As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Everyone has heard of the Underground Railroad in the Civil War, and in this uncivil war by the Obama regime against Americans in this Mexican and Chinese forced labor invasion, it is the point that people in their own states begin in united Tea Party and Labor Union movements to speak to their local representatives in enact ways to save their communities from these human refuse dumps carrying disease, crime and a greater burden on taxpayers.
What this blog advocates is something which California was promoting not so long ago, in they had fliers printed up in their welfare centers, stating that certain counties in Minnesota has the highest welfare payment rates in America. Soon enough these California rejects started cluttering up rural communities who could not figure out what was taking place.
When liberal California can dump their human refuse on other states, then there needs to be an ABOVE GROUND BUS LOAD, of other states sending their Obama problems to those states.
For example, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, learned in the press that the Obama regime was dumping Latin invaders into his state. The solution to this is simple, in Governor Pence simply has to make it a practice of the state police to detain all of these illegals on health issues, and in quarantine, give them all bus tickets to California, with Obamacare papers and welfare papers, and a box of Good Will clothes.
Literally for 500 dollars, a state could rid itself of each illegal, and once the process started, the illegals would avoid Indiana if it were made known that returns or mass dumps would be rewarded with 5 years hard labor.
Considering that an illegal costs thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes, and a competition on native poor in resources which states can not afford in medical and housing, this bus ticket to Los Angeles would be the cheaper salvation for the state.
This expands to the reality of the Rocky Mountain High. Take a state like South Dakota with that mutard of Obama policy in the crook Dennis Daugaard. Daugaard overrode his own GOP Congress to give illegals medical treatment and then spent a fortune on "rehabilitation" of dope heads.
A prison inmate costs 60,000 dollars per year to house and the rates for drug abusers is equal to thousands of dollars per month in treatment. The more correct policy would be for states to simply buy a bus ticket, give a box of Good Will clothes, along with welfare papers and send them to dope central Colorado, which is now drawing in a population of bums who smoke dope.
Of course, the caveat is if these criminals returned, they would be shot on sight or put into hard labor in a Sheriff Joe tent city, complete with chains, but the reality again is 1000 criminals shipped would be a 6 million dollar savings for each group, compared to a 250,000 dollar one time cost.
It should be the policy of rural Conservative areas to eliminate their problems by Above Ground Human Bus Load by removing their invaders and refuse to liberal states which are giving the Obama regime cover to not enforce United States Law.
Dopers and Invaders would be transported at distance enough that they would not return, and what difference would it make if illegals or dopers got off the bus in liberal Missouri, as that state desires more Obama voters.
States have been buying tickets and showing reprobates the road for the entire time America has been. England had an entire Australian industry at Botany Bay in dumping their criminals there. Castro in the Carter Mario Boat Lift, and now the Obama Latins are dumping their refuse into America again. It is just time the sovereign United States return the policy and start shipping these culls back to liberal areas like New York City, Maryland, Denver, St. Louis and Los Angeles.
Conservative states should rid themselves of all non violent criminals and all illegals. A great deal of the illegal problem would cease if the Chamber of Commerce types employing this forced labor would be made responsible in fines and jail time also in being made responsible for their force labor workers.
This is the proven California Solution. The Alinskyites desired to break the American system with Obama, and it is fitting that liberal enclaves for the regime simply have an influx of several million degenerates and international culls appearing as Obama voters to overload their systems.
It is a policy that each of you can contact your local state representatives to ask them to hammer out a like policy designed by them for the protection of your state and your representative's political power. It can be off book policy or something like The Re Establishment of Status Act, to give it a nice intellectual title.
What could be more generous than to give Obama liberal enclaves, hundreds of thousands and millions of more voters to elect liberals in such mass numbers, that the liberal will not have to invoke vote fraud in all those dead voters in places like Chicago.
The Above Ground Bus Load Solution, the freedom train for liberal voters. Let us all say AMEN.