As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was sitting here checking email with TL and said, "TL", that is because TL is TL's name, "TL, you checked mail," and TL said, "No I did not".........
The reason for it was all the letters in my cleaned out mail box were looked upon........
Not a few seconds later the screen winked as my screens always do when the NSA is about the place hot and heavy, and by miracle all the mails were back to not being looked at.
Talk about service or what eh? NSA should respond with million dollar donations that fast when asked for.
Another thing since we came back is the menu screen on the monitor keeps going German again like the good olde days......and this screen is usually bouncing like.......well like it is winking at me.
There has been a new NSA or maybe FSB thing though which has been amusing in not only does the television turns on the sound by itself again, but I thought I was losing it the other day when I turned the monitor off twice and it was back on when I came back in.....I thought TL had come through and put it back on.
Thing is when I turned it off the other day, and left as TL and Mom were witnesses to this, the monitor turned back on.
Is that not cool or what..........sort of like ABS brakes turning on and off and......again once again after these things were mentioned here.
I suspect it is boring to spy on Lame Cherry, because what can one do with a suitcase of Viagra and a keybored so .......well coated with the 10 cc's that what else can you do but communicate with the higher forms of intelligence. Like having a worm and wanting to pet it.
Was all in that Squire Trelaine program that you probably did not enjoy, but he was featured here as a Vulcan I think in tribble trouble.........but the thing is that I am still the most popular girl on the planet not X.
That is about it as I promised TL things to be off here, and got a sourdough post to post ......and well I had a not feeling so hot day in proving that I am not Vulcan, but have friends who are Vulcans who do not bleed red.
Denevian slime devils and toxic shock quatro triticale. What will they think of next for the show.