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Washington Policy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is the strangest fiction what is recorded as history and comes to the common knowledge. I mean by that, that for all purposes a mic head like Mark Levin in all his remonstrances of intellect in quoting Burke or the Federalist Papers, will fall in lock step with the fiction that James Madison was the author of Federalism or the Constitution of these United States.

The reality is that there was another Gentleman, who was promoting all of this united government, before James Madison had even a thought of it.
The reality is George Washington was the first American, first American General, first American President and George Washington was the first Federalist in seeing the weakness of Confederation and moving immediately even during the Revolutinary War for a Federal Government of these United States.

In General Washington's Circular Letter to the Governors of the 13 American States he laid out his vision for America.

"There are four things which I humbly conceive are essential to the well-being, I may even venture to say, to the existence, of the United States, as  an independent power:—

"First. An indissoluble union of the States under one federal head.

"Second. A regard to public justice.

"Third. The adoption of a proper peace establishment; and,

"Fourth. The prevalence of that pacific and friendly disposition among the people of the United States, which will induce them to forget their local prejudices and policies; to make those mutual concessions which are requisite to the general prosperity; and in some instances to sacrifice their individual advantages to the interest of the community." The same appeal went forth again in his last address to the army.

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II

This is one the interesting points of history in while James Madison was put at the front of the Constitutional system, it was George Washington who had been promoting it and fostering it for years.

The retired General in order to gain national unity, embarked upon a river scheme with two companies backed by Maryland and Virginia to open the American interior, and secure it from British forts. The focal point was Detroit for George Washington with a keen eye of first securing the land of the Ohio, in order to later wrest from Spain that great waterway of the Mississippi.
George Washington had vision. He understood that to contest the Mississippi was too far to reach without the peopled interior anchored to the Atlantic states. First give the people a commerce to unite to people the land, give them a Federal Government, and then expand by settling the Mississippi.

America had not yet ratified the peace treaty and George Washington was laying out an American Manifest Destiny over 50 years into the future. That is the remarkable reality of this unique American.

Philadelphia just did not happen by James Madison. No, the reality is Philadelphia happened because Annapolis happened, based upon the scheme of George Washington in the opening of the interior waterways for America. This call for all states to be represented at this Maryland conference was what set the tone for Philadelphia years later.
George Washington knew the environment was not yet ripe for a Federal Government, but he was pressing these steps to bring it about.

"A general convention is talked of by many for the purpose of revising and correcting the defects of the federal government; but whilst this is the wish of some, it is the dread of others, from an opinion that matters are not yet sufficiently ripe for such an event."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II

George Washington though seized upon something which was genius. It is hidden from view, but it is the Constitution completely. He knew that if the Constitution was about States, that they States would laugh at the law as they already were. George Washington concluded that the Constitution would be about the People.
The American National Government would be one which dealt with the Individual Citizen and not the States.

George Washington foresaw that America would one day have the weight of empires in power and that the British were stupidly inflicting upon that power in antagonizing Americans in the 18th century. The American world power of Theodore Roosevelt deliverance was prophesied in the vision of George Washington over 100 years before as every other mind was on the small issues of state jealousies.

It is an amazing things to read the ringing words of George Washington as a Citizen expressing every idea of liberty which America was being birthed to.

"Influence is not government. Let us have a government by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured, or let us know the worst at once."

The above was concerning Shays Rebellion in Massachusetts home to John Adams. George Washington understood the need for Government of, by and for the People. From France, Thomas Jefferson was  writing flippant French remarks of "once in twenty years the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants".

It is of interest that while George Washington is the Father of America, and had no children, his two political sons were both of foreign birth, but were the disciples which first took up the Republican cause in Alexander Hamilton and LaFayette.
That is the strangest of things in this in by letters George Washington moved the American people above and below, but it would be the late comer, the ward of Thomas Jefferson in James Madison who would pick up Washington's work and in studying past representative governments begin crafting the 'better experiment' which was shredded at Philadelphia and re emerged as a Constitution of checks and balances, which only operates when moral men are in those seats of power.

George Washington did not even want to be a delegate at Philadelphia. He honestly desired to be home and always used excuses for age and health. Yet he wrote Gov. Randolph a most interesting phrase which was the controlling factor of the convention.

"If the delegates assemble, such powers as will enable the convention to probe the defects of the constitution to the bottom and point out radical cures, it would be an honorable employment; otherwise not."

History records men like Roger Sherman upon reading what James Madison presented was stunned and shocked as most of the delegates had come to Philadelphia to fix the Articles of Confederation. It was not a surprise to George Washington as he intended a Federal Constitution and pressed for it, as anything else would have been a waste of his time.

When the time came for the birthing of these United States in a Republican form of Government, it would be George Washington who would open the convention in giving his name to the proceeding,  but then retiring from it, as that was the mark of George Washington, in knowing when to speak and to remain silent, and when to allow his ideas to manifest in the hands of others, in thinking this was their idea.
By retirement I explain, that George Washington was elected President over the convention, and for four months sat daily in the chair, but only rose once to speak. Convention President Washington understood that his leadership was one of allowing the factions to fight it out, while he kept them all on the field for the final victory.

In rising from the chair, it was in support of the Gorham Amendment from Massachusetts in resetting the representative numbers from 40 to 30 thousand, which gave less populated states more representation. The convention passed this quickly.

It was this quote as members straggled in which spoke of all George Washington in his being as a God trusting Gentleman.

"It is too probable that no plan we propose will be adopted. Perhaps another dreadful conflict is to be sustained. If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God."

Nothing in this though was easy. It was four months of impossible work, and it was only held together by George Washington, as impass was reached. Alexander Hamilton left the convention as his group was divided against him. Benjamin Franklin dispaired as did George Washington, but the hand of God did move this on in His children and on September 17th, 1787, George Washington signed the United States Constitution.

These were George Washington's words:

"Should the States reject this excellent Constitution, the probability is that opportunity will never be offered to cancel another in peace; the next will be drawn in blood."

George Washington was correct in all of this, for the states would have fragmented and rebellion would have manifested to war, and in that new bloodletting the survivors would have been left to attempt to form a more perfect Union.

This is the history of the United States Constitution as Inspired by the hand of God in His servant George Washington. You will never hear of this from another source as all is now fiction.
It was though George Washington who created the Federal Government of these United States.

"I returned to my lodgings, did some business with, and received the papers from, the secretary of the convention, and retired to meditate upon the momentous work which had been executed."

-George Washington


"I will storm hell, if you will plan it."

General Anthony Wayne to his Commander in Chief, General George Washington

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