As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the study of 1879 AD American Canadian frontier issues, I find the following account most interesting by United States reporter from Chicago Illinios, John Finerty.
The background of this story is Walsh of the Mounted Police for Queen Victoria had ventured to the American command of General Nelson Miles, whose main purpose was the punish, if at all destroy the terrorists of Sitting Bull being protected in Canada, all the while arming them, as they invaded Montana, to murder, rape and rob Americans.
The reality is the Milk River area, was void of Americans, due to the terrorists murdering everyone, including destroying all the wildlife in the region, along with the half breed Metis people for trade and the markets for profit.
What is of interest in this, is Walsh was quite unconcerned with is his Canadians over "Queen Victoria's terrorists". They just could not see much harm in 1000 heavily armed terrorists which they were protecting for profit.
Walsh had invited Finerty to the camp, as a propaganda ploy from the English. Showing the Americans how strong of force was there, would keep them from invading to wipe the terror predators out, and also use the American press to propagandize the Indians in their "plight".
As Finerty was given an escort back to the American line, as if Finerty was caught alone, he would have been scalped, tortured and murdered, the party of two Mounties, one half breed and Finerty came upon a rise which was bristling with Indians.
Much consternation was involved in this, as if it were the Sioux terrorists, the chances were that Finerty would be biting the dust, and if they were General Miles Indian Cavalry, then all might be wiped out, or the British might be dead in the events which followed.
The story continues with this quote:
"Soon they reached near enough to make us out, and, according to their custom, they fired several shots in the air, and uttered their shrill, unearthly yells. Their leader was dressed in a light-colored garb, and I had the satisfaction of recognizing in him the famous Cheyenne chief, Little Wolf, who had surrendered to Lieut. Philo Clark, after a gallant fight, the previous year. Little Wolf looked black at the soldiers and half-breed who had their rifles at full cock, ready for business, but, reining in, reached his hand to me and said," How !"
Then he motioned to his followers, and they all swept off toward the north like a tornado.
" May I never!" said Burns, addressing me. " If you had not been along, those fellows would have scalped us, sure." I don't think they would, because they feared General Miles' wrath and discipline, but, after all, I think it was much better for the soldiers that I happened to be with them."
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908
The reality of the above was if the Sioux terrorists had just gone to reservations, instead of continuing to raid and murder Indians and American on the border, the Indians would not have even been there in capturing 500 wagon carts of the Metis traders.
These were peaceful Indians.
These same Sioux would be the base of a story of Teddy Roosevelt who first coming to ranch in that country had an encounter where a group of young bucks decided to try and murder him, and would have if he had not taken a stand and showed no fear.
It is the point though that the British were quite fearful of the American Indians and could see certain death, but for some reason the Mounties, had no trouble with Indians armed with new Winchesters with bags full of cartridges, who were murdering Americans and destroying American wildlife herds.
Perhaps these Canadian terrorists should have had a few experiences with the well armed American Indians in burning down Winnepeg to see what their terrorists were doing in Montana. The British though would be incensed and outraged over this, and demand that American control her terrorists, when the Dominion was accomplishing the same thing, and had been engaged in this since the 1700's in using Indians against Americans.
Old Bear Coat, or Nelson Miles though saved the British by his iron hand rule of the savages under his control, and not one Canadian Citizen ever lost his life on the Canadian side of the border by the American Indians.
Think about that for a moment as that record was never matched by Canadians or British. The American Indians never went raiding into Canada to exploit that border. If it would have been American intrigue which had activated this heinous crime, then America probably would have controlled the entire northwest, which is American by right.
This reality of history requires understanding, as the European choice in Equalz Obama, has been busy arming Mexican terrorists to murder Mexicans and Americans, exploiting that border, in the same way Queen Victoria armed terrorists in Canada to check the American settlements.
"On our last march in, we met Captain M , of the ordnance department, and Mr. S , of the Winchester Arms Company, of New England, en route to join us. They had been out one night. S had never been on the plains, or, in fact, on horseback, before. He was full of the Indian business and saw a great many savages in his dreams. The captain, although an excellent officer, had not had much experience of the wilderness either."
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908
Yes it was large business on both sides of the border, in selling Winchesters to the Indians.
"The Indian difficulty, with the disappearance of the bison, soon settled itself. Canada could do little or nothing toward feeding and clothing the Tetons, so, gradually, their* stubborn natures yielded, and, after negotiating with our government through that of the Dominion, they began to come into our agencies. Sitting Bull was among the last to surrender, but, with his surrender, when it came, "the war of centuries was at a close," and the final conquest of the Sioux was consummated.
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908.
With it finally coming to a point that Queen Victoria would be charged money to be benevolent to the Sioux terrorists in feeding them, the use of the Sioux had ended in their now "Teton" name. The terrorists and Metis peoples had destroyed all the wildlife on the American side of the border, and by action of murder on the Sioux part drove out all the Americans, but it would be the British not desiring to pay for their terrorists which ended the terrorism, and stuck American with the savages who should not have ever been allowed back into country.
As a side note in this, the Canadians do a great deal of propaganda in "Native Peoples" horse whip phrases, but the reality is the Canucks made treaties and just let the Indians and Metis people die of tuberculosis and other maladies. The only reason the Indians were not run out of Canada, is the population was not there to drive them off those lands. There was never any "good naturedness" about the Canadians.
The Hudson Bay slave holders, exploited the Indians and Metis peoples by Scotch post commanders who were so tight, they made a Jew look extravagant. Yes cheating Indians out of pelts of a few coins built a profit for a further empire.
That is what Canuck terrorists were and were worse than the Americans in the exploitation and the harboring of crime. It is a history which still has "superior Canuck laws" protecting Indians from words, when all they are is an exploited people in the same way the American Indian reservations are crime bases to promote the Obama type.
No one deals with these issues and regretably the propaganda remains which is a farce, and the ignorant 21st century savage still believes the lie perpetuated by the very cartel which misused them centuries ago.
nuff said