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Oil Bomb


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"Democracy, however, as we have already observed has not existed in fact, but in theory only, and the wicked system which we have described and which governs us now, is not the result of democracy, but the result of plutocracy."

Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles August), 1859-1924. Why is your country at war?

A plutocracy is the rule of the mob by the wealthy elite. The term the Lame Cherry utilizes is the Feudalcrat and the Feudal Few.

I have a question for you my children and it is when America becomes a world oil exporter, it would mean that oil is going to  be pumped in volumes by 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. So the question in this is, where is that oil going to come from?

The answer is not ummmm Dakota, as North Dakota has the wells it can produce in Big Frac as much as the eastern Montana oil fields, and as west Texas is drilling...........where is this oil going to come from, as the 3 Saudi Arabian sized fields in Alaska are capped and that sweet crude will not be tapped?

North Dakota is reaching oil well saturation in this phase. In 10 years the oil will begin to decline and in 20 those wells will be marginal......so once again where is the oil going to come from?

As I only bring you exclusives, I point to the suckling of Big Koch, Rush Limbaugh, and his scripted slip in his continuously saying the Dakotas have an oil boom. South Dakota has nothing of the sort, and had just one well sunk in Harding County in the northwest corner of that state. I have stated that South Dakota has a different mineral ownership arrangement than North Dakota, in private interests own North Dakota oil, but in South Dakota is it more feudal in the state owns the oil so to speak.

I have it on good authority that Harold Hamm of Oklahoma which ran the North Dakota oil operation, including Warren Buffett in his rail lands and roads shipping that oil in cronysim with the Obama regime, is not involved in South Dakota, but that there are now numbers of test wells being sunk into western South Dakota in the Belle Fourche (this is for Mark Levin who has problems in pronouncing words, the name Belle Fourche is not "bell fortch", but it is French as a great deal of South Dakota is in it is pronounced "bell foosh" region just north of Mount Rushmore.
I mentioned my on ground sources informed me several years ago that in Faith, South Dakota, the birth place of the original Daisy Duke in Catherine Bach or Dirty Mary from that movie of Dirty Mary and Crazy Larry, were drilling a water well.......and they hit oil.

For those who do not know this region any more than Rush Limbaugh, the Missouri River splits the Dakotas in half, from high plains in the west and low plains in the east, almost miniature copies of these United States in geography.
There is oil in western North Dakota, and there is oil in western South Dakota for certain. The Koch brothers are the ones who have control of South Dakota as this is their operation showing up.

You will remember that they have been paying off the Afroids in grants to the United Negro College Fund and to sodomites in AIDS donations in the hundreds of millions. This is their bonafides, as Rush Limbaugh hawks for them.............the Koch brothers in this political phase are getting their 30 pieces of silver as Hamm and Buffett did in dividing North Dakota up, to keep all these exploiters satisfied.

To digress, there is a huge oil shale field in Utah which has been kept off the market. This oil field is as large as the Saudi fields in production. What appears to be the annex of this, is as the market is developed in North Dakota, that this will now move into South Dakota to the ruin of that right wing state, as Dennis Mutard Daugaard as has only been exposed here is an Obama clone, a Boehner boy who manages the sheep of the pasture for the Chamber of Commerce to import Mexican slave labor, while people show up murdered in South Dakota.

See why you should be paying attention to this blog in the information which you brats discount as you are too intelligent to waste time about South Dakota..........now it appears to be coming full circle and you are once again caugh flat footed as none of your talking heads have  prepared a word about any of this for you to copy and paste.

Rush Limbaugh in his half brain had been informed that both Dakotas were to be drilled for oil, BEFORE any development ever was started. Suddenly the Koch brothers appear on the political stage....a new regime is taking place in this facet of the nation rapists. I mentioned all of this, in I could tell exactly as when George W. Bush's administration was handed over to the Obama thugs, how things got dangerous. This has been taking place with the image of Obama, in someone new is managing the system, and that someone is the Koch brothers and that is why Harry Reid has been making political hay out of it all, when no one could figure out why he was fixating on it all.
When Obama mentioned the "powers that be", this is what he was talking of as Ulsterman's insiders ran that scam on everyone, even if it was very entertaining to see who the mind of the insiders work at writing pulp fiction.

I ask you now to recall Libby Custer in mentioning a professor's late 19th century assessment that basically the western half of North America from Mexico to the Arctic was a vast oil field. You can see in this a reality that this is moving south out of North Dakota, which means that Keystone XL's route is probably tracing thee heart of the oil shale deposits to exploit.
Duh..........another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Logic dictates that this will link up the Oklahoma and Texas fields to the North Dakota fields, and it is all sweet crude.

Do not worry though, you are not going to get this oil. You will if you can afford it being paying 5 bucks a gallon, as this is oil for Eurasians like all that propane was for foreigners in the 2014 export bonanza.

There is one policy the Lame Cherry in Continentalist Party policy advocates, and that is cheap gas and electricity for Americans in Reagan era prices again, so Americans can keep their money. The profits are to be gouged out of Eurasians. No one is looking out for Americans save this blog.

George W. Bush informed you America was getting out of the Middle East. That is why Birther Hussein is turning it all over to his Fang Jinn terrorists again to manage. IT IS WHY KOCH WAS INVESTED IN ethanol, and why Big Koch is now trying to defund bio fuels as BIG KOCH DOES NOT WANT THE COMPETITION OF BIO FUELS as this is about their gouging you like Buffett and Hamm with Big Frac oil alone.

South Dakota should settle for 1/3rd of the oil profits, and put 99% of that into a reserve of precious metals, investment bonds and buying out the Sioux Indian Reservations.

I told you alone about Obama Jinn and the Mrs. being at Standing Rock in North Dakota for Indian self rule, as in those areas are independent of America, except dictated to by Obama.
Standing Rock runs into South Dakota and all her Sioux reservations sitting on all that oil to be exploited.
If the Chicoms get the oil it will be PLA troops inside America, and if it is Big Koch, then it will be like having drunken Indian spree on Saudi terror oil funds.

There are things being positioned in this, and regime change is come and as Mormon Romney will not Salt Lake away, it points to the Utah oil fields are coming into play in Mormons are going to be the Wahabbists of the American interior in that monopoly.

I told you I live in the future and once again you get a glimpse of what I am seeing, before any of you have even surmised this exists.

All you get today my children, and I still pray the rich will be phobic about losing this blog and donate that 350,000 dollars so I can stop harping about donations.

Oh and so you know, the cartel with Big Frac intends to war the supply of terror oil to shortages and try to take over Putin's oil and gas, and then sell American oil to the Eurasians as this gets exploited out.

If Andrew Carnegie could make donations, because of a guilty conscience and if William Hearst could set up Billy Graham for good reasons, then you rich people can donate 350,000 dollars to the Lame Cherry to soothe your guilt and to at least contend you did one good thing while on this planet.

"War, we have demonstrated, is simply the result of following laws and practices that create uneconomic industry, diverting the human energies from the natural trade and commerce that should exist. It is the domination of the "privilege" that has been given to a few to make industrial slaves of the rest of us, that has led us wrong."

Charles August Lindbergh, 1859-1924 AD in the year of our Lord


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