As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that the Obama regime is going after greedy doctors who have been charging Medicare 21 million dollars a year and Rush Limbaugh is defending capitalistic rapine like this 21 million is not coming out of the working poor's income which they can not afford, it is time to weigh on this and explain this as no one else will.
I start this with a Christmas eve 5 years ago in which Mom and I were awaiting the birth of a baby calf. It did not happen as the calf died in the womb and was starting to swell. So we had to call the Vet who cut it out for 300 dollars. I think the cow lived.
The point in this is a Vet is starting to figure out that there is money in scamming people in medical charges. The point is that a Vet doing the same thing a doctor is doing charges at least 100 times less.
There is no difference between what a Vet does and what Doctor does. People and animals are the exact same thing.
Now progress this to your 8 dollar an hour Mexican illegal chicken butcherer. A Mexican is doing the same operation a Vet or Doctor is, but it is not charging 150 dollars an hour nor is it charging 50,000 dollars an operation.
When you go to the car mechanic, they charge you a flat rate which is inflating again, because auto manufacturers know that dealer maintenance is where the money is, so they put car lights on that take a mechanic an hour to remove the bumper where two screws used to be a 3 minute task for an owner fixing things themselves.
Yet the flat rates of doctors are so much higher and yet no results are guaranteed as in the automotive, plumbing or carpenter groups.
Let me return to my dead calf. A stockman like myself does not on Christmas eve get to tally up overtime to 1 AM on Christmas morning. I do not get to like Big Frac tally in my additional costs for drilling oil. I can not like a car dealer run prices up on some person to balance things out.
What I get is a Chicago trader market price for the day at an auction barn which fluctuates a few cents per pound, depending on the grade of the animal.
I can not take feeder calf, and factor in the cost of my feeding it, caring for it, vet bills, my time invested, my upkeep, my inflated income taxes or fuel charges or the costs of a calf dying or a cow dying, the way all other industry can or the way a doctor can in specializing in fields to make millions.
If a farmer tries to grow expensive crops like marajuana or poppy, they would end up in prison. In the medical profession, such activity is a source of greater profits.
A hospital says it costs like 100,000 dollars for a heart operation or 15,000 for an appendix operation. Same body, same cuts, same everything and yet the price is different. A Vet does the same operation for under 1000 dollars to like 10 dollars to castrate a beef bull........again the vet charges like 50 to 150 dollars to castrate a dog and it is the same knife, same cut and same operation.
A Mexican illegal does the same at 8 bucks an hour for chickens........and does like 60 chickens an hour or gets fired.
It takes 7 years they say to train a Doctor or a Vet, and it takes like an hour to train a Mexican to do the same thing. I have doctored a number of animals without any training and had better survival rate than my Vet.......TL has had no training and TL has operated on me with success and it has not cost me tens of thousands of dollars.
Medicare is the lube which greases the wheel of the medical industry, so that it is there to cure the rich people who make the profits for the elite at top. It is not some sad song of poor doctors who only get 1200 dollars for 30,000 dollar operation, as if you do the math, a 500,000 malpractice policy would mean 416 patients for one doctor just to pay for the insurance.
So the doctor's funds are coming from a bit more than what they are complaining about.
I know about doctors in my cousin was a pediatrician, and quit it for a health business. 7 years wasted to run rich people through a treadmill to kill them early.
I desire to project this out as, how many of you elderly, single or people without children, are always being put upon by work, in having to put up with doing the extra work when working mother is off on some errand?
Do you get to have overtime for this? Does you boss pay you more for doing two people's work? You know that is not the case and if you brought it up, you would be fired and replaced with a Mexican illegal as that is where the profit is.
Look Obamacare was backed by doctors, nurses, unions and hospitals, because Obamacare is designed to end the load of having to treat people who are poor. It creates the same European model of 30 hour work weeks and they get paid no matter if piles of people die.
The rich are the profit and they get the care.
A mechanic or dealership is not anymore than a plumber forced to fix things that are broken and can not be paid for. Doctors get paid as it is handed over to collection companies. Obamacare relieves all of this hassle.
As someone in agriculture, I have no collection outlets that I can send on the public to cover my costs when Obama raises my taxes. I just can not haul in another cow the way a doctor can a patient to cover additional expenses.
Obama is currently dropping corn prices to almost 1/3rd of the price, to steal back all that money which those stupid farmers gained since George W. Bush. Gee same droughts, same Soros market control, same costs, but corn farmers prices are still dropping.......all without Mark Levin cuts in ethanol production.
I make note of the fraud in all of this as Obama scapegoats the rich and Rush Limbaugh idolizes economic rapists, as I am stuck as most people are being robbed without any recourse.
This blog is a great example in I work myself to exhaustion and I still get the same few donations as if I published just one thing a day in letting all of you be led around by Drudge, CNN and Obama. The rich do not care as they get the doctors, get the mechanics and get the information here for poor people paying for it.......just like you poor people here are stuck doing the work of some absent parent or being denied medical care.
It is all a scam in those inside the system get rich...........Limbaugh can say "hospitals eat costs of people who do not pay", but the reality is "eating" it means a tax deduction from their profits so in reality you are eating it as a poor person when the Bush tax rates were dropped.
I would love it if for all the regulations I get stuck with if I had a Farmicare fund I could submit my costs JUST BREAK EVEN, so excuse me if I being a good Christian have no sympathy for people with degrees, tradespeople or anyone else who has the system rigged in a Big Frac attack.
Big farmers are in the racket too just like doctors now, in the price is all set by the regime and the farmers all have the petrochemical grains, machinery, fertilizers and cides.
I am being robbed in everything I work at, and no one cares. I do not expect anyone to care. I just want a fair return on my labor which I and most working Americans are not receiving.
This blog has accomplished more in God's Grace than the entire multi billion dollar US media and multi trillion dollar US regime in finding sound solutions.
If the monopoly was stopped in all these degrees for "professionals", along with allowing people to buy pain killers and antibiotics, medical costs would drop to my cattle prices in the more midwife doctors that were around, the expensive system would be deprived of their monopoly.
I survived TL working on me and that is the reality, just like my Gram who was a midwife and healer back in the day when no doctors were around.
The medical profession in America is about killing people, just like the legal profession in America is about criminalizing people, all for profit in the same way American agriculture is now about poisoning people, all for profit of the elite.
Are doctors greedy? Of course they are, along with suffering from delusions of godhood. Same with Obama is a greedy bastard with delusions of messiahhood. It is all about monopoly by the elite which no one is allowed to talk about.
Except here for while things last.