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Record of Decapitation of the American Right


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is going to be a stand alone post, as the information is too important for the saving of your lives, in that you understand it and comprehend it completely, as it has to do with why the image of Barack Hussein Obama was able to enlist John Boehner and Mitch McConnell in political intrigue.

This begins with a quote:

"In the winter of 1980, hundreds of public spirited men and women assembled in Washington to serve in the new administration. A dozen years later, only two remained at the senior levels of government - George Bush and I."

Secretary of State James A. Baker III

The beginning of the overthrow of the Reagan Revolution began with the inauguration of George H. W. Bush. Bush43 inherited the Shining City on a Hill and created it dust to the wind. The Reagan economic policy was turned from enriching the poor and middle classes, to one of piracy against them, in it was the start of debt spending driven by no fair interest rates in bank savings and CD deposits.
It was tuned to soak up money from local communities and place it all at Wall Street for a Dotcom bust during the Bill Clinton years.

Americans on the right were suckered by George H. W. Bush, as they thought they had gotten Ronald Reagan. The fact is that it was George W. Bush who brought in the religious right, who were then told to "shut up and go away". They did just that and with a democratic coup plot in the Lawrence Walsh indictments of late October in the presidential election year, it spelled the end of Bush41's tenure.

It is telling that not one of the Reagan people survived or cared to be associated with this Bush socialism, as that is what the Bush claque has always been, democratic socialists in the exact same mode of Tip O'Neill and Jim Wright of the left of those years.
None of this is to besmerch James Baker, as he was one of the finest political assets in the mode of Lyndon Johnson in cutting through situations and strong arm bullying others.

It goes to the heart of the philosophy though in all of this reality that the Bush family has far more in common with Bill and Hillary Clinton than they ever did politically with Ronald and Nancy Reagan.

The one Conservative lead in the Bush43 tenure was Dan Quayle of Indiana. Indiana has proven in Richard Lugar and John Roberts that being a Conservative there is only so long as one is not a liberal. Vice President Dan Quayle though proved true to the right and was in fact right, but he was submarined by the Bush41 group, and that included James A. Baker in that political assassination campaign.
It is of note that James Baker in his recollections does not list Vice President Quayle in any form, but does list Obama voter Colin Powell.

In that we find exactly what the Bush claque was and still is. They rode Dick Cheney of the right for bonafides to the right, but in Bush43 allowed the Plamegate coup to be enacted against him by Colin Powell and Richard Armitage, both Rockefeller men, in order to install Powell as Vice President to replace George W. Bush.

Observes James A. Baker's awards as he lists them:

Princeton University's  Woodrow Wilson Award

American Institute of Public Service's Jefferson Award

Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Hans J. Morgenthau Award

Department of State's Distinguished Service Award

If you observe the above list, you have the leftist State Department, the socialists Wilson school with that treacherous Thomas Jefferson who did his worst to smear George Washington and then of course leftist John Kennedy.
Except for the Treasury's Alexander Hamilton Award, which Baker was Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, it is all lefists awarding James Baker of the Bush claque. The only reason James Baker was successful at Treasury is because Reagan's people rode a pro American policy over Baker.

Here is another James Baker quote:

"And an American political diplomat should always remember that power divorced from the purposes valued by our democracy will ultimately prove empty."

That is a quite true statement, but I always warn everyone that whenever you see these "democracy" phrases appear, be suspect of the speaker, as America is supposed to be a REPUBLIC with rights and not a democracy mob rule.
James Baker views America as a democracy and what appeared out of that mob rule, was Birther Hussein Obama, for all the laws had been nullified as the people who would adhere to them.

Think of it in the way James Baker could not as his friend was President George. H. W. Bush, that in just 4 years of the Bush tenure, every Ronald Reagan American had been flushed from the system. That was not by accident, but by design by Bush43.

Americans were suckered by this group of Texas transplants of Prescott Bush's issue. They took the success of Ronald Reagan and vaporized it economically and politically.

The Jimmy Carter years of the last 1970's set the stage for every American fiasco from terrorism to economic implosion. Ronald Reagan was successful is stemming this collapse, but George H. W. Bush magnified it, in the one failure of Ronald Reagan in the Beirut Bombing by Persian Islamocommunists of United States Marines slaughtering the Marines.
Reagan ineffectually bombed the area with Naval gun ships, and then he withdrew. The message which the Adolf Hitler inspired Bana Nazi or Muslim Brotherhood of Osama bin Laden in the Wahabbists saw that if Americans were stung, they would run.

The Reagan group had the hardliners in Ed Meese, and then the diplomats like Sec. of State George Schultz with the perching hawks in Sec. of Defense Casper Wineberger. Wineberger was always walks softly and never use the big stick, as he understood to never unleash the weapon or the enemy would become used to it.
Nancy Reagan moved the Schultz group to diplomacy for the Reagan era of agreements of Gorbachev in the Soviet Union. It was correct, but it was the beginning of the ending of the right wing ascending in the closing Reagan years.
With those successes, Ronald Reagan's favorite replacement was Sen. Paul Laxalt of Nevada, a complete Patriot, but one who was undone by the Bush and leftist group, so Bush41 could achieve power. The power elite were behind Bush41. The same power elite who savaged Dan Quayle and the same power elite who ravaged Sarah Palin, and the same power elite in bed with Barack Hussein Obama.

