This is an update of sorts in I ate the wrong appliances again and am feeling nausea today and quite unplugged when I should be resting, so think of this as Baby Belle meets a need for reality.
I will repeat again that I only have DIAL UP at 28 kbs. Those who have high speed internet overlook that. As an example, when I log into Hotmail, it takes about 3 minutes to get to the first page which IS NOT HOTMAIL, but a warning page that my browser is too old and I should update it. That is the problem as I can not update my tower as it requires two Windows package updates which would take weeks to download.
The plan was to piggyback off my laptop for an update, but when I checked the retailers were all out of that USB conduit and since then I have been too busy to look.
Clinking on the ignore link, it then takes another 3 minutes to reach the IN BOX, which is not loaded fully for another 5 minutes, and then the spiders play cute with me, and will reload the page a few times, so just to get to hotmail inbox takes around 12 to 15 minutes each time.
As you can witness, when the inbox is overflowing, there is a new problem in my laptop will jam and not even load the page so I can open anything. I am not meaning to be lecturing, but you have to realize that when one person is sending me around 30 emails in 12 hours, that it jams the entire system. It takes around 5 minutes to load an email, so when you tally up the numbers....
3 minutes to log in, 12 minutes to reach inbox, 5 more minutes for an email, that one person is taking 165 minutes or over two and one half hours, which is time I do not have nor the energy.
I do not mind hearing from anyone, and gladly pray for them or help in any way I can, but it is an issue that those people are being neglected when over a dozen emails are coming in from individuals.
As a help, there is a site like this one, for those who have things to express, and people can open an account for free, and post all they have to say. I simply can not deal with this as it has jammed the system and requires hours to try and remedy each day.
For the rest of the day, Ned, that is the goatikins who was sick, died yesterday morning. He has been having a rough time of it, and I will post more on this Nubian Wasting Disease, which is what I named it, as no one knows anything about it. I feel really bad about Ned dying, from relief he is not suffering to guilt over Ned things. As Mom said, it certainly is a big empty space out there without him now.
The other goatikins are doing good. The little boys we have in the kennel are currently being hand fed by TL some hay. They both go out to do chores with us twice a day and love it. It would help as it would have for Ned if it was not so damned cold and wet all the time.
Baby Belle has officially almost lost her title of Turdy Belle. She comes to TL now and blinks at us with those big brown eyes. I honestly lost her this morning as she was standing in the shadow of Daisy. I will try and get some pictures when it warms up, but she is a real minature and about 1/3rd the size now of Daisy.
Nearest we can tell Belle is about 7 months old, and is barely mid thigh high. She is still getting over those ringworm spots on her ears.
Daisy is healed up, her cyst either disappeared or absorbed. She is large and as light as Jackie Gleason dancing around her pen. I hope to have them both out to larger pen when the sun shines and it stops snowing.
I have been busy on LC things in making a new trapping and snaring system which I will have to implement to control predators around here....along with designing a 3 point hitch for an Allis Chalmers which needs to be assembled as I thank God have access to a tractor for the summer gardening finally, and with that we probably will be able to eat.
My Bible reading this morning from the Holy Ghost was about that Ethiopian who saved Jeremiah from the pit. I take it to mean that besides my life being saved, that those who have been Faithful to God and Good to me, will escape from what is ahead in those years to come, will walk out with their life and nothing more.
So that is the deal, Ned died, so I had an extra 20 minutes today to update all of you as to what is going on around here. That will be allocated to other things in the following days as I keep busy. There will hopefully be a two hour trip to pick up some turkeys from a rancher who I had Mom call, and he said he would try and catch a gobbler as he had 300 of them. I need him as June sits under our feet needing to be bred, which makes her especially friendly in the extreme as she sits to be petted and purrs.
I want to say something to all of you though to do for yourselves. When my Beloved Uncle almost died of an exploded artery in his brain, he decided to live his life as it was short. That was a good thing as 12 years later he was dead in a few months from brain cancer.
I watch each of you, and note that a myriad of you, glom onto Hillary Rodham stories, but could care less about a trapper in Pennsylvania who lived a God Inspired life.
You have got to stop each of you running and gunning for the gossip, thinking it empowers you, and being addicted to knowing something first. Life is not this internet, cell phones, television or whatever else you are wasting your time on in mindless sports.
You have to live your life. Do things you like or find things you like and do them. For me, I can not afford things, but I like hunting, fishing, trapping.......gardening I can afford, and I build things as my main things. God keeps me busy so I do not get bored. That Allis 3 point is a delight, but it took 5 hours in my slow internet with the Holy Ghost figuring things out, just to get things sorted out in theory. This is going to help the thousands of people with Allis tractors who do not have this 3 point as no one apparently was Inspired to lead the way.
You do not have to lead the way in anything though. You just need to do things you like and enjoy, not to obsession like Obama's image and golf, but just to delight you as you are validated in God. I would be off doing things and writing about them for all of you if I could afford it, as it would teach you a number of things. I was chosen for this moment to reach a number of you and I appreciate each of you, but knowing what lies the cartel is producing today is not doing you any good as the focus is on liars and not God or the things in this world He created to delight you.
I honestly think now that goats are not animals most people should have. When they get sick, they die like sheep and leave scars like dogs on your inward parts. Cattle are more forgiving in being sick as they do get up at times when down. It is though worth a great deal of tears to have these little guys doing what goats act out like which they will be doing as soon as I close this out.
A goat sort of bucks, prances like Pepe le Pew, runs sideways, in a combination which always makes me laugh as they love life so very much and express it.......when they are not fighting every day for the same spot to lay down in or bunting the other for attention or yelling they need to be fed, or acting like a spin washer chasing each other's tails in a two by four foot pen.
You have got to go live your life, even if it is just sitting under a tree sitting there.
Well the whirlpool has started in the pen and I have to get moving, as it is almost chore time without Ned to take care of, but that leaves time for the living in more time for them.