As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When George Washington became President of these United States, his thought was pain and pleasure, for the euphoric pleasure of the people and the pain in the work to do. It was one of moral duty which the President first addressed Congress and guided himself.
The reality is Government has one purpose and that is to be protector of a moral code of the people, so that people may build and reproduce so another generation will inherit that work, and it will not be spoiled by an invader as history reveals.
America as a Republic in her Constitution was absolutely well when it was a nation which upheld moral laws. The 20th century and 21st century though saw in America a group focusing upon three issues which degraded America into a nation which was replacing the Bible, by passing it's own set of immoral laws.
The Federal Reserve took the power of the People in the United States Treasury and turned it over to financiers who charged the people to use the very money the people produced.
This usury was immoral as it was legalized robbery of people and rewarding those who did not work, but were clever in looting money from others.
Once this funding took place, legalized theft was expanded to repressive taxes, and having that funding, this immoral law code expanded into the degeneracy of rewarding slovenness, sexual perversion and Godlessness.
A citizen did not need God when the government rewarded them for sinning in feeding, clothing, housing and caring for them.
The second immorality was the passage of laws over race, in promoting one race over the other. The obvious was at the founding of America, that slavery was in the European form an evil thing which cared not for the poor nor promoted them as Biblical servitude served, but instead created a caste which was held back from mechanized advancement in relying on lazy slaves who were unproductive.
This became the opposite side of the coin in emancipation, where freed slaves were a voting block by color. By the 20th century this voting block became a mantra of 'racism' which condoned laziness, sexual immorality, not working and moral decay.
In like mantra "anti Semitism" arose which provide another cover for the Ashkenaz Jewry to become monopolized predators from this financial leviathan, to media, to owning control of every facet in industry, education and medicine.
The legalization of race made criminal immoral acts in those races legalized as a cancer upon America.
In the 21st century, a new form of immoral degeneracy was foisted upon the dying corpse of America in the Obama regime, and that was legalized sodomy. The shattering of marriage was the end of societal protection as all standards of creating a normal next generation had been purged.
This again was by design in shattered homes, produce shattered children who then would become the final prize in this, of becoming the pedophile progeny of the elite. The death of civilization would be complete as normal people would not fight to defend a system like this, and this system of legalized immorality would implode from within at the base and leave only the elite ruling from the ivory tower.
The American system was actually used against her own trusting people, who thought that the order of Law from the Constitution would protect them, but it fell to the reality that it required moral leaders to govern this system, and as America and the west proved, when degenerates seized power, they turned the laws against the people and nation, and criminalized the citizen, making them an enemy of the state, while rewarding the degenerates.
Legalizing robbery, for the benefit of the cancer feeding off that public money; the codifying race as an issue to reward voting blocks or reward nation rapists; and the legalizing of sexual perversion, are the triad of sin, which the American system replaced the natural order of God with their own regime order.
The Americans plunged into this were stupified, but any sane person examining this, would note the insanity of promoting and rewarding robbery, making skin color a legal issue of criminalization and protection, and placing deviant sexual misconduct of sodomized marriage and the rape of children as something to be protected.
The above acts were once abhorent punative acts of war in pillaging and rewarding vassal kings, the making of people hostages of other races from quartering troops or fining infidels in Muslim lands, to sodomizing people and raping children to break the will of the conquerred peoples.
Americans have had a most successful war waged against them. It has been heinous and murderous. It has been the calling of good as evil and evil as good. It has been the Spiritual rape of the last vestage of Godliness in the world in exterminating that nature.
It was deliberate by the cartel and by design.
The title of Barack Hussein Obama as messiah, would have brought a revolution in the close past of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon who were brought down by trivial matters of a war and a political trick. It reveals though as the Boston Tea Party does, how absolutely corrupt all America is as Lot at Sodom, as what should instill revolt, simply is accepted as laws no longer protect the Citizen, but criminalize them, while protecting and promoting criminal misbehavior from Wall Street, Welfare Street, Race Street and Sodom Street.
This is once again the only clarion call, and only voice succinctly defining this as it should, as only the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.