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obama check out


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The issue is the Washington Redskins.

In what is bizarre as reported by Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, is the story that the Skins owner will not change the name of the Redskins, and the fans want the name remaining as the Redskins, but the Redskin players, in the Afroids, arrived in the stadium with arms raised in solidarity with Giant Boy Brown to more than football players.
Tony Dungee, will not utter the name Redskins.

As there is no difference between Pale Face uttered by Indians, I would like to know if Tony Dungee and every black or quasi black like Obama ever uttered the derogatory term, whitey, cracker, honky or whatever the red, brown and black skinned races resort to in racial epitaph.

You know that every one of these Nigs and Bucks has uttered things about white folks. You know for a fact that none of these high moralists has a problem with using the DEROGATORY name of Yankees for the New York Baseball team.
I explain as I have that Yankee is a slurred form of two words, JAHN and CHEESE. It is the term the English gave the American German or Dutch, because these people in being merchant farmers created cheese from their milch cows. Jahn Cheese became Yankee, and the English Yankee Doodle as I have pointed it is based on the phrase, "stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni".
That might sound odd in what Italian noodles have to do with a feather in a cap, but you have to know history as Lame Cherry does, and MACARONI is the epitaph for being QUEER, SODOM, HOMOSEXUAL, FAG.

What the English diatribe was mixing was a slur against German Americans, and then calling all Americans cross dressing homosexuals.

Odd is it not that Americans in being stereotyped as cheese eaters and as pansies, as if you did not know this, Italy was the place all the English went to, to get reamed up the arse by Italian cocks....but yet Americans went out with Christian pride and turned victory after victory into a name that Yankee and the song is the dread of all of these foreigners.

I have stated that I want the Redskins named the Whiteskins, as white people who are normal, never have a problem with any of this. Odd how North Dakota has to change it's redskins name, but the Indian Hoosiers, Arkansas Razorbacks, all race related names like Yankee, never is a problem with all these liberals, as long as it is aimed at white people.

Yeah the Redskins players have all their arms in the air, to not get shot by cops............odd how now the police have interviewed 12 witnesses which all back up exactly what the cop who shot Giant Brown stated took place.
I suspect this Giant Brown was smoking more than weed. It might have been a good batch which brought out aggression, rather than the normal mellow nature of weed. That is the reality of this group of plants in some produce trips like LSD, some mellow the addict, and sometimes someone sprinkles PCP onto the roach and the dope head goes nuts.

I stopped watching football.........have stopped watching all of this circus, as it has been designed now to get at the NASCAR crowd to indoctrinate them on political issue of diatribe. Fixed games, rich creepy jocks and billionaire liberals for Obama have no interest in the least for me.
I used to enjoy the cheerleader fashion  the Redskin uniforms were superior to the Cowboys........the 49ers tended to have the pretties cheerleaders......but then that was after the Chicago and Green Bay women were no longer allowed to pom pom the games. That interest though on what was pretty has waned. I cringe now in contemplating how many hours I wasted in life on something so worthless as sports, in jerks who cared nothing for me, and partially validating myself that this was "my team".

What the Lame Cherry points out is reality. Reality such as if the Redskins were in solidarity with the Afroids in Ferguson Missouri, like the Black Puss Party from Oakland sent in by Equalz, and if Eric Holder was in union with blacks..........they would be arming these blacks and having them take over their communities with guns.

Now why is it that Holder Obama only armed Mexicans and Commie Muslims? Why is it that blacks in America are never armed by the Obama regime? Do you conclude now in being asked these questions, that this Ferguson like all Afroid events is about lining up Nigs to be shot down, have them chant for a story which is designed for a political gain to those Nigs who serve the cartel........as the cartel does not want any armed Nigs around starting Helter Skelter.

You should get the point that all of these Afroids are either morons or they are morons. The Holder Obama regime lines them up for thuggery and getting killed, using ghouls to parade around their dead for political gain, and the Afroid shouts and riots like Pavlov's dog on cue.

That is the reality in this. If this Obama regime was interested in black rights, they would be arming blacks like they do Mexican mafia and Islamist marxists. The Afroid has only one purpose to the Obama regime. It is to peddle dope and whores for the cartel. It is about Afroids having money laundered through them in the welfare state for the Chamber of Commerce. It is about Nigger dicks and twats producing babies to be aborted to fund that industry.
The dope industry is Obama run as he sent Hillary to Honduras to save the dope lord and dope production is up in Afghanistan. The money dumps to Obama benefactors in the welfare state is immense under Obama. The aborting of the Afroid race in America is immense under Obama.
Blacks are the money industry for the cartel. The black produces nothing of profit, but the Afroid produces profit in feeding, breeding and dying.

The reason blacks are disarmed under Obama is so they do not rise up, and start a revolution in which white people will end the problem, and then march on state capitals and then the national Capitol.

So now you understand the reality of this more than Lou Alcinder in Time Mockingbird Magazine......that would be Kareem Abdul Jabar for those who do not know his Cassius Clay name.

Historical reality in this does not matter, no more than reality matters. The Lame Cherry informed you first this Ferguson was OCREEP operation, and there came the reports that Holder with held the recordings which indicted the Giant, all so this could rile up the brownskins...........but just to raise money off of their carcases and never to arm them.

Eric Holder can stoke this up, show up as the Equalz phalse profit in Ferguson, and it all goes back to the fact, that the Afroid is a pawn of last gasp political and monetary value, compared to the replacement Latins and Chins which the regime is importing.
If these high paid NFL solidarists were not bashing in their brains on a football field, they would be serving their purpose in the dope trade and prison.

Now you know.


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