For the record, George H. W. Bush mismanaged the collapse of the Soviet Union, Saddam Hussein, went illegally into Panama to remove US asset President Manuel Noriega subjecting a foreign head of state to US Law and the Peace Dividend as it was termed.

For the record, the Soviet Union was left to be exploited heinously by the cartel by the Bush regime. This weakened Boris Yeltsin, who after Bill Clinton found the backlash in strong man Vladimir Putin arisen to power who took Russia's oil back and began protecting Russian children from western pedophiles.

Saddam Hussein was left to invade Kuwait in the most ludicrous of events. Ronald Reagan a few years previous had backed Saddam Hussein in Iraq to slaughter Ayatollah Khomeini's Persian communists, giving all an opportunity to occupy their bloodlusts.
Bush41 greenlighted Kuwait invasion, then had to be pushed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that this kind of naked aggression would not stand. When the kill shot came, it was Gen. Colin Powell who convinced Bush41 to not kill the Saddam Hussein military as it would be too graphic.......and then Bush41 lured the Kurdish and Shia to raise up in revolt, and then left them to be slaughtered.
Word had it that the oil wells that Saddam Hussein lit on fire were Bush associated oil wells.
This all had to be rectified by Bush43 in a second war.

The matter of Manuel Noriega in being the US thug in Panama was perfectly sound, but Bush41 indicted a foreigner, then sent in the US military to remove him for trial, which cost US lives. This thuggery by Bush41 is as ludicrous as the Premier of China indicting Barack Obama and arresting him on Chinese law. No nation has that right. Nations only have right to make war on each other.

Lastly, after the German Lutherans were the group who knocked down the Berlin Wall, and set the eastern European free as well as the Soviets, there was a great deal of propaganda about the "peace dividend" in money would be cut from defense budgets as all was now safe..............obviously the past two decades with numerous wars and operations, that was ridiculous.
That money though which was employing Americans in high paying jobs, was diverted to welfare spiraling that corrupt system of money laundering.

So in reality, assessing the "Bush41 Manifestations" the greatest "successes" were matters of the ultimate bungling, mismanagement, and awarding cronies to plunder Russia and the American people.

It was this political group which set the stage for Bill Clinton's economic bubble of the Dotcom bust, Clinton's policy that it was policy that terrorists could murder 100 Americans per year and the US would not retaliate, and the Al Gore and Jamie Gorelick fiasco of wag the terrorist which brought about 9 11 and that horrendous spiral on the infringements of American Rights as Obama bestows nations to rule on terrorists.

This was not George H. W. Bush alone, for after Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, Speaker Dennis Hastert literally managed the collapse of Reagan Doctrine to this Bill Clinton socialism. It is this group which is the problem for America, as they agree with Barack Hussein Obama's managed Mexican forced labor and BHO's looting of the Treasury for Geithner money dumps into Wall Street which is run by the fagsexuals set up by Karl Rove.

Thee only reason Bush43 had any success was due to James Baker and undersecretary, Lawrence Eagleberger and in this, considering the disasters which Barack Obama is now compounding deliberately against America, can any of these "successes" be deemed a success in how it has all fallen apart.

There is photo in James Baker's memoirs in the Rose Garden, in the signing of the Central American Bipartisan Accord on April 8th, 1989.
Bush is shaking Baker's hand, and in the Congressional delegation is leftist Tom Foley, crook Christopher Dodd who made waitress sandwiches with pervert Teddy Kennedy, disgraced crook Speaker Jim Wright, David Bonior who was an even slimier version of Charles Schumer, with open borders John McCain, and I think tucked behind is Clairborne Pell who no one knows and Representative Bob Michel is stuffed back in the third row in the bushes.
There is nothing but communist sympathizers in this photo or RHINO GOP. Bob Michel was a nice Republican, but he liked having democrats in power, and as the photo shows, Bush and Baker had McCain off in the distance and Michel stuck in the shrubs for how much they cared for the GOP.
The point is, there is not one Conservative in this photo as they had all been thrown out.

James Baker was a powerful diplomat, but he is the symptom of what is the GOP serving Barack Hussein Obama's image. It is this enabling socialist "right" which is the entire problem for America as it's greed is equal to liberal plundering of the economy and it voted for Obama too, to exorcise it's past Nigger Knocking.

James Baker was just fine as long as Ronald Reagan was around, but his good friend George H. W. Bush instigated that Iran Contra coup against President Reagan, and then this claque under Karl Rove, finished off the American Right politically.
Sec. Baker with his 8 children agreed with all of the above in the removal of the American Right, or he would not be skewing history as he did in the heat of 1995 AD in the year of our Lord in the midst of the Clinton tenure.

"The problem with America was when the loyal opposition faithfully destroyed their Ronald Reagan and loyally built up the image of their adversary Barack Hussein Obama."

- Lame Cherry

That is the record of the decapitation of the American Right. All seem to be gone now in Neil LaPonte and Bob Dornan who are astute enough to be clarifying and astutely speaking of these things.

It is the wilderness and I do not even have my brier patch to prick me with thorns of solace any longer.  Do not think you have political victories in scraps of Virginia flesh cantored to you, as it is all by design in offering you a morsel of carrion, so you carry on being deceived instead of rising up.
It troubles me most that here am I left the only political, diplomatic, economic and defensive mind who remains capable of speaking to all of this and it will not do any good to resurrect America from the grave.


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