As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is more than what Rush Limbaugh is stating in closing down Gitmo as the Beau Bergdahl collaborator with 5 Taliban terrorists.
I have touched upon this, and further report the following.
Barack Obama Jinn was pumping iron in Poland, the same way he jetted into West Africa to set up dope mule deals for al Qaeda, and the same way he beamed into Afghanistan and by miracle Bergdahl popped out.
The Fang Jinn like Barry Chin shows up for the rites in closing the deals with terrorists. Jinn had to appear in the same way he appeared in Poland. As I have already covered the Bergdahl deal was exactly like the deal with got the Khadaffi terrorist released for oil.
As I repeat the real story is not that the Taliban is run by dope lords, when the old Taliban was anti dope in shutting that industry down for the cartel. Obama Jinn does not want to shut down Gitmo, but to release his Islamic terrorists and replace them with other "combatants" to face real torture.
I told you that the Obama regime was in the Caliph going to turn the Mideast over to it's leftist Islamocommunists and that is exactly what has taken form across the nuclear board. You though are caught in the shell game again in you are looking at what is done. Afghanistan is no more interesting than simmering bullshit on the road. Dr. Zawahiri is running the dope lords and is why Obama's regime stopped trying to off their people as they are run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
The real story is Poland.
I repeat in case you missed it in the real story is Poland.
The reason the Fang Jinn was in Poland is he was closing an intelligence deal. Poland is going to be the western front against Vladimir Putin. This is going to be a real terror operation syndicate. I already told you that Bob Costas at Sochi was attacked with biological weapons pink eye as a joke and to shut him up. Putin then threw out a thousand revolutionary intelligence officers before they could drag Putin through the streets.
This has now become the Ukranian front. The scope of this is being opened a two front terror war against Russia. The southern front is going to be Turkish supplied as Libya and Syria were to the Muslim front, in Chechnya again. This pincer is going to now move from Polish coordination to strike at the Putin government in Moscow.
The trends in this point to Vladimir Putin has no comprehension that the Jinn Poles are going to be running terror operations against Russia. Inquiry points to Mr. Putin will not comprehend the threat until a terror event takes place. The time line points to September of this year as the date Mr. Putin will become aware that Poland is a front running operations against Moscow.
China is going to be left out of this for the current period.
The Obama regime never expected to gain any cheers from Bergdahl's trade. They did this to try to curry favor with the military in a POW release and to change the VA rationed death, as a side event, to the real event in the primary turning over of the Afghan dope trade from President Karzai who has been furious over this as his brother was murdered, and Karzai being replaced with another organized Obama community of local terrorists.
Bergdahl was not sent in by Obama intel. He just was one of those crisis too good to waste. This was all Ashkenaz Kosher in Qatar is the corporate headquarters in all of this Caliph syndicate. These Gitmo terrorists were released as management of the locals in the trade. Paradise on earth is the allure. Why wait for allah when messiah Obama Jinn can give a leftist more than a free cell phone now.
Afghanistan is about dope. Turkey is about Islamic terrorism aimed at Putin through Chechnya.
So nattering about Bergdahl is like being fascinated at the sparking fuse and not focusing on where that fuse is connected. Poland is thee most dangerous thing the Obama regime has initiated. There is NOTHING between Moscow and Warsaw. That was the route taken by the Nazi in driving into Russia. Thee only focal point is the breaks of Prague in the river for the west to make a stand. Blow through that and the next stop is the Rhine. Cross the Rhine and the front becomes the Pryennes and the English Channel.
*Lovely as I am typing this with no internet connect the cursor went to the top and highlighted a paragraph on why the Fang Jinn is in Poland.
In any event, after the obliteration of Prague, it is 3 days to the Rhine in a 72 hour tank ride with no resistance as they are all dead on the Prague front. I am attempting to stop the Catholic oracles, but it keeps being initiated by Birther Hussein. Putin will not go into the mountains to kill the Muslim terrorists and into Turkey, when one cuts off the brains of the cartel through Berling and Paris to defeat the Isalmists of 1600 Penn Avenue.
This scenario then brings American involvement in hybridized WMD weapons and a later nuclear retaliation on America.
This is running a plus 80% active scenario building and in this scenario Vladimir Putin is dead, but his replacement launches the nuclear payback on America.
The story is the Jinn in Poland and once again covered only here exclusively and first. This is not involving WMD's, but the targets are bridges, jets and trains at the start.
You rich peoples death warrant has been signed.