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What is really happening in Iraq


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No one of course is telling you what the background information is concerning Iraq, as the Mockingbird does not know and the cartel does not desire you to know.

As not one rich person has made the pleaded for 350,000 dollar donation, I am not around to do updates as I do not have internet access. It was a fluke today that I had this opportunity much to the discomfort of TL.

Yes thousands can visit here to steal who can afford to make this work, but no instead it comes to my neck being in so much pain from all this stress I think my head is going to blow off......but you just keep stealing in adding to your Judgment record before Christ as the prime witness against you.

Now for insider information:

What is taking place in Iraq is cartel generated. They are moving on this as I stated in Bilderberg was furious over the US military refusing to engage in any more Obama wars. That is why the Fang Jinn is hemming and hawing around about all of this.
The European cartel wants America out of the Mideast so their coming Neo Roman Empire of the anti Christ will fill the void.


Iran is moving on this as a conduit of Vladimir Putin. The Shia of the south want control of Iraq, which means Iran as their allah father and Moscow in control of half the Mideast oil. Next step would be Saudi Arabia for full control.

This same cartel bloom of revolution which had Obama taking credit for Yemen, Algeria, Egypt, Libya etc.... is the same mechanism being unleashed in Iraq for the cartel's terror control of the Mideast in using the terrorists as their Berlin tool, instead of the 1600 Penn Avenue tool.
Germany can call for evacuation, but that is so hostages do not embroil the cartel into this, before their Muslim mob settles down to a slaughterfest.

I will remind all of you that there is in Iraq, the GREEN ZONE, which was built by George W. Bush and was covered here exclusively. The Green Zone is an underground military complex and airport. It is capable of landing a jet at high speed, turning it around and launching it like an aircraft carrier, all completely secure.

The terrorists of the cartel about to reap a whirlwind the Obama regime for America is going to harvest the wind.

So you get this, these are Sunni Islamocommunists. They are not allied to Iranian Marxist Shia. They were murdering Kurds and are against the Iranian Shia. They will move to topple the Saudi regime and they will target Syria to slaughter Assad, as their leadership answers to the Ashkenaz financiers and European aristocracy intelligence who back them. They want Putin out of Syria and to make Syria part of this greater European Caliph which Obama was building for his masters.

The image of Obama wants these cartel terrorists in power, and it is holding back as the cartel is running this.

That should be enough in making the dead puppet dance for your Cherry fix in the narcotic of information here.

Interview with Baroness Benjamin de Rothschild in Corriere della Sera
MILAN — Ariane de Rothschild and her daughters: “We will change high finance”. She sits on all boards of directors of the Edmond de Rothschild Group.

Tomorrow my children, you get to read about what Obama was in Poland about.

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