As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I address something as I am addressing it, and in addressing it, it requires addressing or I would not be addressing the subject being addressed.
The subject is the Winter Campaign of 1875 on the Northern Great Plains of America against terrorist elements of the Sioux and Cheyenne at war with America.
I first came across this incompentence in the memoirs of General Nelson Appleton Miles in serving the Republic of these United States. The importance of this exposure, that if the Department of the Platte had carried out their duty, there never would have been a Little Big Horn, a war of 1876 and winter of 1877, and there never would have been a Wounded Knee nor all of that wasted land in South Dakota held by the Sioux.
As I write this, I have no internet access to track this, but I know who the General was of the Department of the Platte, and it was General George Crook, who I have castigate previously, as when I describe him, you will say, "Yes I know people like that at work who screw up and for some reason never get fired but are their superior's pets".
George Crook appeared to be a man who could make his superiors validated, so he never was blamed by politicians or military for his incompetence.
The examples of George Crook's incompetence are he literally created Geronimo, the Apache terrorist. While in command in Arizona, Crook refused to listen to junior officers or scouts, and decided to have a fight with the Indians, where his command was put into a canyon and shot up by the Indians.
Before this disaster, the Scouts and Officers were striking Indians fast and hard, killing heaps of them in their war party camps.
In the Shenandoah during the Civil War, the commanding General Phil Sheridan had gone to Washington City for a meeting with the Lincoln cabinet, and upon returning found that Jubal Early had made a surprise attack on the Union lines, specifically George Crook's corp, who were routed, fled and Crook could not rally his own men.
Sheridan appeared and saved the day, by showing himself to the fleeing men, getting them to stop and rally, and with that he counter attacked.
Crook would be ordered to assist General Custer in the Campaign of 1876 in the Little Big Horns. Upon meeting Crazy Horse's bands at the Rosebud, Crook was repulsed and retreated, without warning the Custer, Gibbons and Terry commands.
The Sioux emboldened, poured out in fury against the 7th Cavalry.
In response to this, General Crook went hunting in the Big Horn Mountains.
Following the mass assassination of the Custer group, George Crook was sent in pursuit of the terrorists all summer, in which he accomplished running his forces into the ground and catching not even a cold.
One group of his command, not of Crook, happened upon Sioux terrorists at Slim Buttes in South Dakota, and won a victory there, but that was all that was accomplished.
When autumn arrived, orders arrived to go into winter quarters, which George Crook did immediately in the Department of the Platte. This is where the reality hits the reality in General Nelson Appleton Miles requested from his commander, General Terry to not sit in an Arctic camp all winter doing nothing, but with supplies to go after and defeat the Sioux and Cheyenne.
Terry informed Miles that this had already been undertaken in 1875 by the Department of the Platte and was a disaster as the men has entirely ended up in hospital due to the cold. Mile countered with his men were conditioned to the cold already in being in the elements in camp, and that he would dress them in woolens and buffalo hide coats.
Nelson Miles pounded the Sioux into submission with his small force in relentless attacks to their surrender in 1877 or their exile into Canada.
On visiting this quoted 1875 campaign, we again have George Crook as the head of the Department of the Platte. George Custer had been called to Washington in that winter and was giving testimony to the fraud and corruption in the Indian ring, arming terrorists, abusing the Indians in not feeding them, and in that spring of 1876, the Crow Indians had petitioned the US Government for protection from the Sioux terrorists who were preying upon them.
This is significant as the commander of the 1875 campaign logically was George Crook. He took men who were living inside with warmth, and threw them out into Arctic cold, and he did not provide adequate winter clothes.
In this the Sioux were then terrorizing the Crow Indians, and the Soldiers sent out were being destroyed by incompetence originating in the Department of the Platte.
It would seem that if Nelson Miles in common sense could figure out that when it was winter, that one put on a heavy coat, that George Crook could come to that same conclusion, like coming in out of the rain to not get wet, but Crook missed the point.
If George Crook had prosecuted with intelligence the winter Campaign of 1875, as I have stated, there never would have been a Little Big Horn. The Indian bands would have been shattered and in no condition to fight. Sitting Bull would not have had time to send runners to the Dakotas and Minnesota to recruit terrorists from there. Hence all that the 7th Cavalry would have had to have done was a mop up operation, in which even the treacherous Reno and Benteen in leaving the Custer command without support would have failed in that assassination, as General Custer's group could have handled a smaller group of terrorists.
George Crook would finally resign in failure in Arizona in having elevated another terrorist to high rank in Geronimo. It would be Nelson Miles who would defeat the Apache by superior tactics again.
I can find at least three criminal conducts that George Crook should have face court martial for. Other Generals who failed in campaigns in the central Plains wars were cast aside, but not George Crook. To repeat the point, George Crook was in command of a department which sent Soldiers out unprepared and not properly clothed into Arctic weather, almost killed them all in they ended up in hospital with frozen body parts, and then was sent out the next summer, whereby his defeat and retreat, caused the mass assassination of General George Custer and his command, and no politician or military leader charged this incompetent to remove him from command.
I realize that Crook had charms and was a pet of President Grant, in Crook served under Grant at the close of the Civil War, but it flabbergasts me the cover and protection this man had, in he literally created the three greatest terrorists in Geronimo, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, who caused the murders of numerous Americans, including rapes, robberies, tortures, kidnappings and murders, with the wiping out of the Custer group, in George Crook literally caused the Sioux uprising of 1876 and made the Sioux believe they were invincible, and no one even tried from Sheridan, Sherman or Grant to quietly rid the military of his menace and save Americans from the enabler of American genocide.
At best, George Crook was capable of not offending terrorists in being fair to them, and under a Commander on the scene as Hiram Grant, Crook could be kept from causing the defeat of an army he was long as the General was there to keep an eye on him.
Other than that, besides making his superiors and men like him, that is the extent of George Crook's abilities. One likes Fruit Loops, but does not suffer them to be put in command of a military division, as Fruit Loops would too embolden terrorists to energetic actions while not doing a great deal to stop military defeat.
It is not my intention to degrade General Crook, but instead to shine the light on this intrigue which protected him and keeps protecting this lot to this 21st century. There is intrigue in this of some type of generational connection when a drunken plotter like Marcos Reno, who was the direct cause of the slaughter of the Custer forces is protected by the military and Grant regime, finally facing court martial for rape stalking a woman in his own fort, to have this revisited in the late 20th century to have Marcos Reno's record cleared of his crimes.
I will continue this expose', but anyone looking at this, can witness that something is very wrong and something was going on with George Crook which made absolutely no sense, in the levels of incompetence in this person who caused so much damage and death to America.
nuff said