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The New Regime Robbery of You


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you have not noticed this, the Obama regime is gouging you again in favor of Nation Rapist Warren Buffett. It is causing fuel shortages in areas which sell that Mark Levin wicked Ethanol Gasoline..............because NEW REGULATIONS LIMITING THE TRANSPORTATION OF TRUCKERS HAVE JUST GONE INTO EFFECT.

To put this so you comprehend this.............

The Obama regime just put into place more draconian regulations on trucks in America for delivery, which means they can no longer work hours long enough to deliver things cheaply to you, like gas and food.
This then means who does this benefit? Why Big Rail, and that is the illegal monopoly of Obama benefactor, Nation Rapist Warren Buffett, as that is where the freight must be shipped then, and  then transferred to trucks for the short hauls to your store......meaning more time and wasted money for consumers and more burden on American truckers.

New Hours-of-Service Safety Regulations to Reduce Truck ...

United States Department of Transportation
Jul 1, 2013 - FMCSA 40-13 New Hours-of-Service Safety Regulations to Reduce Truck Driver Fatigue Begin TodayWASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of ...

Now this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and no one else is going to inform you of this. Yes in the start of a horrid winter, what does the Obama regime do, but limit gas deliveries which in turn will drive up prices on your gas in causing shortages. Only people that benefits are Warren Buffett and Warren Buffett.
Could be retaliation on Big Frac driving up gas prices before the election for GOP cronies to win, but it also is a reality of the people being hurt by this again are agricultural states who produce non terrorist ethanol keeping prices down for consumers and no more 9 11 attacks as American farmers with corn do not hijack jets to fly into buildings like oil terrorists supporting Obama have done and still do.

This is one of those little things that matter to all, even the rich, but the rich do not realize how they are being robbed of their Geithner money dumps on Wall Street, but they will in time as those shortages just envelope and the prices start rising on Buffett transportation.

It does not matter that these regulations were put into place a year ago. They are now the excuse for fuel and food delays as the regime cracks the whip in retaliation on Americans voting GOP in such numbers that the regime could not electronically flip the elections.

(I can point to the Mike Rounds of South Dakota victory over Obamite Weiland. Sioux Falls had no votes counted on "new machines" even after Rounds was declared the winner, as the excuse was the machines were "sensitive". This points to the GOP was not supposed to take South Dakota and a fix was in, but it was leveraged back.)

Equipment blamed for Minnehaha reporting delay - The ...

The Tribune
Nov 6, 2014 - SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Oversensitive ballot-counting machines were to ... The county used $217,000 in federal money to buy the equipment this year. ... We encourage lively, open debate on the issues of the day, and ask that ...

Minnesota officials check out new voting machines in South ...

Apr 11, 2006 - Sioux Falls will test new voting machines in its local election ...

You children have absolutely no idea what the frack is going on as most of you pony along your merry little ways thinking you are big girls and boys in the game, but you are missing every play.

It is a big issue in rail country as farmers could not get trains to transport grain, and  the rails were all filled with Big Frac cars hauling oil to Texas and Louisiana......odd how that works out that this IS sweet crude, and the Houstan refineries all handle Venezuelan sour crude. If you need a guide map on this, this means that Canada oil sand is already being dumped into the US facilities and food transportation is taking the beating.
This is Buffett and Big Can in this and it has full illegal backing of the Obama regime again or it would not be taking place in the leverage game in the regime with Buffett at odds with Big Frac and Big Koch.

Well enough of this in alerting you to something right under your nasal drips. They got you by the short and curlies and all of you children and brats are still looking for the big insider prophecy stuff.......and this is the story which will glean you like a stalk of barley on a hot dry day.

Nuff said

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