As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wonder why it is that Aboriginal etiquette has been censored from historical reality to a musing of the noble savage, sort of like the reason people deluded themselves into that Obama was dark, so being nice to him, would wash their sins away, and Obama would be nice to them.
When in reality, the Obama voters are still heinous and sullen now that no forgiveness came, and the idea of nice from Obama to his voters is to rob them even more.
This is a quote from an Indian buck or male.
"Buck no like work; squaw do all work. Buck get tired; squaw no get tired. If squaw get tired, squaw die; then Buck get young squaw, who no get tired, but do heap work."
This is all quite logical, akin to capitalism and commerce. No one likes to work, and it is always better if someone or some machine be employed, and when they wear out and die, you just get a new one.
The Chicoms do this in China in working people to death, and Obama does this with the Afroid in trading them in for not working for Mexican forced labor.
It is the reality that the world is Aboriginal America again. One trades for new human species, like the breeders used to trade up to a sheep that had more wool.
Women are into this trading now in men, for women or men, but it seems nature abhores frequent trading, due to all of the genital and oral cancer being initiated in all of these types.
All of this was more understood, before people became educated in the art of deception. An Aboriginal could state with pride, that he was lazy, because lazy meant a better deal in life, in just gambling, raping, robbing and playing hunter, while the squaw worked and died.
In this though, the squaw traded up too, not to white men, but to the government, who fed and clothed them, so they too could be fat and lazy like their bucks.
Sinful intelligence is really an astute thing and why should anyone who is not a Christian, ever be bothered with matters of conscience.
When thee Obama change brings the reality of the destruction of America to the mass mind, then it will be a growing impossibility to find those who admit to ever having voted for Birther Hussein, but given time, like the Indian, even Jimmy Carter arose to Ben Afleck fiction in the hero of Muslims taking American hostages.
Then I suppose evidence will be found by David Limbaugh that Barack Obama actually was born in Bethlehem of Judea.
Is it wrong for a man to buy a woman and work her to death? Is it wrong for sodomites to have legal protection in marriage? In the world of commerce, working people to death and being perverted is now ventures to make money on, so it is deemed legal, and there is no need to as in the Indian's case to elevate them to noble status.
That was always the strange part in this, in the Obama Nobel Prize for nothing to wage murderous community organized wars. Yes they made Obama smarter, more halo and more man boob to hide his rapine, but the intelligent people knew it was just like the Indians, in another Aboriginal fiction being presented upon the big screen in fiction.
Then again the buck was straight, and if Obama tried replacing Muchelle with a boy.......well John Roberts on the Supreme Court would judge that as wholesome as Obamacare.....probably covered under some tax too.
I conclude that most children desired to be an Indian, due to the license involved. I conclude that the Obama voters in juvenile delinquency were tempted by the same degree of deviancy, as why be an adult white who has to be responsible, and instead go native like Stan Ann Dunham, and have people make excuses for how stupid you are, be attracted to how sexually loose you are and do nothing but play golf, fondle children and be on vacation as you get white Pelosi and Reid to work themselves to death.
You can take the Aboriginal out of the wilds, but you can not change the basic instinct of the Aboriginal for the better deal at liberty from moral laws.