As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
People reading this will say, "Yeah I knew that", but as they never said it nor did anyone else, it is said here.
The reality is that Obamacare was something never read by Congress, because they were being read a graft package of promises for their leaving or retirement from Congress.
It is the reality of the Nebraskan Chuck Hagel reporting in to the regime and being awarded of his dream of Sec. of Disarmament, to Henry Pig Nose Waxman retiring to luxury, to Tim Johnson who sold his seat to Obama in South Dakota for the immediate illegal posting of son, Sippy Cup, as Federal Prosecutor who would not Indian child rapists and the long term lubrication for his deluxe wheelchair.
Everyone of these traitors was promised a quid pro quo for the overthrow of the Constitution of Obamacare. You already know that John Roberts on the Supreme Court was blackmailed by the regime for his treachery, but the same has gone on in this in other courts to promises of play now and you will be rewarded later.
As it requires in this Age of Obama to state things, it is a criminal act to vote for things and be rewarded for it as much as it is illegal to blackmail people to vote for things.
This is made note of, for the simple reason if revolution does evolve in America in the next few years, then the mob will have a list of traitors in the names of the regime, congress and courts who were involved in this.
It is one of the worst of things in knowing people are being terrorized by this Obamacare in wondering what to do, and being impoverished and threatened with fines and imprisonment in not wanting any part of this, that there sit stooges like the lesbians on the Supreme Court in Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, the last two should have recused themselves from this, along with all the quid pro quo Tim Johnson crooks are taking graft while millions are suffering.
I have no idea what I am going to do in this, as I am not signing up for this. My current reality is to play gopher and hope that I am not noticed with a hundred million other people acting like they are too stupid to sign up for illegal Obamacare.
Is just me, but that is what a Patriot does. I cling to hopes that Quebec will succeed from Canada, and so will western Canada and I will with TL go into exile there.
I am not very passionate in this subject and worn out by it. I care nothing for it, so am not chatty keyboard about. It is though a reality that all of these crooks got a pay off for betraying America and it is the hope someday they will all be tried in some Tribunal and hung.
Harry Reid said people are too old and stupid to know how to use the internet in things are timing out. Yes that is my problem too in I do not understand how to navigate the internet and this blog just happens by chance, and I do not understand either how to comprehend notices of Obamacare fines.