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American Samaria


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The American mind is dull and listless. It is filled with the diatribe of Limbaugh and the Obama harangue, so that it can no longer process the information of this cage and is no longer capable of thought to see what is plainly before it.

It came to me through Inspiration from God this first day of the week, a reality that the duality of Prophecy is thorough for America, for just as the Prophet Amos was sent to a self righteous, immoral and wealthy Israel in the northern 10 tribes, America of the 21st century of our Lord is the same people in open rebellion to God, as Americans are dripping with stolen wealth by Obama debt, there is no justice for the people and America is expanding the sins of sodomy, God rejection and infanticide, as they misuse the wealth which in the story of Sirach, not included in Bibles, lectures that people must be compassionate with the money God provides and invest it in people wisely........for when people die, others divide that money and spend it foolishly anyway.

My children and you brats need to revisit the Good Samaritan, not for doing good alone, but for the word SAMARITAN.
Why were the Samaritans hated and despised by the Jews? It is because when your American and western European foreparents were defeated in battle by the Assyrian Germans to almost 90% death rates, your people were exiled into northern Iran.
All what was Israel was then repopulated by foreigners, as the Assyrians just like the Germans in World War, had a policy of removing populations to new areas to work them and to keep them from rising up against the regime again.

These people were then foreigners and mongrels who like the modern West Bank "Palestinians" were not the real Sarmarians, and the Jews loathed these foreigners, as they were not Israelites.

I told you before that America is dead. Look now at what the Equalz Obama has done to American in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord. He has brought in new Samaritians from China and Latin America to replace Americans. America is now American Samaria, with this disease growing to a cancer overtaking the entire nation.
I will inform you that the Mexicans now are replicating what the Asian syndicate has been conducting for years, in Mexicans are opening their own restaurants in rural locations, as sweat shops to import their own labor and to establish Latin colonies all through America.
Read that again, as that is the reality. The Mexican is no longer milking cows or mowing lawns. With cartel funding from the Obama regime, Mexicans are now opening their own businesses as invasion points to profit off their own people.

America is now Samaria, and just as the religious and right wing Jew is being pressured by Gazites to their extinction in this era, to the Muslim invading London and Paris, the Israelite peoples of the Lost 10 Tribes are being removed from their own lands.

It would be far too obvious for the 2008 AD in the year of our Lord speech giver at Berlin to deport or concentration camp Americans, for they would then rise up. It is better to arm them, disarm them with no ammunition or hunting, put slave passports on them to not allow them out of the massive American gulag, and then bring in the Samaritans with the assistance of traitors to rid America of her people, culture and place in the world.
This is all fully to return the Americans to feudal status, as the Israelites were returned to Egyptian slave status.

The Prophet Amos was a rural man of no religious skill. He was farmer when God sent him from Judah to expose the sins of the northern Kingdom. It was the place of the literal ivory towers, as King Ahab had made it a common practice of the rich in Samaria to construct ivory houses as there was that much wealth in the nation.

At one time I had considered America to be at least in Biblical status 1/3rd moral people who would escape the Judgment, but now I conclude that like Samaria, Americans will when the Judgment is final, die at a rate of 90% in leaving only a remnant.
I place weight on the George Washington vision in which he was shown an American annihiliated and only after the return of Christ, were little cottages again springing up in the waste places.
America was by God's Grace founded by her own Moses and the elders, but in rejecting God has become the vanquished people as the Jews were in Herodian foreign kings appointed by Europeans.

There is no justice in the land. Any outsider who dares to challenge the cartel, meets a John Edwards court suit or a Rick Perry indictment. The contenders are picked off from Sarah Palin to Fred Thompson and what is left are the Judas Goats leading the flock to the slaughter.

This will seem obvious now that it has been spoken of here and passed over as the tempest in the tea pot of America is a boiling cauldron in self suicide. America is divisible and now occupied territory. She has not even the stench of a rotting corpse any more, as the foreign varmit sleeps upon her grave without the stench of discomfort.

What good is an Afroid that only consumes resources and what good is a Caucasian who will only contend for power. It is far better for the Aristocracy and Ashkenaz elite to import the Latin and the Chinese, as they manage better, like the Angus waited to death, instead of the Texas Longhorn running through the fence.

The Lame Cherry would not exist if the people who are supposed to speak the Truth and the Word were doing their jobs. That is the greatest warning in this America and the West, that no one has risen up to warn the people. All of you are dulled as the day of Amos the Prophet. One voice was sent in, as no one else was doing the job.

I lament your demise in your doom for the waste of all the Good your foreparents worked for in building the west from the wilds. I though rejoice in the collapse and the cull, as you are impudent, both disrespectful and insulting in national sins against God and His chosen. You have no remedy for the spiritual disease you are, so it is better that the survivors inherit the land and your idols, than for you to continue on to sully the lands.

In the days of Noah, the world was cleansed by deluge set by rumbling and lightning fire. In the End Times, the world will be cleansed by fire set by stars rumbling and scorching fire.

It is so!!!!!!!!!!!!

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