As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I type this not as a necessity, but as an emancipation for the world from that dirty city state of crime, corruption and Tyrian delusions of Godhood, called New York. It is all summed up in the movie Heat.
I liked New York just fine when the Dutch had it and it was New Amsterdam. It was a village where you could rise in the morning with your flintlock and walk out to the marsh and shoot ducks. New York was at it's zenith then in being what America is, and after that, it just became a harbour of commerce which fleeced the hordes of immigrants of their few coins before enslaving them to row house destitution.
There is nothing American about New York. It is the corruption of Boss Tweed at the end of a police billy club disarming the public of Constitutional Rights.
I dislike New York not because it is comprised of a small and mean people of thuggishness, but that they have no self respect in rising up and throwing off their oppression.
If New York were say, Kansas City, the deviancy defined there would not matter, as no one cares what happens in a land of scrub grass breaks and scrubby shrubbery. New York is large, and therefore looms upon the world with things which were discarded from sane peoples.
Take for example 'Broadway'. Those "entertainers" were laughed at with ridicule across the world and rejected, but come to New York and it's size, and voila, one has "musicals" which are not music, and plays which are hot tin roof viewing if one cares to park outside a trailer court and peer in after 11.
There is nothing Shakespearean or thespian about the stage in New York. It is the refuse of the world washed up into a garbage dump of humanity called theater.
America has been festooned by this perculiarity in not knowing what the hell it is being intruded upon by this living hell of Gotham. There has been Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, Woody Allen, David Letterman, Al Pacino and Robert Di Niro, all of barely or no talent, but placed in New York with that glaring mob light, it suddenly is "oh the things of stars".
America could understand Gene Autry, Kate Smith, John Wayne, Johnny Carson, Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis. None of which spoke as they had a mouth full of goo or nostrils filled with snot like these New York "stars". Yet those are the stars ridiculed, but loved by the masses, while we are told the discerning fans like this New York no talent.
It is that movie Heat which I watched. It was an absolutely rubbish movie which would have been better if Val Kilmer had killed everyone in the first minute and then made proper use of Ashley Judd by dressing her in lingerie for the next 88 minutes.
What Heat was, is a movie about Pacino a cop who is a jerk who is after Di Niro a crook who is a jerk. The women they deposit cum in are unappealing and the movie's grand finale is watching the ejaculation of Pacino and Di Niro slowly drip off the toilet lid.
I exaggerate not in this, as the finale was these two geezers running across an airport tarmac for what seems to be five hours where one jerk off cop kills another jerk off crook.
The only thing I have ever witnessed more unpleasant were the endless scenes of Mrs. Ben Afleck in Alias running with so much effort she looked like she was trying to pass a constipated turd.
Heat was what Di Niro and Pacino always have been in a reflection of the dirty, grubby, little thugs which inhabit New York one level above the sewer rat and two tiers below the cockroach, and polite people have never said how disgusting they are, in they just hope this will all just go away like the neighbor's cat shit washed off your lawn after a rain.
You do not want to look at it, but everyone else is saying how horrid it is, so it is on your mind, and you hope it would all just go away and leave you in peace.
New York attracts small people and covers them with security to become large louts to familiar with uncivilized misbehavior. That is what large cities are, simply the sewer pit of the toilet flush of the country. Those who fail in the rural areas, become the excrement of the city to find refuge there from a world which they can not succeed in.
It is past time that someone voiced the nakedness of New York for it has no clothes and is a skin of debauchery and insolence. There is nothing appealing nor entertaining about it. Normal people appreciate fireworks once a year, but have sense enough to not want to live in them, as bright lights compare to nothing of real life.
If honestly a plague of antiquity could depopulate New York and other Obama centers of ilk, it would be the best Darwinian solution to all of this. Providing proper quarnateen could be established, so these cowardly rats would not flee as they do "to flyover country" they mock, and then infest with a Californication of civil States, it would be a most proper tonic to cleanse what is wrong with this world.
I much preferred Connecticut a State where people lived behind the plough and New Jersey was named for that pretty little cow, but now both have been violated by that skyscraper darkness which blots out the sun in New York.
It must be the most unsettling of things in being a farmer in upstate New York and having Robert Di Niro and Al Pacino as your dog day afternoons.
New Yorkers just need to be told they are tasteless and laughed at with repitition. No one wants to become a traffic accident and that is what New York is.
Too many cities are like this sewer of New York in trying to be like that hell. Chicago produces a Bill Murray and an Obama, for a juvenile pair no normal person would allow around their families. Los Angeles is a taco salad with caviar on top which gives the soul indigestion. Yet those in ivory towers there keep trying to convince the world that their sewers do not stink.
It is just that odd thing, in normal people do not gather their guests around to watch their porcelain toilet flush, but New Yorkers gather around their children's diapers and demand that every praise the creation while beholding it in reruns.
New York was so much more pleasant and wholesome as a duck pond. It was so much more to be emulated in those times.