life for you. That is the only certainity there is in life in God gives you a life print to mould this life to, and when you follow that plan, you get Peace from God a greater majority of the time, than having the world set you in upheaval constantly 24 hours a day.

Stop following the world and it's delusions. Moment by moment follow the Wisdom of Jesus, the Bread of Life.


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