As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have a question my children.
How big is your big toe compared to your little toe?
Do not tell me please as I will to have you ponder that long and hard as it is vital to your health.
Now that I have you distracted your minds will now open to the real question of, "What are the odds of two different automobiles, having thee exact same malfunction with warning lights, and each not having this exact malfunction, and it curing itself in two weeks?"
See the deal is TL has this vehicle and we have Zelda, the Buick La Sabre which is old as Moses and has as many miles on it as the US Army. Both of them developed Anti Lock, ABS break warning malfunctions and nothing was wrong with the breaks.
In Zelda we were told the car should have been junked as Zelda has line 212,000 miles and that is a bit of miles, but she is a good car, and the thought was to nurse her back to the brier patch and see how to fix that 600 to 1200 dollar fix job in a land of jack knife mechanics.
TL's vehicle had the same problem and problem one day in braking............then it all cured. Same with Zelda and she cured too after prayer.
So the question is how is it that two vehicles could have brake problems, and not have break problems, like someone was electronically manipulating the onboard systems to interfere with us in getting here...........and trying to kill us?
Reality is both TL and Zelda both had updated brakes on them over a year ago, and the brakes are in top once again, who has the ability to set off electonics in a car and then turn them off, in order to just screw with the people who are about the only ones exposing all of this cartel corruption?
This is really bothersome and murderous, in what goes on here at the Lame Cherry. One odd event taking place is chance, while two is a pattern, and there is a pattern in car break warning systems both going off and then fixing.
Reality is, I utilized TL's cell phone Wifi for this blog, and is why TL was first targeted, and then they moved onto me, just to cause problems when TL was having health issues, and we were on the move to get the hell out of Obamalanding.
Most of you comprehend the things that this blog goes through in to appear here. There is a majority though of real self centered bound for hell self righteous types who have us take all the danger, while they have time for swimming pools and movie stars to brag they act like they are Patriots for the cause. The very definition of the summertime citizen.
I had thought that this was alleviating in being a problem in the Obama factor is being negated as Hillary Clinton and the Conglomerates have moved on from the historic Equalz, and the new players are already in power for 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
That is not the case, as this is a different group who apparently like car accidents to send messages, like that Spaniard who got snuffed over the E voting programs he developed that is stealing elections worldwide. It is always a marker in all this.....some use radar sweeps to blow blood vessels as the regime did, and others like auto malfunctions to send messages.
I hope that you do not have to find out what the world would be like in the brats having to finger things out for themselves in finding out how damn stupid they are........and how pussy lip gutless the are as they would be sh*tting themselves in Milburn Driesdale's cement pond, if they had this kind of threat taking place in their lives.
Nuff things to do.