As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the Obama regime laying waste United States Laws and creating a genocide of who Americans are in the insane Equalz psychopathy of, "As I, Obama, could not measure up to American Dreams in being a choom head, I therefore will change America into something where the image of Obama is not alone in being a failure at America, where all other Americans succeeded."
You should quote me on that, as that is what drives the image of Obama. It is not about forced labor for Wall Street profit, and it is not about Nancy Pelosi election theft by invader, nor is it about John Kerry paying Faustian means to the Chicoms on American debt by taking Chinaman culls. For the image of Obama, it is about psychosis, and that psychosis is about a little Asian bastard, birthed from a Chin Filipino anchor wife for Barack Obama Sr., and how another east African sperm donor fathered that little bastard, adopted into the Obama clan as Stan Ann Dunham's son, so she could be Queen Mum of Kenya one day as Obama was destined to be President there, and why he was auditioning for that dictatorship just before he was installed American President.
That is the real Obama history. There is though a real American History of October 1912 AD in the year of our Lord, which speaks to an entire period in America, where foreign invasion was assassinating American leadership in President McKinley and later the target was former President Theodore Roosevelt, who carried that bullet in his chest cavity for the rest of his life.
President Roosevelt's first address to Congress as the replacement President for the murdered McKinley dealt especially with these foreign invaders who were appearing as dynamite thrown the fires of America in going off in every community. Like Equalz Obama's invaders, these "tired, poor and lonely" creatures, were not the cream of other cultures in being western educated and Christianized, but were instead as the Castro Mario Boat Lift things, in being the absolute culls of Europe, and numbers of them were insane.
Perhaps in the future the Lame Cherry will deal with the attempted Assassin of Theodore Roosevelt in examination, but in "historical" record, there were in America, Alienists as a group who studied this and issued reports on these invaders. The creature who tried to murder Mr. Roosevelt was "diagnosed" as a Paranoid Schizophrenic.
John Flammang Schrank was this foreign mongrel's name. On questioning, he was a person who stated he had a vision on September 14th, 1912 and then concluded to assassinate President Roosevelt. Schrank told authorities that he stalked Roosevelt through the media, and knew where Col. Roosevelt's office was in New York and had tracked the former President's comings and goings.
Schrank's main third world judgment was that Theodore Roosevelt was going to attempt a 3rd term in office, and Schrank, instead of by election, was going to stop it by murder, and add a crushing blow to the assassination of President McKinley.
From John Wilkes Booth to John Flammang Schrank, every one of these murderers were "democratic anarchists".
The reason in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter to focus upon this, is to bring to reality the "sugar and spice" of these alien invaders being unleashed on America for genocide. None of these people are American in thought process. Examine what type of Latin process that group is familiar with. The Vatican orders them, the Padre imprisons them and the regimes brutalize them. What is the Chin familiar with but tanks running over them, having body parts carved out of them in prison, and yes the constant undercurrent in China of violent revolt being put down.
These peoples are turned into a welfare state of the promised land. That kind of sugar fix, creates overt aggression and misery compounded in people. It is the same "little bit of power" which turns a normal unbalanced person like Idi Amin, into a murderous serial assassin.
I bring up the case study of the Ginsu who was making the rounds on Face Book as a Tea Party reactionary. Ginsu collected notable people on the right, and then proceeded to "try and fix them", or in other words, imprint the Ginsu's third world intellectual judgments on the leadership. Ginsu was rude and ignorant.
It came to a head over Ginsu insulting me over my Sister's death. Ginsu was at the time chanting how the mass murder of Col. Khadaffi and his followers was "natural law". This was the same era when Mark Levin was still drooling spit over getting off on the mass murder of the bin Laden actors as Obama attempted a game changer in the Birther forgeries he had just been caught at.
It was only this blog, which pointed out, that Americans can not be lowered to lawlessness, as natural law was no law at all, and degrading Americans as Obama did deliberately, turned Americans into this third world mob which changed America for the worse. As history has now proven the Lame Cherry was absolutely correct in the assessment. For 16 years there were no Ferguson Missouri's under Bill Clinton or George W. Bush in America. Under foreign agent Obama, there has been the Wisconsin Wilding, Treyvon Martin and now the Giant Brown riots in destroying that city.
These are Afroid Americans mirroring the Equalz for election overthrow. There is no need to jump to a conclusion as to what 50 to 90 million Latins and Chinese nationals dumped into America are going to act like once their diseased state is infused into the American body politic.
History reveals the reality of Mexican and Chinese gangs as overlords of their forced labor. The reports on the border explain exactly that the majority of the females coming into America have been raped. Trauma like that is not going to disappear. For the next 60 years, these females are going to be teaching their males and females various psychosis at the family level, where rape is the basis of male female interaction. That is going to be coming to your children's future social interactions in mass.
Examine the group in the figures, whether you choose 3 million or 90 million. Think about it in average Americans suffer at a rate of normal brain dysfunction and psychopathy of .5%. The number is much greater, but the statistics point to America has around 300 serial murderers operating constantly in the extremes.
