As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is in reply to all the rich like Rush Limbaugh who say that the poor people pay nothing in income taxes, because in my poverty I just got soaked in income taxes.
How can this be? I wondered at such a thing in this as a dirt poor agrarian it simply made no sense to me, and when Mom heard from the preparer what I owed, she literally almost fell off her chair.
So of the past weeks as I am in exile and not at the brier patch in trying to sort things out, I have been trying to figure out what in the hell happened.
First I found out that Christian Ministers in America are now taxed. For the entire history of America, the clergy was exempt and I was wondering when this blasphemy took place in placing them on the "self employed".
I am self employed and do not have the luxury as most do in a job of federal withholding taxes. It is so bad now for large farmers that the regime is making them file quarterly as Matt Drudge was making a note of.
So I am a "business" and have deductions which literally amount to about all I take in. That is why I was trying to ascertain what was up with a huge tax bill at my poverty level.
The simple form is 92.35% on the gross. Then it is 15.3 for Social Security and Medicare. Then comes the 50% of that figure which is the tax bill supposedly.
That is for the under 113,000 dollar cut off, as being poor in America is now under 113,000 dollars. I would that I had 113,000 dollars as I could live on that for 20 years.
That is the point in this in we are not meant to live, but to be reduced and rendered into a bi product of the police state whereby we are exterminated and gone the way of the dodo and the dinosaur. None of this is meant to be made easy, but to be impossible, so you are beat down and just give up.
The last time anyone successfully overthrew a standing government was Oliver Cromwell and that did not go so well either. It is the point that either regimes perish or their people do. At present the regime is living and Americans are dying out.