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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People need to be reminded of the "reparations" which Germany was charged with by the allies who instigated the war against Germany in 1914 by the Gentleman's Agreement.

I place here the real terms according to Herbert Hoover who was on scene in what the British and French were demanding of Germany, besides the taking away of Prussia, the Saar coal production for France, Bavaria and the Rhineland in a new country.

The British were demanding Germany pay, 120 billion dollars.

The French were demanding Germany pay, 200 billion dollars.

*Note the French screamed in 1871 over reparations to Germany of 1 million dollars as "excessive".

The Americans thought that the 5 billion, taken out in trade would be reasonable as Germany was not able to pay sums which were beyond their means of production.

These numbers are akin to demanding from modern nations 200 trillion dollars.

Seriously, when one knows that the allies instigated this World War against Germans for their genocide, and then by May 1921 the allies reset the German debt to 44 billion dollars, which again was beyond the reach of any people, the German currency crashed in 1922.

This should assist a bit more in understanding why a people who had watched their children starve as reported by British officers, watching these bloated belly children muck through the British offal to find anything to eat, welcomed Adolf Hitler as did most of the former Austrian Hungarian Empire, with the Soviet annexed states as a deliverer.

Adolf Hitler was not the problem, Adolf Hitler was the product and Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemanceau and Orlando, should have all been taken out and hung.

No one of reason could ever defend what this alliance did and was responsible for. Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations was created on the bloated bodies of starving German children.

The final quote on this is from President Herbert Hoover:

"In June 1931, with the whole world in a gigantic depression resulting from the economic crash of all Central and Eastern Europe, I (then in the White House) proposed a world moratorium on all intergovernmental debts until June 30, 1932. Even this did not stay the depression, and I proposed a further measure in July 1931 by which a standstill agreement was created for all German foreign bank obligations. Without going into further details, I may point out that Germany, up to March 31, 1937, had paid a total of about five billion three hundred million dollars of reparations in one form or another, and that was the end."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

The American export bubble created by making it a European plantation was burst, exactly as France burst the economic bubble in 2008 with 2 hits on the American economy. The old German and Austro Hungarian Empire had been so impoverished, that they were the detonator for the collapse of the US economy in 1929, according to Herbert Hoover.

.....and who was to blame for it all again, The British and the French in 1929 and the British and the French in 2008.

More Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter of the hidden knowledge you do not know.

No this is the final quote here from President Herbert Hoover:

"I might add that Hitler's rise to power in 1933 was based upon his promises— and considerable successes-in the reunification of Germany, all of which had to do with the origins of the Second World War."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

There was  no stone left unturned in this really, as Woodrow Wilson advocated the "War Crimes" trials which appeared against the Axis in World War II. It should be of note that this Big Four demanded that Holland surrender Kaiser Wilhelm II for "trial" by a five judge panel on war crimes.
Holland being apparently the only democratic people in the world at that time who understand that if it was the Kaiser hung this time, maybe next time it would be Hitler hanging  De Gaul, Churchill and Roosevelt, refused to turn the Kaiser over.

As stated there was not one nit left unpicked at in this, as the French, Italians and British demanded that the entire German race admit to a confession of guilt to rub it in.

It does seem that making the entire German population confess they were fighting to stop German genocide was something they were guilty of.

The very "peace" treaty was nothing but German genocide and is proof the Gentleman's Agreement was what was agreed to in 1897, 17 years before the war was inflicted upon Germans.

The final cut in this is beyond shameless as England divided up German interests worldwide not by other nations, but by Commonwealth subordinates in South Africa got German southwest Africa, Britain got east Africa, England got Togoland and the Cameroons, German Samoa was held by New Zealand, and the German islands south of the equator all went to Australia.

I am surprise that Pennsylvania did not go to Canada.

Again the final prophecy of Herbert Hoover:

"The Germans needed to live with the hope that free government might develop the nation as a peaceful member of the family of mankind. If this were not done, there would come either a return of the sullen militarists or the already infectious Communists—both with aggression in their souls. I was convinced that the terms set up in this draft of the Treaty would degrade all Europe and that peace for the long run could not be built on these foundations. I believed the Treaty contained the seeds of another war.

It seemed to me that the economic provisions alone would pull down the whole Continent and, in the end, injure the United States."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

"We have bartered away our principles in a series of compromises with interests of imperialism and revenge, until hardly a shadow of them remains."

- Professor Joseph V. Fuller

"None of us had seen the treaty. I have never seen such a glaring case of secret diplomacy, notwithstanding all our protestations.

- General Bliss

Yes like the Patriot Act and Obamacare, no one seemed to have seen the treaty before it was written, so those mysterious treaty writers of the cartel first arose in the treaty to end World War I.

Oh and Fuller and Bliss were Woodrow Wilson's own men in Europe.

"If the rest of the world will let us alone, I think we had better stay on our own side of the water and keep alive the spark of civilization to relight the torch after it is extinguished over here."

-General Bliss

Only problem with that American policy is Franklin Delano Roosevelt dragged America into the Eurasian War which Bliss knew was coming.

Nothing new under the sun.

nuff said


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