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Ringing our Belle


 (No this is not Belle, as I do not have time to take pictures.)

Am just sitting down my children since around 7 this morning. Busy day again.

I wanted to apologize to Frank for not answering his kindness about Belle, but the email had his mail of course in the Viagra folder along with the African promises of if I just send them my bank account number I will have millions of dollars.

For Frank, you can believe it that you are the only one. We appreciate your kindness, but it is written how the love of many will wax cold, and in this case most people's wax is burned at both ends.
Thank you for your offer to help and this update is in reply to letting you know how Belle is doing  as of this Wednesday afternoon.

She started grooming herself yesterday more, which is a good sign. The picture made her look better than she was. The hair around her eyes was wore off and they were draining when she was dumped off here and the lezbo fled.
I knew of shipping fever so gave her a terramyacin bolus, which if you do not know is probably a 2000 mg pill.......real horse sized, but she had a slight cough and running nose and the weather just beat her to hell.
Shelter did not matter and I thought she was dead the morning I found her, curled up in a little ball sleeping. TL said to bring her in, so she shivered, had fever and we put a heat lamp on her for a few days, along with a blanket.

We gave two doses of Nuflor, which Karen asked about in whether antibiotics will leave the system or not. This super toxin is not to be given to breeding heifers after 20 months of age, but is supposed to be out of the system in around a month. There is always residue, but this is all I had with being snowed in, and it is designed for pneumonia, and it saved two of our buck baby goats who got sick last year with some fever.
I would prefer the old combiotics and long pens, but that is all off the shelf now. What does work is sulfa and penicillin combinations on this, but as I said this is the only air we had to breathe, so that is what we gave and it did work.
We gave her from the start too an areomyacin crumble, that was worthless in stopping anything.

Belle has quit coughing now. Last night she slept out of her blanket in being warm enough. She does wait to be covered up, as she lays down by the fridge. The fridge kicks out a litle heat so that is where she lays.
She also helped me by licking the top of my head yesterday as I was cleaning Mom's coils out on the fridge.....so she is getting better.
She explores the kitchen and loves to try and eat plastic bags which are now all out of the way. Loves being petted, and is the oddest calf in nothing phases her. I had the shop vac running yesterday and she could have cared less. Was interested in what it was in nothing scares her. She is really sedate in it does not matter if we are home or doing errands. She just babysits herself at what I think is 3 months with not a sound.

It is too late now to burn the horn nubs off or to put on a chemical control, so her horns will have to be cut off later by the vet. Horns are something animals learn to use to advantage. So they will come off in time when she heals up. I just can not have any stress on her at all, so nothing gets set back again, as she was in really  rough shape. Looked like those African kids people donate huge sums for in making themselves think they are more caring about people than other people.
I think she is growing some which is good for her. She invests a great deal of time at the hay  bucket now and the stools are solid and not ending up as another layer of sole on our slippers.

I think most people are just tapped out in caring, is what the problem is. Getting flipped the bird or stuck with other people's problems they have to pay for, just makes the love wax cold. Sure there are rich pricks who could care less, and soothe their consciences by being shamed into donating money for some charity and getting their picture taken, so they can point to it and say.....I already gave my used underwear to the poor, so stop asking me, but the majority of people seem to be running away in everything in screaming they just can not take anymore.

There are good people. Some can not afford anything. Some have given for other things. Some have baby girls, or are going through separations or have their own extended families to deal with. It is more a red light of how bad things are in America, in people like fast food and convenient charities, as it keeps them from having to care or get involved with others. People have a world of hurt and things laying along side the road are just something to drive by and not deal with.

Belle is fortunate, like the other rescue things we have. I know she would be dead now if we had not taken the step to find her as she would not have survived the baby mill she was apparently dumped in.
I am surmising this by logical deduction, but when you have 10,000 cow dairy barns, run by corporations, and uncaring Mexicans doing the slave labor, and baby calves are dumped in mass to some go  between, you are going to have piles of dead baby calves, as no one gives a damn about them.
See, dairy steers get raised for hamburger slaughter. Heifers though either get to be breeders, whose lives will be burned out in high toxin corns and beans in 6 years, and they will end up as cheap hamburger in your stores, or they die a fast death like Belle would have.
So Belle for God's reason got a good deal at this phase.

If the weather breaks, I will try and move her slowly back outside in the shelter for daytime and then bring her in at night. Now that the poo is not like goose crap, it is not such a big deal. Peeing is still a hit and miss thing, but we have some old pet blanket garb from the junk store, so that covers things.........and it helps Belle walk as tile makes her slip like ice.

She is doing good. She is though a warning to how bad things are in this America. People who are unsuspecting are going to get this refuse dumped on them, and the calves will die, because they are trusting and do not know a thing about cattle, sheep or goats. I know some of this stuff, and did it all right, and she still was almost murdered by satan.
She could not be better though for a house guest as her biggest noise is when she starts licking salt as the small piece rattles on the floor.

At 5 she will be having some cracked corn and med pellets, about the time we eat. She loves chewing on our clothes and loves being rubbed even more. Then she settles down if we can catch poo and pee, for a few hours till 10 or so, when she eats again and does things, and then pretty much is on her own now thankfully until 7 in the morning, as she has progressed that much.
Yes I check on her at night, but she is either sleeping or laying there chewing her cud, and all is well with her.

I do not think of myself as some great saving grace in this. I just am doing what I would think anyone would do in the situation. I hope not the majority are like the guy who used to shoot baby calves born out of season, because he had the bull running with the cows 12 months out of the year, who used to live by my Uncle.
It is a wicked world though and people dump sick relatives into institutions to die or dump people onto the regime to be rid of them. Baby calves though do not meet PETA and ELF protests because most people can not handle a calf in the house or garage .......and most people do not care about things they eat.

Belle is sort of dog like now, and I suspect I will have her trained to go outside and inside soon enough when the weather warms up a bit more. That part is good, as tame dairy cows are of great value and while Belle is not going to be sold, I will appreciate having a bovine which is not all tail in all I ever see of her.

The main thing is she is not dead now, and it takes less prayer work to feed a live calf in recovery than a dead one. So we plan to keep her on the breathing side of life and deal with something of a different kind of guest compared to what we usually have around here.
Granted from count we have had a horse, pigs, goats, ducks, geese, guineas, chickens, song birds, bunnies, cats, dogs and I forget all in this house of Mom's. She has always been most pleasant about the things we brought in her to try and save. Belle is one of the pleasing ones as she did not die, and it is always nice to know people care about Belle or just about some popular girl who resonates Spiritual things at times.
I can not blame people really, as most just are attracted to the glam things like predictions that come true like Romney being a straw man or Stuxnet being right. It makes them feel in control for a bit in being more empowered.
Few though want to learn the lessons here and just want me to do the suffering for their feeling good.

Philippians 2:15  That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

With that I have to close as I have to do chores and at least get the dull out of my mind for a few hours in being able to pay attention to which end is up.

I think Belle is doing good though. I tempt her by leaving our pet gate open to the living room, and she does not enter here as it is just the daring silliness I am move to do, just to see what will happen, as if I do not have enough to think about.

For those who do not care about Belle updates, they can always go to.............well there just is not another site around to drop the clues. And no I was not saying the obvious they could go to hell.


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