Even at that number of .000001% of the American population, what if .000001% of the Latins and Chinese are the same psychopaths. Recall now that these "children" imported are as this blog broke the story, the culls of these nations in products of prostitution, rape, addictions and mentally unbalanced, so the numbers will be much higher...........America is looking at several extremely lethal individuals, and thousands of traumatized creatures, and a host of political Ginsu's as Equalz Obama, all driven by no moral code, but discounting all as a natural law and using whatever means of bullying and threat to inflict a victory.
It is "accepted" by democrats when the thugs and assassins start murdering Republicans or people on the right, but what happens when it is the Mexican and Chinese mafia moving into Afroid neighborhoods, and it is these same invaders who become offended in they are not being listened to or gaining their edge in political appointments?
I return you now to a period of history in the early 1900's, as there has been a great deal of Hollywood glamour of three groups of immigrants who did not play well at all with Americans.
Do you recall the Jewish Ashkenaz mafia in their associations in Havana and Las Vegas? Do you recall the Sicilian and Italian mafias in Chicago, Florida and New York? Do you recall the Irish mafia of New York and Boston?
Before you begin moving on, examine the history in you will find that the Irish mafia stole a Presidential election from Richard Nixon for John Kennedy, and then there was that nefarious mix in the Kennedy assassination by the Jewish and Italian mafia.
People not involved in the underworld, forget that what followed was the Columbian mafia and the Russian mafia which scared the bajesus out of the Irish, Jewish and Italian established groups in they were extremely brutal.
Revisit this in the Latin's have in place a command and control of the narcotics and weapons market in their mafias, as much as the PLA for control of Chinese has their own mafia network to control their nationals, as organized as any Muslim terror cells.
You already know what the Ashkenaz, Italian and Irish mobs did, so what do you think the Latin and Chinese mobs are going to bribe and bully their way to?
This is the reality which no one has bothered to examine, and it was a festering murderous disease in America during Theodore Roosevelt's time. You must understand though, that these human refuse dumps, were not anywhere near the numbers which Equalz Obama is dumping into America in record numbers. America is about to find a plague worse than ebola within her borders by this Obama infection, and it is going to mirror the worst underworld of Asia and Latin America.
Catholic families have been ordered to provide homes for these 3rd world culls from the Vatican. These are culls whose little boys and girls have been raped and brutalized. Project the numbers, if it is not the entire 300,000 who have mental problems, then what if it reflects a conservative left wing press reports of just 1 percent have been violated.
That is 3000 sexually taught degenerates housed in Catholic homes, in Catholic parishes, and in direct intimate contact with ten times that many Caucasian children. The Catholic religion in America is going to have a coming problem which is going to make their priest rape of children look like a non event.
The numbers indicate the projection of actionable figures. You put third worlders into a free society and they bully the natives with freedom. You put third worlders into a free society and President's get shot. You put third worlders who have been assaulted, in with your children, and your children will be raped for you to deal with.
democrats think it is funny in the Equalz Obama issue, as liberals think they are winning in putting the screws to American Christians, who call sin for sin. Just examine though what Obama has been in reality on the family basis.
Would you want your son, drinking whiskey as a teenager, with an old Frank Marshall Davis, in urine stained underwear which stank? Would you want your daughter marrying a person named Bearick, who was using her as a political stepping stone in Chicago?
Would you want a son in law, who was having reckless gay sex, exposing your daughter and grandchildren to that danger?
Would you want an in law, who informed you that, "We are taking names", "We won so shut up", and, "We got boots on your throat"?
Is any of this starting to resonate or hit a little closer to reality for democrats who think they are immune in their Atlanta enclaves or New York ivory towers? It is not just one foreign agent Obama, apologizing for America and bowing to despots, but now it is millions who are NOT being made to renounce subjection to Peking or Mexico City as the Irish, Ashkenaz and Italians were made to............which they ignored to overthrow America.
America now has millions of inmates from the 3rd world exploitation system of the cartel, inside America, and these culls will first run like a pandemic through Latin and Chinese American communities, before moving to rape and rob in American communities.
There is a reality in this, that it does not matter if it is German, Spanish, Ethiopian, Japanese, Indian to English who have been "Americanized", because under stress, the veneer of America comes off, and you got the worst Nazis, Conquistadores, Afrizans, Shoguns, Rajs and folks handing out plague blankets to the natives in their natural law.
The worst of the Obama nightmare is Americans have been Christianized and so doped with electronic and flouride chemicals to pacify them, that Americans are in chains and incapable of defending themselves.
For the first time, you have the reality of this before you and explained. The historical record proves all of this out, and under Equalz Obama in the Chamber of Commerce, entire sweatshop industries are being infused into rural right wing states, to rape them of their political and religious senses, by exploiting these communities to make them into this third world brothel of Obamaness.
This is the new state sponsored organized crime from Obama DC.
Americans were terrified of this in 1900 and it is why the communist sympathizer Franklin Roosevelt was beating on Germans with state police and throwing Japanese into internment camps in World War II. Those were Americans, but America in the Obama 21st century has what will become 100 million foreigners which will not be able to be contained or managed.
This is the American Genocide in progress. History warned, and Americans were ignorant of the history and you would not have an inkling of this, if it were not for the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.