As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is no secret that the Lame Cherry adores Slavic peoples as they have been tilled as a race by everyone except the Negroid. In stating that, I give you the date of November 5th, 1918 in the joyous birth of Poland as a nation.
I advocate no joy over this as the reality is, was Poland just risen from the soils of Europe or just where did it come from?
"ROBERT LANSING NOVEMBER 5 THE BIRTH OF FREE POLAND On November 5 Poland announced itself an independent republic.
NOVEMBER 9 GERMANY PROCLAIMS ITSELF A REPUBLIC On November 9 the Republic of Germany was proclaimed from the steps of the Reichstag and Friedrich Ebert succeeded Prince Max as Chancellor. The Kaiser fled to Holland."
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson
Yes there are Poles, but the greater share of western Poland, was not Polish territory, but it was Prussian lands held by Prussian peoples or Germans. Just as when the Israelite Germans fled from Crimea, yes Crimea was settled and developed by German Israelites who were forced to flee to America, the Prussian Germans ended up in mass in America as refugees.
The Poles changed all the German names to Polish, as they had free reign from London, Paris and Washington to confiscate German lands. Yes Germany was evil for taking her Alsace Lorraine back from France, but Poland which was not a nation, arose suddenly and got Prussian Germany.
That is wrong and is still wrong as Poland holds these lands. The Germans have every right to their lands, and this is why Hitler went into Poland and France, to take back what was German.
Consider this so it drive home. Does America or Germany or Russia, have the right to take Scotland and give it to Holland, and then throw out the British Parliament for an English Republic and force the British royals to flee to Switzerland?
If that seems startling to you, then why is it not any less of an issue to have a huge swath of German lands consfiscated?
It is equally reprehensible in what was done against Christian Serbia in stealing Kosovo for a Muslim religion.
Might does not make right, and the stealing of lands by victors, or the condemnation of the Russians re acquiring their Crimean lands as much as Ukraine is a reset which takes place when peoples have lands stolen from them.
November 5th, Germany was gutted of Prussia and November 9th she was decapitated of the leadership of the Fatherland.
That is the reality.
Oh and for the "evil Germans" when it suited Woodrow Wilson and the cartel of Europe, the Germans could occupy Russian territories in Point 12 of the Wilson dogma.
"Article Twelve provided for withdrawal of German troops in occupied areas, but stated in respect to Russian territories that the German troops now there should withdraw within the frontiers of Germany "as soon as the Allies, taking into account the internal situation of these territories, shall decide that the time for this has come."
Amazing is it not. Yes Germans looted and gutted as a people, were then ordered to occupy the Bolshevik frontiers as that was something Wilson did not want spreading west.