As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I will be featuring the author, Charles August Lindbergh in the coming year, in his book "Why is your country at War?"
What you do not know about his Minnesota author, Congressman and Prosecutor, is that his book is infamous as you might recall the evil charge of Germans in World War II in burning books eh?
Well it might be of interest to know that President Woodrow Wilson not only confiscated Lindbergh's book, but then had the lead plates melted!!!!
In 1913, he wrote Banking, Currency, and the Money Trust. By 1917, third year of the Great War, Lindbergh's namesake was age 16, which meant some possibility of his son's conscription. He wrote a polite, anti-war polemic entitled "Why is Your Country at War?". Hot off the press, a copy was rushed to President Woodrow Wilson. After examination, Wilson ordered the confiscation of all possible copies. Agents carrying out this order found pallets of the lead plates for printing. These were melted in a refiner's fire. This insult to the Lindbergh family is one basis for the original opposition of Lucky Lindy to U.S. participation in World War I. Eustace Mullins documents that plates of this book were confiscated and destroyed.
So you understand this, the father of American Hero, Charles Lindbergh, destroyed by communist sympathizer Franklin Roosevelt, wrote the first tell all book of the system which placed foreign agent Birther Obama into 1600 Penn Avenue.
Why is it Hitler was evil for burning books, and Woodrow Wilson was good?
Oh and so you know, Charles A. Lindbergh indicted the Federal Reserve.
The Lindbergh Family are American Heroes who were assaulted by the regime in Washington City. Once again a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....odd how thousands viewed the blog for days, but suddenly no one tagged it today. Odd how my stats never add up to unique visitors.
I wonder without that rich person donating how long this will all be before it all disappears. Let's sacrifice some more Americans as fodder in Iraq though, now that Obama gave the terrorists 4 days to gain position.
The book burners of America, liberal Woodrow Wilson, the man who held the cloak for German Genocide.